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Is this a problem?


The plastic casing has worn down around the base of the neg side.

the only potential problem I see with this is causing a short

depends on the mod you're using as well as if the casing has worn past the edge of the battery to make contact with the inner side wall of the mod


I have some specific electical heat shrink tape at home. I'll take care of it when I get there this w/e. The problem is that there's just a little imperfection near the negative end of my mod that was caused from the milling process. I'm gonna have to get out the Dremel and sand out the snag.


I have some specific electical heat shrink tape at home. I'll take care of it when I get there this w/e. The problem is that there's just a little imperfection near the negative end of my mod that was caused from the milling process. I'm gonna have to get out the Dremel and sand out the snag.

ahh I see

what mod do you have?


I've got 1 black efest 2250mAh and 4 green samsung sdi inr18650-20r 2000mAh. I wanna get a couple red aw-imr's for it. My green's last a bit longer than the black ones despit the mAh.


I've got 1 black efest 2250mAh and 4 green samsung sdi inr18650-20r 2000mAh. I wanna get a couple red aw-imr's for it. My green's last a bit longer than the black ones despit the mAh.

Well your Efest (a re-wrapped Panasonic HD) is a decent cell, but with all the sub ohm stuff these days the Samsung shines.


Not just better actual vaping mAh, but a consistently higher voltage the whole time.

That would be about the equivalent of about a 0.35Ω coil.




That's the kinda crap that makes me chuckle. That the Sony and Efest 30A/1600 can handle more that the Samsung is ludicrous. We need tests, not some made up manufacturer's ratings.

BTW, here's some.

This was from Sun Vapers 20A Torture Test. He was comparing the Efest 30A to the Sony (looks like the Efest is just a re-wrapped Sony).
Ignore the upswept temperature traces the blue arrows are pointing to the discharge traces. The first thing to note is rather extreme initial voltage drop off at the beginning, at only only 2/3rds of Sony's claimed 30A, these batteries are struggling. The vertical line I added is when it hits 3.2V. Kinda hard to see but it falls at just a tad more than between 0.147 and 0.294Ah (0.220). I'll call it 250mAh. Lets look how the Samsung does at the same 20A continuous drain.
Right off the bat we see no major voltage drop, instead a smooth and gradual drop. Not a struggle like the Sony. I also marked when it hit 3.2V. Looks like about 1.13Ah = 1130mAh or 4.5 times more that the underwhelming Sony/Efest. Also note that the Samsung trace is a test of 2 batteries superimposed, that it looks like one is a testament to first rate manufacturing and QC. Who is making the Sonys? UltraFire? :)
How about a 30A test there are a few cells that can handle that. Here's one.
Again note the smooth and gradual voltage voltage drop of the yellow trace, no crazy hit like the Sony/Efest at 20A. Also note when it drops to 3.2V. Looks like about 500mAh, or double what the Sony did. And this is at a drain that is 50% more amps that the Sony was. OUCH!
I also see that the chart says the Efest IMR18350 has higher mAh/amps, and can handle lower ohms than the AW. :)
I could only only get a 3A test comparing the two.

First, we see a consistently higher voltage and more mAh with the AW. Note that the AW exceeds it's mAh rating (700mAh) coming in at about 720mAh. The Efest on the other hand doesn't come close to it's so called 800mAh claim. I'll take the chart's so-called lower rated AW any day.

Seems Samsung has a newer battery, unfortunately the vendor is price gouging a bit charging ~ 60% more that the 20Rs.


I ordered a pair. :)

Posted (edited)

Will, thanks for the batt info! I ordered my 4 samsungs based on an earlier post and charts you showed. These little green meanies kick butt! Let me know how those new samsungs workout for you! I book marked em and will order some upon your review and expertise. Any idea when we can expect a batt test of those?

Edited by Joshuab3687
These LG's are looking to be the new king of the hill! at least in the area of DIY mods. Their internal resistance is extremely low and provide some good power. Don't go getting excited by the price, that's wholesale before shipping/fee's. It's entirely possible I'll have some available in the near future.....

These LG's are looking to be the new king of the hill! at least in the area of DIY mods. Their internal resistance is extremely low and provide some good power. Don't go getting excited by the price, that's wholesale before shipping/fee's. It's entirely possible I'll have some available in the near future.....

Would you consider a group buy?:D


Heh as if you should ask..it is in process as we speak...205 roughly accounted for at the moment. My minimum order is 250. Once i get more info i will post some up over here.


These LG's are looking to be the new king of the hill! at least in the area of DIY mods. Their internal resistance is extremely low and provide some good power. Don't go getting excited by the price, that's wholesale before shipping/fee's. It's entirely possible I'll have some available in the near future.....

You mean like the current 'kings', the 2nd rate Sony and MNKE (another oft recommended turd)? :)

And what does 'at least in the area of DIY mods' mean?

Samsung's actual tested IR of 13mΩ for the 24R will be hard to beat.


Posted (edited)

Pardon me for disregarding your ebay pictures and things of that nature. My info comes from those that actually test batteries in the real world, in actual vaping scenarios and actually build mods and test them with these batteries, not just what they read on the internet. I do not take ordering 250+ batteries lightly nor do i recommend batteries for things of this nature easily.

All information is welcome, but pictures are a dime a dozen. I'll take actual measurements vs ebay pictures 100% of the time. I trust these people, i dont trust ebay as far as i can throw them.


Here are the battery spec's

Unfortunately, alot of the discussion of this battery has taken place in a protected forum due to the nature of the discussion, a group buy. Which for the most part is frowned upon by manufacturers.

As far as Diy goes..its pretty self explanatory, those that build their own mods, be it DNA20/30, Raptors, Nivel chips etc. And test and measure everything to possibly get the best they can out of the materials they can find. Such as finding the lowest voltage drop battery holders, fuses that will accomodate a DNA30 at max wattage etc etc.. shall i continue?

Edited by Proetus

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