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Hey Guys. Sorry, Ive been AWOL for a day or two, had some crap to take care of. Well, I guess if I cant vent to you guys, I cant vent anywhere. First, EVERYONE in my house has had the bug (except me), and keep passing it back and forth to each other like a football. So its been like that for a week. TODAY, right after my first post here this morning, our power went out. Yup, FIRST thing I looked at was the calendar, but no, the bill was paid. Then I noticed, the power was out in the whole house, EXCEPT for the bathroom. Checked all the breakers, went out and checked the main. What gives ? My neighbor comes over, same thing at his house, some rooms have juice, some dont. Then we hear sirens from everywhere like we're being invaded, so, being a former EMT, my first thought is, someone hit a utility pole. Oddly enough, that happens a lot.My wife decides to go to her nieces instead of hang out in the dark. So after about 4 hours, I call Chris and leave a voicemail to let him know I havent fallen off the face of the earth.Right after I hang up, the power comes on. COOL. Chris calls and says its cool, hangs up, AND THE POWER WENT OFF AGAIN ! 10 minutes later, on, 20 minutes later, off. I'm ready to go postal at this point. Then, the day takes a total crap. My niece calls, and my wife is having chest pains and a hard time breathing. I have no car, my wife took it over there. I tell her to hang up the damn phone and call an ambulance, I cant do anything over the phone. I wasnt THAT good of an EMT. So I spend a half hour worried to death waiting for her husband to get over here to pick me up. By the time I get BACK to her house, the ambulance has gone to the hospital with my wife. So, I drive to the hospital, warm fuzzy feeling place that is, long story short, my wife had a reaction to new medicine she took, shes fine, all is well, Im home, end of story. Sorry to burden you guys, but I HAD to get that off my chest. LET THE VAPING BEGIN. And, no, darn it all, I FORGOT my 510, so I dont know how it wouldve went over at the E.R.


Man ! What a day !! Glad to hear your bride is o.k.......... Are the lights on or off ? Annyhoo, Sit down, take a deeeeeep vape and tomorrow will be a new day ! Think'n 'bout you bro !!!!!!


Man ! What a day !! Glad to hear your bride is o.k.......... Are the lights on or off ? Annyhoo, Sit down, take a deeeeeep vape and tomorrow will be a new day ! Think'n 'bout you bro !!!!!!

Thanks man. Lights are on, or I wouldnt be postin.I STILL dont know what happened to them.


Sheesh keenan, sounds like you had quite a day. Well I hope your power is back on and that your wife is ok.

Thanks Vegas, yeah, shes doin fine. Got a shot of morphine and adavan, so right now shes doin better than most of us.

Posted (edited)

I TRIED to vape it as they put it in her I.V. :doctor:

Beats everclear all to he@# !! (Man my typing sucks !!!)

Edited by vapemudgeon

Hope everyone feels better! :showoff:

Gee whiz, and I was thinking I had a hell of a time, looks like you got me beat. By the way, part of the power was off and the other part was on because your neighborhood or just the three or fours houses connected to the transformer y'all share lost a phase somewhere, 2 120 volt phases come into your house, combined they are 240 for the big stuff like the electric water heater, electric heat, a/c condenser, electric stove/oven/cook top stuff like that. The rest of the receptacles and lights in the house are 120 volt and only utilize one phase, so if you lost a phase all the big stuff didn't work and then only part of the small stuff was out. Like you said, someone probably ran into a pole somewhere close.


Sorry to hear all that, most important thing is your wife is okay and everyone will be well soon. Keep on truckin my friend. When it rains it pours, and it's been pourin on everyone lately. A brighter side of all the crappy things going on lately is we're all not smoking a ton a cigs anymore to cope with the stress. Vape on, vape on. Take it easy.


Sorry to hear all that, most important thing is your wife is okay and everyone will be well soon. Keep on truckin my friend. When it rains it pours, and it's been pourin on everyone lately. A brighter side of all the crappy things going on lately is we're all not smoking a ton a cigs anymore to cope with the stress. Vape on, vape on. Take it easy.

Well said JBRIM.... Black clouds with a silver vapor lining !!!

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