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I went to Ball State from 2008 to 2012, while I was there smoking was limited to around 10 different designated smoking areas on campus (several of which were literally on the very edge of campus anyway). Seems like now they've gone full on tabacco ban. No smoking or even using chewing tobacco and... no electronic cigarettes either.

This upsets me, it was at BSU that I discovered e-cigarettes and the big appeal to me at first was the fact that I didn't have to adhere to rules of when and where I could "smoke." Although as I recall the only time I ever heard about someone getting fined for being outside of smoking areas was a guy who got in trouble for smoking pot. In addition to those charges, they also hit him with a $50 fine for not being in a designated smoking area :wallbash: I wonder how enforced this will be, regardless though troubling to see vaping being lumped in with smoking and banned




"Tobacco use in enclosed personal vehicles will be permitted as long as users contain smoke and tobacco products inside the vehicle (e.g. windows must be closed)."

At the expense of making a reference others might not understand;

Hotboxing | Redefined


That sucks! Especially the part about electronics...

And hotboxing a cig? That's just wrong.

"We don't want you to use them on our campus. But if you do, please do so in your car and suffocate yourself in the process."


It seems that institutions of higher learning suffer from intellectual bankruptcy! If the board members would rely on educating themselves versus indulging in "peer review" and political cowardice, maybe vaping wouldn't get lumped in with tobacco!

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