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Hi Vapor Talkers,

My name is David and I am from London, United Kingdom; been vaping since Christmas and I have complete fallen in love with it. Actually have no time for cigarettes any more, mostly because I no longer need to lighter, but more important they actually far better in my opinion.

At the moment I used starter kit by Vapourlties which I picked up in The Range, a store here in the UK, and has served me well. Just ordered a Innokin Taste 134 and counting down the minutes until it arrives! Moving on up.

Here to find out a little bit more about what is going on in the US, as I believe you guys are somewhat ahead of the curve, hence finding out about the Innokin and mods.

Hopefully will get mote and more UK folk to join the chit chat here and learn a thing or two about vaping.

Please say hi and drop me a message to introduce yourself. I will say hi back, eventually , as I am particularly unpunctual.

Lots of Love,

From Sunny (yeah right) UK,

David The Vapist


Welcome DavId. You got yourself a nice set up. Enjoy!

Mike, from Sunny (mostly, for sure) California


Welcome to VT. You will find the members of this forum quite knowledgeable and ready to assist you should you need.

From Sunny (more so than California and more warm) Florida.


Welcome to VT! Cool to see UK vapers.

From Sunny (but a lot less humid than Florida) California.


Thanks for the hellos. Feel at home already and some of that Cali sunshine and Florida humidity! I fold, we're watered in and swimming to work here from our homes. Thank goodness there is no need to go to the cornershop for ciggies. G-d bless you e liquid!

  • 2 weeks later...

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