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Hiyas everyone!

I don't really know what to say, just wanted to introduce myself and figured a little background would be good to start with.

I have been a cigarette smoker since I was 14. Yikes! I quit once for 6 months but it obviously didn't last.

In October this year my mom died from cancer at the age of 51. She had been a 30+ year smoker and had finally quit 5 months before being diagnosed. I was there for the "ride" and stood by her side through all the hospital stays and surgeries, the radiation, even shaved my head to match her when she started chemo and all her hair fell out and never left her bedside once we reached hospice.

So, moral of the story, I figured there probably wouldn't ever be a better motivational reason to quit and yet I still couldnt. I was actually smoking more than ever before due to the stress of the situation. The Problem: I love smoking plain and simple. Anyone who was or is a smoker knows why, so I know I don't have to explain and the patches and the nicotine gum weren't coming close to touching the cravings. I knew I was doomed!

So bascally out of desperation really I went to the local smoke shop and bought a cheapo knock off ego type battery and clearomizer and gave it a whirl. I have to tell you that honestly I had no optimism that it was going to help at all. But here I am 6 days later cigarette-free and down on actual nicotine intake. Granted the cheap stuff doesnt taste the best, but not a bad place to start.

I am greatful to have found this alternative, as well as this forum to guide me through my continued vaping experiance. There is a ton of great info on here.

So, anyway, uhhh thats my story and thanks for reading. :thumbsup:



Welcome to Vapor Talk!!! We're glad to have you here! Sorry for your loss!

There's a TON of info here and LOTS of experienced people here who can

help you along in this life of vaping! Welcome Aboard!


Welcome to VT. I am terribly sorry to hear about your loss. I as well know the pain and anguish of losing a mother. You will find all kinds of support here in VT. From issues regarding vaping as well as good ole moral support. I can tell you hands down this community is the best out there.

Congratulations on picking up vaping. There is so much to learn and experience and you are going to love it.


Welcome to vapor talk:)

Sorry to hear your loss :( but were glad you decided to quit smoking there is a lot of good people on these forums that can help you.


Your story is touching and bittersweet. Sorry about losing your mother so young. You've made a great decision. You won't regret it, and your "love" of smoking will soon pass. All of your difficulties or problems with vaping can be solved by asking questions here. Enjoy your new journey. Best of luck!


My condolences to you and your and your family.

I too am new to the forum. I followed many of the members here before joining; even followed before I began to vape. There is a wealth of encouragement to be found and that is in many ways far more important than the knowledge about equipment. Pretty much anyone who can read can figure out these electronic gadgets. Sure, it might take a while, but it can be done. the advanced technical issues nat be more difficult to master with hand-holding, but with Youtube we can find even the most difficult and the associated instruction.

What we will get here that I don't believe YouTube provides is the emotional support from folks who know exactly what we might be experiencing. It's so important and it helps more than imaginable.

Wanting to kick the cigarettes is the best tool. The rest just makes it a bit easier from what I have read and now believe with every successful minute that passes.

Good luck! :yes


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