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Gah! Another seizure! Are taste buds to follow?

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So, last night, I had yet another seizure. First one in two months, though, thankfully. My taste bud issues may be back, but I'm not positive. Last night, the only tasted, I think, two flavors after the seizure, but couldn't REALLY distinguish between the two, and I hope I got the tank fill right, with the right juice.

Didn't have time to try any other flavors this morning, and then today, because my SO didn't want me to be alone today in case I have another seizure (BTW, neuro called me and increased one of my meds by 100 mg - 1 pill), I'm at my in-laws' until he gets home. Mother-in-law has severe, disabling asthma. Just the smell, yes, the smell, of even vaping will set her lungs off, so I'm taking "vape breaks" outside, and we were gone for almost three hours, so not much vaping time, but I MAY be having trouble tasting my 555 already. I don't know. I haven't tried any other juices.

A sad note: I was going to take my sis out to get her tanks and juices today, but I can't. Well, have to put that off now, hopefully will be able to find another day this week. Don't want her to have to spend more money than she has to on analogs.

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Thanks. So far, I haven't tried that many flavors - but this morning, somehow, I put 618 into my RY4 - a tank that was bone dry after my seizure because it got spilled, and so somehow I had two juices in it this morning. But I was rushed this morning, couldn't tell much by looking at it, and I wasn't really fully AWAKE at the time. Some of the flavors I've tried tonight DO taste different, a couple not quite right, but I can at least STILL taste them.

I go back over to the in-laws' house tomorrow from around 11 - 3:30, while my SO is at school. Just to be safe. I hope tomorrow's the last day of it, frankly. They have one piece of furniture that's comfortable to me, but my mother in law screwed up her back in an injury enough that she has to have surgery, so she automatically gets it and the heating pad.....and from the muscles spasming up, tighter than they would normally be capable of, my muscles, especially around my upper spine, are SCREAMING.

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Well, it's definite. I'm absolutely having taste issues again. My 555, which was mostly my adv, has been barely vaped. It tastes too different. Some other frequently vaped juices are barely getting touched. The good thing is, I've found a taste again for 618, my original adv, and one I've hardly touched since getting a 50 ml bottle in December. Certainly not actually vaped for more than five minutes in this past month.

My shrink discontinued two of my meds despite the seizure, and somehow that's raised my blood pressure high enough that it freaked me out today, and I'm sure that's not helping (does bp affect vape taste?). If the bp isn't doing it, the accompanying headaches might be. Pisses me off, frankly.

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