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little about me. I'm 23 from wisconsin, been smoking cigarettes since i was 16. i had a friend who got the blu starter kit few years back. so i went to walgreens and and picked me up a kit for like $70 few years back. kinda liked it since i knew nothing about vaping then. they got expensive and i went back to cigarettes. buying blu cartridges every now and then. 2 weeks ago i picked up a ego-t it lasted 2 days before a wire broke free and it stopped charging/firing. then (moved up) i guess you could say to 2 evod vv.'s. got pro tank mini and regular pro tank. a i clear 30. and clear 16. i have not bought a pack of cigarettes in 2 weeks now. cold turkey other than vaping. pretty excited about that since its cheaper, no smell and can do it anywhere. and its kinda a hobby and fun all in its own. gonna try to make my first batch of juice this wee since locally all I've had is bad luck with expensive e juice. wish me luck! cheers.

Looking to buy my first MOD here soon. and continue vaping!

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