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I keep 4 juices in a rotation at a time and I am so OCD that I make sure I vape them evenly so that I run out of those 4 very close to the same time because I will not open a new rotation of 4 until the current 4 are completely gone. As I am vaping all new juices at this time, if I REALLY like a juice I put it on a reorder list but will not reorder them until my juice experiment is complete. Unless, the site that is selling them have a sale or put out a code, then I go ahead and order a 100 ml bottle of it to steep until all the small bottles I am testing are gone. I really am not trying to buy more juices but if a great deal comes up or the forum is going crazy talking about some particular juices I can’t help myself and I go ahead and order them. In small bottles of course. I can’t get to my GREAT flavors that are in 100ml bottles until I get all of the small bottles tested. It’s terrible to make something so complicated but I think I’ve got a good system going. So far out of at least 100 flavors I have only found 10 bottles I like well enough to get in 100ml bottles and hope to never run out of again.


I keep 6 3ml bottles of misc flavors for using throughout the day....those are my dripping flavors. I also have 3 tank setups for when I'm out. I can't stand using the same flavor all day :baby:

I gave up on fancy storage....tackle box (left over from my early vaping days) is stuffed with misc vaping supplies, coils, extra tanks and what nots....

1 shoe box for DIY and 1 shoe box for all my liquids


I keep 6 3ml bottles of misc flavors for using throughout the day....those are my dripping flavors. I also have 3 tank setups for when I'm out. I can't stand using the same flavor all day :baby:

I gave up on fancy storage....tackle box (left over from my early vaping days) is stuffed with misc vaping supplies, coils, extra tanks and what nots....

1 shoe box for DIY and 1 shoe box for all my liquids

Yeah, I've got a nice tackle box I got from wal mart that holds almost all my stuff vaping related, except for my tanks with my juices. I kept forgetting to put the tanks away, so the the case logic case that SO had given me for when we are going to be out a long time and I want to take more than three juices with me has become my de facto tank storage. It usually held MOST of my tanks anyway, because with my taste issues, I would just pack a whole bunch of tanks into to take upstairs with me when we're watching tv before bed, or when I'm waking him up on the weekend. The rest sit on my desk on a towel. I was SUPPOSED to clean my desk this weekend so I had more room, but I felt so much like crap that I didn't get around to it. Wasn't sleeping, was in a lot of pain (ha! 17 year old tried to argue with me when I told him I had 2 hours of sleep in 36 hours....by that time last night, I wasn't in the mood to hear it, so I yelled at him, and when he stomped out of the kitchen, he told my SO what happened, and my SO was like, "No, she REALLY hasn't been getting any sleep.").

Patricia, I really have absolutely no idea what to say on your system, other than if it works for you, stick to it. I would go crazy with it, falling in love with a flavor, and then not vaping it again until I finished the 100 sample bottles I have sitting around. Then again, I've had samples that I couldn't bear to finish, and some samples that I MIGHT finish, but they are still sitting in my cabinet, even though I have free tanks now.


I've got a soft sided tackle kit that has 4 lidded trays. 2 trays have about 30 dif 10ml bottles in it. But only have 4 vaping in rotation at the time. REALLY diggin the Cosmic Crunch and Zombie Blood by Goodlifevapor and Starwberry Delight by JuicyeJuice. Accidentally topped off Strawberry Delight kpt2 with Cosmic Crunch, WOW! Yuuummm


I have 3 - 3 drawer storage containers on my desk for most of my vaping supplies. 4 of the drawers have juices in them. I just counted, there's 42 total. OMG! lol I also have a plastic shoe box like container with the juice I don't especially like in it. I am not counting those. :D

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