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new to vaping and cig free


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I'll Introduce myself first. I am from TN and starting vaping christmas day. I have been cigarette free since. I feel healthier and my sense of smell and taste has improved drastically. I am in the military and i have already noticed improvments in my breathe control while running. This is exciting to me because nothing i tried helped my stop smoking. Except for vaping. I'll keep this short. Vaping is quickly becoming a hobbie of mine. There is so much to learn and try in this new world. I have a tekkeon mp1820 that I use randomly to charge stuff on the go. So i am about to get my 510 connector and switch in and build my first mod! Seems simple enough with basic electronic skills. It is an older style mod and there are better mods out there. But for the money i'll have in this why not? Anyway, i'm excited to be vaping and I look forward to being a part of this community!

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