AdrianS Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I'm getting used to this forum now, it's actually really fun. Getting some great advice from people. So one other thing I wanted to try grasp from people (being a newbie to e-cigarettes) is the amount to which its actually helped you to quit smoking. I've given up cigarettes cold turkey instead of trying to balance a little of both and then progress straight onto e-cigs full time. What are your methods and how affective has it been? Thanks guys!! ryanmcgarth02 1
Scooter Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 New Year's Day I had about 8 cigs and some Njoy kings. I went back and forth that first morning till I finished off the last of the smokes. Been just vapin since. No problems so far. I had smoked for over 40 years.
wizard46304 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Started vaping 11 months ago, it's been mostly a sweet ride. Very seldom have craved a stinky, the couple times I cheated were not satisfying. All I crave now is a tasty vape. Sweatervest13 and hawks78 2
spydre Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I started vaping July 17th, and we smoked analogs to finish our current supply out - that ran until July 27th. I've only picked up a cigarette on two days since then, the last time was August 14th.
Tam Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Picked up an e-cigarette May 10, 2012. Smoked and vaped until day 5 when I went totally with vaping. Best change I've ever made. spydre 1
Bebop Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Rec'd my first e-cig kit April 9th, 2013 Smoked my last cigarette April 9th, 2013 I was a full flavored pack-a-day smoker. No desire and never looked back. Same for my wife. ryanmcgarth02 and spydre 2
Jeffb Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I was a pack and a half smoker. Got an NJOY kit in Oct of 09 and haven't had a cig since. spydre 1
ryanmcgarth02 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I have started and passed a month with the community.. and some really good advice i've received.. as a newbie i think here you'll get really nice help..because of availability of Ecig here i have to go back to regular.. but when i got one, i definitely choose vaping..
irwink Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I got a 510 kit in March 2010 never intending to quit smoking altogether. It was only to get me through a work day where I couldn't smoke for 9 - 10 hours. Despite my original intent I no longer felt a need to smoke and haven't since then. Almost 4 years. Sweatervest13 and spydre 2
spydre Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I got a 510 kit in March 2010 never intending to quit smoking altogether. It was only to get me through a work day where I couldn't smoke for 9 - 10 hours. Despite my original intent I no longer felt a need to smoke and haven't since then. Almost 4 years. Very cool, Irwink. You know, even though we intended to quit those 10 days when we were smoking the last of our analogs, after about 2 days, we found ourselves hitting our vaporizers WHILE we were smoking the analogs. Why? The juice tasted better. The first time I slipped up, after about a week, although it was nice having that analog, at the time I thought so anyway, the flavor was just meh. I think the second time I slipped up (and hell, at that stage of my "recovery", with what was going on, almost anyone would have, my mom almost lost her leg), the only time I smoked more than one is they were my sister's Kools, and it's like my brain treated the menthol (which I didn't smoke) as a flavor. But like I said, that was August 14, at about 3 pm was my last one that day.
Tw1sted Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I'm getting used to this forum now, it's actually really fun. Getting some great advice from people. So one other thing I wanted to try grasp from people (being a newbie to e-cigarettes) is the amount to which its actually helped you to quit smoking. I've given up cigarettes cold turkey instead of trying to balance a little of both and then progress straight onto e-cigs full time. What are your methods and how affective has it been? Thanks guys!! When I first started vaping, I was using my vape throughout the day to help me cut back on cigs, but after doing that for 2 weeks or so I stopped smoking analog cigarettes completely and it's been over 2 months now. I would say it's been very effective. I immeditely noticed my sense of smell and taste coming back, and I felt better, and the smell of regular cigarettes after someone smoked was really offensive, I'm definitely glad I made the switch and the transition was quick and painless. After seeing how successful I was, my father and brother also got in to vaping and both have cut down on their analog cigarette use substantialy spydre 1
Sweatervest13 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 I had quit analogs for almost a full year (pack a day before I quit). Started cheating while out with friends, slowly became a regular smoker again, but added dipping so I did not stink at work. I really wanted to stop smoking and dipping after a year of falling off the wagon. I picked up a Blu and a no name brand e-cig at my regular smoke shop. It helped, but was not satisfying. I googled vapor chat forums, and found this place. I researched here, and found that there were some better devices that could actually produce a decent amount of vapor. I asked where I could find a good starter kit, and what I should buy to start. I ordered my Vision Spinner kit with some CE4's and EVOD's and some juice. Funny enough, I could not wait for the kit to come, so I went back to my local smoke shop and purchased a 650 mah kit (it had proprietary treading, not 510) to "try". I still had a couple analogs each day until I finished the pack. Like some others here, I found when I was vaping and smoking that I favored the e-cig. I would have a analog burning in the ashtray, and unknowingly grab the e-cig and vape away. After a week or so I had no desire to smoke. I think finding a juice that you like helps a lot. At first I could not find a B&M store to sample flavors, so I would order online and hope I liked the flavor (most of them I did not love). I finally found a couple B&M stores to sample before I bought... It opened a whole new world for me. I have since started DIY'ing juice with some friends that I converted over to vaping and could not be happier. It is nice to be able to tune in a mix (pg/vg ratio) and strength (started at 24 mg's down to 12 mg). Smoking was never a hobby for me... I would never join a smoking chat forum, or get all excited to go buy a pack ( I would get very moody if I did not go buy the pack, but I was never excited). Vaping, DIY'ing juice, and rebuilding is fun for me. HaWaIIaN and spydre 2
bcartervol98 Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Smoked a pack and a half a day for over 27 years and bought a few Njoy kings on April 23rd 2013 and that is also the last day I smoked a tobacco cigarette. Of course I have upgraded from the $7 disposables but that's where it started and smoking ended for me. Wasn't that hard for me really especially once I started looking at vaping as a nicotine replacement activity as opposed one that was to mirror what smoking was like. After a few days I knew I liked vaping better than smoking and the benefits financially, personally and health- quality of life wise have been mind boggling. spydre 1
Lyrical Posted January 18, 2014 Posted January 18, 2014 I played around smoking cigarettes and GreenSmoke e-cigs for about a week then gave up cigarettes altogether. Feb. 3nd will be one year. HaWaIIaN 1
HaWaIIaN Posted January 18, 2014 Posted January 18, 2014 I've been an off and on smoker since I was 11 and I just couldn't get a hold on quitting for good. They say the younger you start the harder it is to quit later. They're absolutely right. I've quit once for about 1 year and a month then started smoking again. After about 8 months of smoking again I finally told myself I needed a change. I went down to a local smoke shop here and bought me my first Vapor thingy and it really has helped. I still smoke cigs when I drink but hopefully I can cut that out soon. It's been about 3 weeks of smoking vapor and it really has helped. No more cig smell on my clothes. No more $10 pack a days. Just clean flavored vape. spydre 1
spydre Posted January 18, 2014 Posted January 18, 2014 You know, the funny thing is, I quite literally had a large amount of the generic lozenges sitting in my desk cabinet for two years. Given to us by a family member who purchased it for us when we flat broke "out of concern." HaWaIIaN 1
Vaporlocked Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Did it help me quit... Well, lets just say 3 days ago I walked into my local AltSmoke with no intentions of quitting. I Just wanted to be able to get my nic fix with a delivery similar to smoking, inside the building. When it's 10+ below, standin out by the trash hot boxxin an analog, just ain't relaxing. I had tried the quickie mart cartridge mods and they just made me feel sick. So I wrote off e-cigs and continued on my death quest for another couple years. Now, I haven't had an analog in 3 days and could giva bleep. I did try once after I left the shop (even though there was really no craving) and once when the battery on my ego spinner was dead. Both times I had to put them back out after a couple puffs.They just tasted so dry and nasty compared to well produced vapor. So the next day I went back to the shop and grabbed an iTaste MVP 2.0 which may be operated/charged simultaneously. Problem solved.
Ugalady83 Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Finally! Vaped for a year before I quit smoking cigs on Nov 30th.
Synther Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 Been almost a year with no cigarettes. Started with an AquaVapor Pro DSE901 PCC kit and a couple of 10ml bottles of 24mg juice. I was able to quit smoking completely in three days and I haven't picked it back up since. I've graduated to an Innokin iTaste SVD at this point, but I still like to use my trusty 901 from time to time.
HelloMiakoda Posted January 26, 2014 Posted January 26, 2014 (edited) I quit cigarettes 12 years ago, cold turkey. Where vaping comes in was when I was falling off the wagon and vape kept me from buying a pack of smokes. Now, I get what I liked about smoking (and what was driving me back) without the downside. I think I'll hang on to my vaping habit. Edited January 26, 2014 by HelloMiakoda
Joshuab3687 Posted January 27, 2014 Posted January 27, 2014 Received my vape kit the day after Thanksgiving 2013. Immediately put down the analogs and started vaping. Almost fell of the wagon 4 weeks later when I was dissatisfied with my kit. Found this forum and the help and support I needed. Now, the smell of smoke disgusts me. Yay for Vape! spydre 1
spydre Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Received my vape kit the day after Thanksgiving 2013. Immediately put down the analogs and started vaping. Almost fell of the wagon 4 weeks later when I was dissatisfied with my kit. Found this forum and the help and support I needed. Now, the smell of smoke disgusts me. Yay for Vape! I know what you mean about the smell of smoke disgusting you. Not too long ago, my mother in law took me to the grocery store to get a few things, and then she went into Goodwill next door. Well, I had to wait for her when I got out. The only bench was where people would congregate to smoke, because in this state, you have to be 15 feet from the door to smoke, and that's where the ash tray is, plus, that's the bus stop. Just the smell of stale smoke coming off the PEOPLE nearly choked me, but the cigarettes didn't bother me so much. At Thanksgiving, when people started lighting up, it was almost too much to handle. My son went outside, it bothered me, but not "get out" bothered me, and it made my SO actually nauseated.
aufin Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Helped?!! Yeah, I'd say so. Bought myself a double starter setup and put down the killers the same day and haven't looked back since Apr 19, 13 ........ after 50+ years of smoking. So, yeah, I'd have to say they've "helped". I keep the opened/stale pack with the date written on it in the console of my truck to remind myself and show any others who may be interested in my tale. spydre 1
Kajayacht Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 Started vaping my senior year of college, for about 2 months was strickly e-cig but started smoking off and on after that. When I got out of college and started working full time I gradually slipped back into smoking a lot (well, around 6 cigarettes a day which seemed like a lot for me). Once my girlfriend moved in with me, I cut back to 2-3 cigarettes a day. Now since the start of Novement last year (almost 3 months) I've been vaping exclusively with no plans to go back to analogs. I've been sleeping way better (I snore... loudly) and I just feel better overall. I do feel like I vape a lot, but then I remember that it's, as far as we know, 95% safe so why not?
spydre Posted January 29, 2014 Posted January 29, 2014 Helped?!! Yeah, I'd say so. Bought myself a double starter setup and put down the killers the same day and haven't looked back since Apr 19, 13 ........ after 50+ years of smoking. So, yeah, I'd have to say they've "helped". I keep the opened/stale pack with the date written on it in the console of my truck to remind myself and show any others who may be interested in my tale. I've kept my ashtray - with butts in them - for the same reason. One in my bedroom, one on my desk.
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