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There are ways of stopping this without banning anything. It is called an ID check. The Internet has ways of checking IDs and can eliminate this issue without banning sales. There are companies that verify a persons age and then allows them access to adult sites. This technology has been around for a quite a few years now. Why punish everyone for outdated ways of controlling an issue? I don't get it. I would be more than happy to add the verify code to my site if it meant no banning of sales to people of legal age. It is little bit of a hassle the first time you sign up but once a person is registered to an ID check site they are good to go. Customers only give the Verifying company their information. Webmasters put a simple code is on the web site, the customer won't see any delay.

These dumb assed politicians need to get their heads out of their stone aged ***!


I can't believe how irresponsible this article is. Someone has been bought.

"AB 1500 will also generate 24 million in tax revenue for California..." And no mention of how this will be done although one could speculate that it means a tobacco product tax imposed on the b & m. What about the loss of sales tax revenue on sales?

This deserves a letter.

Posted (edited)

I'll give it two letters, B and S.

Oh wait, I have another set of letters for Mr. DICKinson, F and U. :D

Edited by 3Rutez

I can't believe how irresponsible this article is. Someone has been bought.

"AB 1500 will also generate 24 million in tax revenue for California..." And no mention of how this will be done although one could speculate that it means a tobacco product tax imposed on the b & m. What about the loss of sales tax revenue on sales?

This deserves a letter.

Presumably, because that is the amount of tobacco products bought online and shipped into the state? So IN STATE vendors will be selling the stuff?

At least they made it for both vaping and regular tobacco, but yes, someone has definitely been bought.

And where the freak are these kids getting credit cards to do online transactions?


If a kid wants something bad enough they'll find a way to get it. Passing this asinine bill will not make it "impossible" for kids to get their hands on whatever. Idjit.


If a kid wants something bad enough they'll find a way to get it. Passing this asinine bill will not make it "impossible" for kids to get their hands on whatever. Idjit.

Exactly. Geeze, at 15/16, I knew exactly which gas stations/c-stores in town would sell me cigarettes and which would ask for ID. They are doing SPOT checks on tobacco sales now like they've been doing on alcohol sales, but still not enough to get every clerk at every store/station carding. Especially when you have some of those little walk in c-stores or markets as problematic for other reasons, they aren't going to bat an eye at selling smokes to a kid who's underage.


And where the freak are these kids getting credit cards to do online transactions?

Walmart pre paid it is that easy. You don't have to be 18 to get one. They can even use there paypal accounts.


Exactly. Geeze, at 15/16, I knew exactly which gas stations/c-stores in town would sell me cigarettes and which would ask for ID. They are doing SPOT checks on tobacco sales now like they've been doing on alcohol sales, but still not enough to get every clerk at every store/station carding. Especially when you have some of those little walk in c-stores or markets as problematic for other reasons, they aren't going to bat an eye at selling smokes to a kid who's underage.

I got carded once -- just to buy a lotto ticket (minimum age 18). The thing that made my day was that I was 32 at the time. lol


First time I got carded for cigarettes was when I was 22, carrying a baby/toddler in one arm, and carrying a baby carrier with another baby in the other arm. I had literally pulled out of my wallet just enough cash to pay for the cigarettes and gas in the car so I didn't have to put the kids down (mind you, wedding band on my hand as well, dressed for work as a legal secretary). And he carded me. So I set my 2 year old down on the gas station counter while I dug in my purse for my ID. And this was at a gas station that not only sold me analogs at 16 without batting an eye, but the assistant manager would flirt with me while he did so. And I would go in while wearing my high school show choir outfit, lol! But no, six years, two kids, a wedding, etc., and I don't look old enough to buy cigarettes. That's the only time they ever carded me again.


LMAO Yeah that's true But Wally World is still a go! :laughing: Fast Tech will get a boom in sales from CA! :whistle:

You can get 'em from Walgreen's, too. I guess we were lucky with our kids and didn't have to worry about them as much. Yeah, our son had one of those after his marching band trip to the Chick Fil A Bowl in Atlanta his junior year (I have the 30 seconds of the half time show that they actually showed on TV, and they got him on camera for about 5 seconds; it's saved on the DVR), but we always put the money on it, and he didn't get a bank account until this summer after he graduated. Band took up too much for him to get a job, for most of the year. Marching band, pep band, every other band except for jazz band.


Knowing CA history for assembly bills I'm sure this thing is loaded with piggyback clauses. If history is repeated it will be months and months if not years before something like a true internet ban occurs. That will allow some time for the senator to get his head out of his *** and get a clue after seeing some FACTS from reliable sources.


The thing that really sucks about this is for people like me that live in the middle of no where and dont have any vape shops around to go to i have to order online and most of the good websites are out of cali


So, it's just been proposed, right? And I'm betting they can ONLY make it apply to juice, because the equipment wouldn't meet the definition. Who knows if it will pass, but at least leaving equipment off MIGHT be a SMALL consolation.


From what I have read It is not just E-liquid it is all E-Cigarette including hardware. It would be hard to stop DIY there though. You can order DIY supplies from non E-Cigarette web sites. Hardware can also be DIYed from non E-Cigarette web sites too. This would be a time, If I lived there I would get a few Rebuildable RDAs and RBAs and Mods from Fast Tech before you can't. You can always order batteries for the Mods and resistance wire from non E-Cig sites.


i will have Mark order for me and then send me my stuff :)

You can work it out in trade. He sends you e-cig stuff, you send him beer. :)


It's funny how they always mention an ingredient is used in anti-freeze but fail to mention why it's in anti-freeze to begin with. Because it's safe and our kids and pets won't die from drinking it.

Propylene glycol has a very low toxicity level, so low that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has classified it as an additive "generally recognized as safe" for use in food. - http://www.ehow.com/about_6726306_ethylene-vs_-propylene-glycol.html


Signed. :D

Thanks for posting that link!

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