AdrianS Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Hello again, As a newbie to both vapers and this forum, i've been doing a bunch of searching on the internet and it seems there are a lot of articles suggesting that vaping is the next big thing for 'the younger generation'. Do you think this is why it has had so many negative associations in the past year or so? I posted another topic recently about negative reactions i'd received when vaping in public, i guess this sparked this question too. Do you think there are categorizations of people who use e-cigs/vape, like theres those who want to stop smoking.. those who who start because its 'cool', those who use them just to avoid the smoking ban, the more i think about it the more of a debate there could be had... thoughts??
3Rutez Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Cloud chasing seems to be very popular with the younger vapers. When a teenager sees a human fog machine, they think it looks cool, and want to try it themselves. It's all about the attention for them. They do it in public, and worst of all in places such as grocery stores and other shopping outlets. It's this group of vapers that will quicken the banning of vaping. I get the whole cloud thing, I chase them a little too, but that is where the hobby aspect of vaping comes in, and I would never do it in a public place. Hell, I only vape where smoking is permitted, as I have respect for others. Just remember this….. for idiots, attention = cool. Why else do people pack so many subs into their cars to make other cars alarms go off when they drive by? Just my opinion. Vispera, Tam, Mike@VaporHut and 1 other 4
hookahhighness Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 personally for me switching was number one my son, number two was i couldnt stop smoking. did the cold turkey did the patch,gum,even chantix and woa thats some weird stuff. my buddy at my local smoke shop vaped showed me his and i said what the hell i tried everything else why not. and ive been smoke free for a few months now. i can vape at work (i wait tables) but i still choose to go in the kitchen or the back to get my nic. i also have a sound system in my car. two kicker 12" 1200 watt subs on a 3000 watt amp, but i dynomat (sound proof) my trunk to keep the music in and not escape my car. i love music and everytime i drive i feel like im at a concert and the only one invited, love feeling the bass love it all. but i do respect others, i dont have them up in school areas or parks or even in neigborhoods after 7 at night. i enjoy the things i do but i dont want to effect others in a negative way so i guess it comes down to respect.sorry kinda ranted there for a sec. Tam, 3Rutez and Vispera 3
spydre Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 For me, it was to quit smoking, and it IS cheaper, excepting the equipment. I have NEVER gone more than three days without a cigarette. No matter what method I tried. Now, it has become sort of a hobby as well. The minors who admit to trying e cigs probably do so because their parents no longer have analogs around, they have vaping equipment around, as the analog use among minors has gone down. Only problem is, where a parent wouldn't notice a cigarette missing here or there, they sure as hell would notice a stick battery or device missing. hookahhighness 1
iheartvape Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 For me it was to quit smoking and save a little money (the later of the two hasnt worked yet as im continuosly buying new mods and juices.... lol) I do agree that it is a trend among the younger generation, its new, its techy, and its a way to draw attention. A lot of it is Hookah users that now use ecigs as a personal Hookah. I have younger guys here at work that dont even smoke, but saw me and another co worker out at the smoke shack, using our e cigs, and low and behold, they were out there the next day with a e cig puffing away on 0mg of juice.
AdrianS Posted January 15, 2014 Author Posted January 15, 2014 Forgive the naivety, but what do you mean by 'cloud chasing'? and i've not really seen any younger people doing this.. are you talking about like kids in their teens or people in their early twenties? I guess thats one of my other fears, its like i try my best not to vape around my kid, but sometimes he will see me outside or in the kitchen by the window and I worry he's going to want to try it or take one and then get hooked when he doesn't even smoke in the first place. When I smoked it wasn't an issue, he didn't understand (i also didn't smoke around him), but he's now at that age of curiosity... anyone have a similar predicament? How do you protect your kid(s)? from following in our footsteps?
BirdDog Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Forgive the naivety, but what do you mean by 'cloud chasing'? and i've not really seen any younger people doing this.. are you talking about like kids in their teens or people in their early twenties? I guess thats one of my other fears, its like i try my best not to vape around my kid, but sometimes he will see me outside or in the kitchen by the window and I worry he's going to want to try it or take one and then get hooked when he doesn't even smoke in the first place. When I smoked it wasn't an issue, he didn't understand (i also didn't smoke around him), but he's now at that age of curiosity... anyone have a similar predicament? How do you protect your kid(s)? from following in our footsteps? You can try and hide it but eventually you are going to get caught. You will have to be honest and explain what it is and why you are using it. Tell them that it is something you do not want them to try, give reasons why. You will also have to explain that the e-liquid is poison, just like you would explain about household chemicals and medications. You might even have to take further steps and lock it away when it is not in use. Just like you put away medications, alcohol and dangerous tools etc. Good luck!
iheartvape Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Forgive the naivety, but what do you mean by 'cloud chasing'? and i've not really seen any younger people doing this.. are you talking about like kids in their teens or people in their early twenties? I guess thats one of my other fears, its like i try my best not to vape around my kid, but sometimes he will see me outside or in the kitchen by the window and I worry he's going to want to try it or take one and then get hooked when he doesn't even smoke in the first place. When I smoked it wasn't an issue, he didn't understand (i also didn't smoke around him), but he's now at that age of curiosity... anyone have a similar predicament? How do you protect your kid(s)? from following in our footsteps? I was refering to young adults, not minors. Cloud chasing is when you set up or mod your device in such a way for the sole purpose of producing the largest vapor cloud possible.
IMEDICx90 Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Forgive the naivety, but what do you mean by 'cloud chasing'? and i've not really seen any younger people doing this.. are you talking about like kids in their teens or people in their early twenties? I guess thats one of my other fears, its like i try my best not to vape around my kid, but sometimes he will see me outside or in the kitchen by the window and I worry he's going to want to try it or take one and then get hooked when he doesn't even smoke in the first place. When I smoked it wasn't an issue, he didn't understand (i also didn't smoke around him), but he's now at that age of curiosity... anyone have a similar predicament? How do you protect your kid(s)? from following in our footsteps? Cloud chasing is typically a sub ohm build with an RDA and large diameter air holes drilled in it to allow air flow. The air flow creates more vapor as it allows the coils to heat up quicker and it moves the existing vapor away from the coils faster. Just YouTube cloud chasing and you will find numerous videos about it .
IMEDICx90 Posted January 15, 2014 Posted January 15, 2014 Is it dangerous? It can be if your battery isn't capable of the amperage your pulling from it with the resistance of the coil. I will always preach battery safety whether your a new sub ohm builder or a veteran vaper. There is absolutely no reason for ignorance in this subject since there are TONS of articles and threads and resources available to the user.
iheartvape Posted January 16, 2014 Posted January 16, 2014 Cloud chasing is not a bad thing by any means, I do it. Thats where the hobbiest aspect of vaping comes into play for me. With cloud chasing though, it has its proper place and time, like for me, i only cloud chase at home, when im bored on the couch, i will tinker with my coil set ups just to see what i can build for the best cloud.
qwikrex Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 Cloud chasing is not a bad thing by any means, I do it. Thats where the hobbiest aspect of vaping comes into play for me. With cloud chasing though, it has its proper place and time, like for me, i only cloud chase at home, when im bored on the couch, i will tinker with my coil set ups just to see what i can build for the best cloud. I find the heat and density of vapor on subohm builds to be the most enjoyable part of it all. The clouds to me are just a nice side effect lol.
GEFFiCART Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 For me, I've never smoked, I am currently 24 I liked the idea of a hookah but tried it and didn't like the taste, it wasn't what I was expecting Then a B&M shop contacted me to make their in store sign [i cut vinyl as my side job] and they hooked me up with a starter kit, ego c-twist and protank II I've always used 0nic juices I've then moved on into mods, I have 3 current set ups Cloud Chaser || Brass Nemesis Clone / Igo-W w/ clear cap / dual dragons / cotton / 0.4ohms Flavor Chaser || Hammer mod clone / Kayfun lite / chimney coil / cotton / 1.2ohms In-Between || SS Nemesis Clone / RSST / SS Cable Wick / 0.8ohms I see myself more as a promoter and second has a "enthusiast" [for lack of better terminology] I've spread vaping to my friends that do smoke in hopes that vaping would remove them off analogs, some worked and some are still in the process. I've always liked electronics and building circuits. Building mods is like building circuits. I find it fun making coils, testing ohms, and trying out different builds. I make sure my batteries are safe for my ohm and make sure I am responsible where I vape. A few of my friends [some of them are minors] started to vape. I try and voice to them that if they vape and never smoked, stick with 0nic. Always be responsible and not reckless. If they choose not to vape safely or responsibly that's on them. I trust the people I know realize the difference between what's right and what's wrong to think for themselves.
Bushwick Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 I see a lot of high school students vaping. Quite a few of my buddies have younger siblings who are getting into it. Some are as young as 12-13! I talk with minors that I see vaping every chance I get. My biggest issue with it is that they are developing a nicotine dependency. But the amount of under age vapers seems to be growing! I see them in my local vape shop with some frequency. Our shop is good about ID'ing people at the juice bar, but if they come in with a friend who is 18 and has made a purchase there before, they seem to get a pass. I was chatting with a couple of guys behind the bar last time I was there and brought that up. They didn't get defensive. Instead, they seemed to understand and agree with what I was telling them and told me they would address the issue. I haven't been in since, but I'm willing to bet they have done so. They are good guys and I would even go as far as to call them friends. (I sit and chat with them whenever I go in, and it's almost always the same two guys.) But I do see vaping becoming a trend, and very quickly. It's popularity is exploding in my area.
GEFFiCART Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 why minors would vape nic is beyond me! there ARE 0nic juices out there! [-___-]
Bushwick Posted January 24, 2014 Posted January 24, 2014 why minors would vape nic is beyond me! there ARE 0nic juices out there! [-___-] Because it's not as available to minors. The person buying it for them may not pay attention to or ask for 0nic juice! Plus, they just don't seem to know what they are doing when they buy juice with nic. They are so concerned with having the best flavor that they put all other aspects of the juice in the back of their minds. I suppose it's better than analogs, though...
spydre Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 I see a lot of high school students vaping. Quite a few of my buddies have younger siblings who are getting into it. Some are as young as 12-13! I talk with minors that I see vaping every chance I get. My biggest issue with it is that they are developing a nicotine dependency. But the amount of under age vapers seems to be growing! I see them in my local vape shop with some frequency. Our shop is good about ID'ing people at the juice bar, but if they come in with a friend who is 18 and has made a purchase there before, they seem to get a pass. I was chatting with a couple of guys behind the bar last time I was there and brought that up. They didn't get defensive. Instead, they seemed to understand and agree with what I was telling them and told me they would address the issue. I haven't been in since, but I'm willing to bet they have done so. They are good guys and I would even go as far as to call them friends. (I sit and chat with them whenever I go in, and it's almost always the same two guys.) But I do see vaping becoming a trend, and very quickly. It's popularity is exploding in my area. The stats on minors picking up analogs are going down. But with that, is a rise in vaping. They are stealing what they can out of their parents' stash (how many minors started out smoking). While I've only seen one I've suspected as being a minor in a vape shop once, even though you have to be 18 to enter, they generally don't card people on entry. When she started talking to a guy and wanted to try some flavors (she was with someone else, someone old enough to be her mother, I think so I think she was 18+), he asked to see her ID, and she didn't have it with her, since she didn't bring her purse with her. No ID, she couldn't even taste. why minors would vape nic is beyond me! there ARE 0nic juices out there! [-___-] Why would minors pick up a full flavored (eg, full nicotine level) cigarette? Depending on their age, they vape what is available to them. I look at vaping in minors from two perspectives. Firstly, I WAS someone who started smoking when I was 15. And I knew which stores would sell to me, and, after I started driving, I had been known to walk a mile to the closest gas station that would sell without carding. I was one of them that when I didn't have a way I could get cigarettes, like when I didn't have a license, I'd steal my dad's smokes - that is, until he came back home one day about three minutes after leaving to catch me smoking. Those early days, yeah, I only smoked when I could get my hands on them. Best way was spending the night at my friend's house, the little walk in store a block away from her house (which was ironically a package liquor store, so you'd think they'd be better about carding) would sell us cigarettes without even blinking - which is when Holly had money, Holly ALWAYS had smokes. But then I look at it from a parental perspective. My kids are 17 and 19 now, and both of them are so demonically opposed to smoking, I know they won't pick the habit up, then again....I mean, how many kids in high school start smoking just because the others in their "group" are smoking and they want to fit in? I know that's how a lot of kids start doing drugs in high school - fitting in with their friends. I doubt I would started if my friends weren't smoking. So they vape, because other people are, and it probably never occurred to them to get 0 nic - those of them that can have other people get it for them.
Bebop Posted January 25, 2014 Posted January 25, 2014 (edited) I didnt start smoking til I was 23. Getting through teen years without smoking is no gaurantee you're home free. It might be different today since the anti smoking crowd have taken over the planet. I would never promote vaping to teens or non smokers but I sure as hell would rather see a teen vaping over smoking. Edited January 25, 2014 by Bebop12 Tam and spydre 2
HelloMiakoda Posted January 26, 2014 Posted January 26, 2014 A friend of mine let her kid (she's like 6) use 0 mg vape. Not my kid, so I kept my mouth shut, but I invisible face palmed. I'll remember that when they ban the damn things.
Mrwaylon Posted January 26, 2014 Posted January 26, 2014 A friend of mine let her kid (she's like 6) use 0 mg vape. Not my kid, so I kept my mouth shut, but I invisible face palmed. I'll remember that when they ban the damn things. Yeah people like that gives us a bad name.
spydre Posted January 27, 2014 Posted January 27, 2014 A friend of mine let her kid (she's like 6) use 0 mg vape. Not my kid, so I kept my mouth shut, but I invisible face palmed. I'll remember that when they ban the damn things. What a freaking IDIOT! I'm sorry, I know she's your friend, but you obviously feel the same way. I don't think a little six year old body can HANDLE nicotine, whether it be a ml or a hit. I know some people let their kids have a sip of wine or something, but NOT at six years old, setting up a thought pattern of "oh, that's yummy, I want more, let me get mommy's thing." I'm just......sorry.
GEFFiCART Posted January 27, 2014 Posted January 27, 2014 What a freaking IDIOT! I'm sorry, I know she's your friend, but you obviously feel the same way. I don't think a little six year old body can HANDLE nicotine, whether it be a ml or a hit. I know some people let their kids have a sip of wine or something, but NOT at six years old, setting up a thought pattern of "oh, that's yummy, I want more, let me get mommy's thing." I'm just......sorry. she said 0mg nic...
spydre Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 she said 0mg nic... But what happens if she leaves the room, there's juice in there with nicotine in it, and the kid goes for it because she remembers it was yummy? HelloMiakoda 1
Joshuab3687 Posted January 28, 2014 Posted January 28, 2014 I'm gonna have to agree with Spydre on this one. Even though the one she tried was 0 nic, it sets a bad precedent and image of what we're all about. Being responsible adults and vapers. I have 16 y/o twin daughters and have NEVER let them try alcohol or any other substance. They had to see my addiction to cigarettes first hand and are happy that I've stopped. I have explained to them the health benefits of my choice to vape, but have not gone into detail with them about how delicious the various flavors are. I don't wanna entice them into it. Just my 2 cents. FWIW HelloMiakoda 1
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