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Hi everybody! (Hi Dr. Nick!)

New member, obviously. Been vaping now for about a year. Got started on an Evo Smoov, but dropped it too many times to count, so I moved to a mechanical mod. Started with the KTS+ but the button has a tendency to get hot, so now I'm using the SmokTech Natural with an RSST on top (just bought the AGA-TD but dropped it and broke the glass).

I think one of the things that draws me to vaping with the mechanical mods and RBAs is the tinkering and experimenting with different setups. Right now I'm using SS mesh with an Ekowool sleeve in my RSST and want to get my TD set up with straight ekowool wicks and duel coils. There's so much to play around with and learn that I thought it would be a good idea to join a friendly vape forum, so here I am :-)

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