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newbie question?


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hello everyone I'm new to vaping i have a king clone as in the name and i also have a possibly stupid question i have a you dee -w 3 post drip tank and my question is has anyone ever tried wrapping the coils to make a complete circut? what happens if you do? lol i alway feel like i have issues wraping my own coils and wicks and keeping them working for more than a day…..sorry about my spelling and punctuation not my strong suit:) also didn't want to search forums so sorry again if this has been anwered already

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HI and welcome.

I've never heard of the king clone got any pics?

I thought from neg.to lead to wraps to lead to pos. was a complete circuit

so not sure what you're asking.

Hopefully some of our better coil builders will be along soon to help out.

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Thanks I shall add a pic if I can from my phone lol what I was asking is in a 3 post dripper you have 2 neg and 1 pos and for the coils when building to my knowledge you wrap wick and put your wire to one negative (right post for instance) then wire to positive (center post) then for the other side you do the same just opposite negative post (left most post)..that's how it works now. So what I'm asking is this ill explain my question like I'm building one side so bare with me lol ...... I want to build one like this put a wire on the negative (right post) wrap to the positive (middle post) then also keep it going to the last (left most post) using another wire so you would have 2 coil wires pass through the positive (middle post) from The same side....:) please let me know if that makes sense!!

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So here's a few photos please don't laugh at me hahaha I know I suck at building so far but mind you this is only my 3-5 build ever so I'm thinking ill get better as time goes lol;) I don't know how to add pics only from computer not sitting I'm front of one yet ill add later;)!

Edited by Kingclone
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OK now I see what you're saying and yes it does make sense but:

It seems like doubling the length of wire to make the circuit would at least

double your resistance.Not sure how well that would work.

Again hopefully some of the experienced coil builders will be along soon to help out.

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I think what your asking is if what you describe will work for a duel coil setup. You would be better off making two separate coils and installing each separately. By doing two coils you cut your resistance in half. (Ohms Law) Meaning if you build 2 coils at 2ohms your final ohm reading would be 1ohm for the build. I'm not sure how building the way you mention would work but if both pos leads are connected to the center post I would assume that it would cut the ohms in half. If you were to keep both coils on one side and only attach 1 lead to the Neg and 1 lead to the Pos it would read the resistance as 1 coil being 4ohms. I did a 4 coil set up making each side as you describe, but once installed, I clipped the loop off that went to the POS terminal connecting the two coils. When I was done I essentially created two coils.

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