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Now you all know I do not rebuild or anything close to that. I buy coils and put them in until they get burnt then I throw it away and start over. I went into Good Life Vapor today because I have found 2 flavors there that I had to get 100 Ml of both of them, Deadly Sin and El Kamino. While there I asked the young man helping me if he had anymore flavors that were as good as the two I mentioned and he pulled out some juice called High Five. It was delicious. Then he went on to explain to me that it is a juice that people who build their coils use but if I would remove 1 flavor wick on my KPT coil that I would be able to use it without a problem. He showed me how to do it and it looked so easy while he was doing it. Then when I got home I pulled out a coil just to see if I could do it and of course I could not. I plan on trying to find some Utube videos until I can master doing it if I really have too. I thought I would come ask you all if it really is necessary for me to do that. Does it matter if you use 1.8ohm, 2.2ohms or 2.4 ohms. He said it is because it is so much thicker then the typical juice and if I did not take the flavor wick off I would begin to taste a burnt taste. Oh that High Five tastes GREAT and I will do what I have to do to vape it. Thanks for your advice in advance. : )


First thing I would suggest is try vaping it without taking out a flavor wick. I heard on these forums you may have to take one of the two flavor wicks out with Boba's as well, but I haven't had any problems. You may want to vape slower, if you think about it, when you are vaping that flavor, give the flavor wicks more time to soak up the (I assume) thicker, heavily VG fluid.

If you start to feel like you HAVE to get one of the flavor wicks out, go back to the shop, see if he can help you. I successfully separated the two flavor wicks with a toothpick on my Kanger coils, but I've not tried just taking 1 wick out, and I've not had good luck (50/50) getting the flavor wicks back in when I take them out for dry burning (which is why I just leave them in to dry burn now, they are silica, you won't burn them).


When Fuzion changed to no pg added I started using cotton yarn to replace the flavor wicks and not long after I was doing it for all my flavors. It's beyond easy to do


Excellent choices on them juices! Those two were definitely a daily vape for me when I was buying juice! Matter of fact it might be time to buy some!


Man, you guys are going to keep wanting me to try juice after juice......and well, that could be a problem, lol.


I was wondering if the Bobas Bounty taste resembles that of El Camino and/or Deadly Sin? When I first went in Good Life Vapors I asked them, like I usually do, what really sweet flavors do you have? She let me try a few I was not very happy with and then my daughter, who had just converted to vaping was trying tobacco type flavors. I told her I do not like the tobacco flavors anymore that my tastes have changed. She said “you should just try it, you won’t even taste the tobacco in it and it is our best seller. And WOW, that El camino knocked my socks off. No tobacco taste at all to me but I can’t describe the taste. I can only say I could vape it exclusively if I did not like to change flavors around. Same for the Deadly Sin. So since Vispera said Bobas Bounty is 100% VG like the High Five I got from Good Life Vapor, I was wondering is it one of those type flavors that say they are a tobacco flavor but taste that good. Proteus, I believe you have tried all excepy maybe the High Five so maybe you would know. Anyone else who have tried them please let me know. If it is I’m going to have to get me some of that.


I was wondering if the Bobas Bounty taste resembles that of El Camino and/or Deadly Sin? When I first went in Good Life Vapors I asked them, like I usually do, what really sweet flavors do you have? She let me try a few I was not very happy with and then my daughter, who had just converted to vaping was trying tobacco type flavors. I told her I do not like the tobacco flavors anymore that my tastes have changed. She said “you should just try it, you won’t even taste the tobacco in it and it is our best seller. And WOW, that El camino knocked my socks off. No tobacco taste at all to me but I can’t describe the taste. I can only say I could vape it exclusively if I did not like to change flavors around. Same for the Deadly Sin. So since Vispera said Bobas Bounty is 100% VG like the High Five I got from Good Life Vapor, I was wondering is it one of those type flavors that say they are a tobacco flavor but taste that good. Proteus, I believe you have tried all excepy maybe the High Five so maybe you would know. Anyone else who have tried them please let me know. If it is I’m going to have to get me some of that.

Haven't tried el camino or high 5 but if those are like deadly sin I would put bb right with it to me it doent taste like tobacco at all I get nutty caramel and almost a maple taste but ive heard alot of different description of it everyone taste something different


From reading it looks like a lot of suppliers sell BB. Where is the best place to buy it?


Boba's to me has a bit of a nutty note - at least, most times, that's what I can taste most of. It doesn't taste like a tobacco flavor at all, and there are times when I'm pretty sensitive to the "ashtray" taste.

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