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Hello all ! :D Im MrMirageX and im a newbie to the site. I just had a few questions about different ecigs.

I currently have the protank 2 with the mvp 2.0 battery mod. Now the performance is decent, but is there any recommendation as to a different tank that suites the mvp better, or a step up from it. Something with light maintenance (at least for now)? Wanting to see what my options are for upgrades when I want to switch it around.

Also I ordered that new Joyetech ECom because I've tried qutie a few decent products from them, and for on the go vaping it looked like exactly what I wanted from a unit. Has anyone heard anything on them? Or if you have one can you shoot me a quick review ?

Any information would be appreciated, so thank you in advance! :D


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Pro Tank 2 is probably the best you can get (well, it's a toss up between the Pro Tank 2 and the full sized Davide, but most of us here have the Pro Tank 2, it's easier to fill) without going RBA - rebuildable, which takes time, effort, knowledge, and patience, IMO. There are Pro Tank 3s out there, which are dual coil, but the coils haven't quite been perfected yet, as far as I know.

Well, no, I guess the next step up would be a cartomizer/tank combo, such as this: From what I understand, that's one of the smaller ones. Although that's the first I've seen a cartomizer with three holes pre-punched. I've only seen single hole and 2 holes pre-punched before. At any rate, if you go with a cartomizer/tank combination, you'll still want to stay with glass, just so you don't have to worry about juices being tank crackers, and because there is still a risk of plastic-y taste with plastic tanks rather than glass, and IMO, glass last longer and outperforms plastic.

I'm not sure how easy carto/tanks are to fill and change cartos (where the coil is located and wicking material) as opposed to the bottom coils like the Pro Tank.

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no experience with the joytech product. Looks pretty similar to the aspire. I've had mine for about a month and am really liking it, fits any ego or ego type battery. looks great for out and about. not big on taking my larger devices out. taking my protanks any where there isn't carpet is out of the question...I've broken 2 by dropping them. the aspire is also a bit cheaper.

I also really like the kanger tanks.



kanger MT3 bottom coil.(also cheaper)....been using for kanger for about 6 months, very reliable.


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Need some help with e-cig. I have tried most of the ones available at local convenience and drug stores. Some are better than others but all are missing something for me. I can't hit one repeatedly like I would a regualar cig. How many hits do you take from a regular in the 7 - 10 minutes it take s to burn one cig - 6, 8, 10? If I hit even the low nicotine level e-cigs that many times in that time period I get all nicotined up (paplations, nausea etc.) and it is not enjoyable or satisfying. It seems like no matter how low the nicotine level of the cartridge every hit is like a whole regular cigarette.

I'm a heavy smoker (2-3 packs/day) mostly because I like the physical action (tactile, oral etc.) Is there anything on the market that vapes more like a regular cig? I've tried 0% nicotine but there is zero throat hit. Any idead?

Thanks in advance!

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Uncle big - you should start your own thread otherwise your question will get buried in this one.

You could be suffering from poor quality e-cig. Let's just say that what you describe doesn't have the best track record. You will want to get a good basic delivery system and be able to customize your juice to fit you to get the most satisfaction. But you should start a new thread.

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