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vamo v5 volts and watts

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I'll give ya two formulas.

The first is Voltsxvolts/ohms=watts so a 2 ohm atty at 4 volts would be 4vx4v=16v/2ohms=8watts.

The next will also show amps and it is:volts/ohms =amps then amps x volts =watts

so 4volts/2ohms =2amps then 2amps x 4volts = 8watts.

All that really isn't necessary because the vamo will auto set itself in wattage mode.

if you put a 2ohm carto on it it will read that so if you set 8 watts it will automatically deliver 4 volts.

The trick is to check the ohms of the device that you put on it then start out at low wattage and move up until you find

your sweet spot.That will give you a general range for what wattage you prefer then adjust for different juices.

It sounds a lot more fiddly than it is plus it's a lot of fun to mess with lol.

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There are two things I use, depending on where I'm at, if I'm using my Twist type battery instead of my MVP (because I set by watts - which automatically takes into consideration your resistance rating). Generally, 7 watts is a good starting point, and you can work your way up or down depending on how it tastes. I find, for me at least, wattage is easier to set by than voltage.


And for your cell phone, I don't know about Windows phones, but if you have iPhone or an Android phone, just search the apps for Ohm's Law Calculator. I have the one for Android on my phone.

I have an app (vape) that keeps track of things like how many cigarettes I've NOT smoked, how much money I've saved, how many days, and it has a slide bar that I can use on whichever field I know, but it's inexact, it doesn't like to stop where you want it to.

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