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Coils fading over a matter of days? And dry burn question


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Okay, I'm just wondering, because other than with my 555, this hasn't really happened to me before, that I know of, while using genuine Kanger coils. I got two five packs of 2.5 ohm coils at about midnight thirty Christmas morning. Had installed most of what I've installed within 2 days. Now, they are fading. What I mean by fading is the voltage/wattage that I can vape the juice in that tank is steadily getting lower before it burns. Is this a sign the coil is slowly going bad?

The 555 juice since I finally got decent coils still couldn't vape as high as the others, and this 555 goes through coils in a matter of days the last couple of months, it seems like, anyway. It's already got that airy draw.

But with the others, with the ability to tolerate voltage/wattage going down, is this just a sign the coils are going out, or can I stop the process by rotating them out, cleaning them up and dry burning them? I have 2 coils that I just dry burned last night, plus two, I believe single use coils that are going to get washed out tomorrow, and then 2 new 2.5's. I can order more coils tomorrow night, which should get them here, maybe Saturday, maybe Monday, it just depends. Even ordering from Vapor Beast is cheaper than driving to one of the local B&M's and paying an extra $3 PER PACK of coils. And I'll be getting either 2 or 3 packs, just to be safe. I've replaced MOST of the tanks that needed replaced, but not all of them.

And as far as dry burning - is it okay if you dry burn at the same voltage, or should you increase the voltage as you go? I saw one instruction set that said like, dry burn at 3.2, then 3.6, then 4, etc., then run it through a water only cycle on a coffee maker and let it sit in the carafe overnight......and it was much simpler when you guys talked about it.

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1) remove stem and flavor wicks.

2) place back in base

3) dry burn by pulsing until you can see the crud burning off the coils. I wouldn't go over 4v.

4) you can soak overnight in cheap vodka if you choose

5) replace flavor wicks and stems

6) vape

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1) remove stem and flavor wicks.

2) place back in base

3) dry burn by pulsing until you can see the crud burning off the coils. I wouldn't go over 4v.

4) you can soak overnight in cheap vodka if you choose

5) replace flavor wicks and stems

6) vape

Okay, so is that how I should do my dry burns generally? Or I should dry burn my current coils?

As far as rebuilding coils, I'm not going that route, and I've said so repeatedly on these boards. I have issues with my hands, first of all, which makes even taking the flavor wicks out a tricky proposition, and I'm not "mechanically inclined". If my SO decides he's comfortable enough at some point to do so, then fine - but I can guarantee he wouldn't take kindly to me going through coils in five days or so. Hell, he doesn't take kindly to it now.

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