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Of the 2 Genesis style I have, I like the Smoktech RSST Genesis Atomizer the best. I also have the AGA T2 but I do not like - post connection.


The kraken is by far my favorite right now. The storm rider 2.1 is a close second. I have an aqua and an arrow on the way.... So I'll let you know when they come in lol.


I second the RSST. It's affordable and super simple to build on. Be sure to order a replacement tank, just incase.

Posted (edited)

AGA-T2. I own (or have owned) an AGA-T2, AGI, AGT, AGA-S, RSST, and some Cobra clones, but IMO, the AGA-T2 is the best of the bunch.

Edited by Rixter

I can't remember what my SO has other than the AGA-T. I know he has AT least one more, plus a Helios (? I think) clone -RDA with a deep enough drip well that he can vape from it, that he got so he can practice his coil making for his second RBA, which you have to reach down pretty far to get to where the coil sits.....or maybe I totally misunderstood that conversation

Posted (edited)


You can pick up an authentic Youde AGA-T2 here for $18.58 shipped.

Edited by Rixter
Posted (edited)

A mesh wick is one of many ways they can be built. You can do cotton/hemp, aluminum oxide or ceramic wicks.

I will be rebuilding my rsst and hybrid with a hemp wick wrapped in nickel foam in the next couple days. I will take some pics for you guys.

Edited by Proetus

A mesh wick is one of many ways they can be built. You can do cotton/hemp, aluminum oxide or ceramic wicks.

I will be rebuilding my rsst and hybrid with a hemp wick wrapped in nickel foam in the next couple days. I will take some pics for you guys.

I've seen a lot of silica Genny builds online, and I've heard a little about bamboo as well. Personally, I've had no problem at all with rolled SS mesh wicks feeding my coils with enough juice to produce clouds of vapor thick enough to block the missus' view of the television (she's constantly scolding me for excessive fogging).

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