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Any use for used liquid bottles?

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Since I started vaping I have been washing out my bottles and putting them is a large plastic bag. Well, the plastic bag is full and I don't know what I should do with all these bottles. I hate to throw anything away. Can they be reused? Like can some of our members that make and sell juice use them? If so I will gladly send them to you but I figured you probably cant do that. If that is a no can anyone think of any kind of use for these bottles or should I just throw them in the plastic recycle bin?

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I throw most of mine away, but the dregs of leftover like flavors, I combine into one bottle (like the little bit that's left in the tank when you've run out of your supply) for a rainy day. The combinations are quite yummy sometimes, and one of them is getting me by until I can order the "original" flavor from Vapor Beast (hopefully this week).

EDIT: I should add, I only do this with 30 ml or higher bottles.

If you have ANY plans on ever DIYing yourself, I would probably save them. Even if it's for flavors for just yourself.

Edited by spydre
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I've only tried their tobacco based flavors, and only three of them. Their RY4 was sweet enough, I believe, although I grew to like my local B&M's better (Holy Grail RY4 Sweet Tobacco - it's the first RY4 that I liked). I also like their Kick Ash tobacco, and their Jive 555, which, although I really like the sweet 555 I'm vaping now, Vapor Beast's 555 is much nuttier. Hmmm, lemme pull up their website and see, I know they have an excellent coffee flavor, as my SO has that.

Well, this is a direct link to all their flavors - http://www.vaporbeast.com/category-s/1878.htm . I tried several of them out before I settled on the three. The only reason I started picking up 555 and RY4 locally is because I can get them cheaper, but I've not found anything to rival Kick Ash, or anything that even tastes like it.

ALL of their flavors are 70/30 ratio (PG/VG), and they only come in preset nic levels, because they are brewed by an outside company - but that also means anything you get is generally pre-steeped. If I'm ordering anything above an 8 nic level of the popular flavors, I always try to order on Fridays or Mondays (say, like Kick Ash tobacco and Holy Grail RY4) the higher nic levels go quickly once they get their weekly shipment in, but since I've been ordering 8 nic I haven't had a problem.

As far as the non-tobacco flavors, well, the "Top Sellers" page and the "Staff Picks" page are the flavors that sell out the quickest at the higher nic level. Since I order an 8 nic level rather than an 18 (I've cut down to between 8 - 12 nic), I USUALLY don't have a problem, though.

IIRC, the banana nut muffin and the chocolate mint were good (I tried almost everything in their line in October; and yes, that's even though I couldn't taste the chocolate), like I said, my SO LOVES their Cool Beans, I think I even liked their Honey Tobacco, but my source is cheaper.

The drawback? You can't customize because they have an outside "brewer" (it is referred to as the "mixmaster"), and they only have two sizes - 15 ml and 30 ml. They come in glass bottles with the eye dropper, which is heaven for someone with tremors/hand problems like I have. Frankly, I really need to write a review on them.

To me, the prices are a bit steep - well, at least for the 15 ml. The 30 ml is pretty much industry standard for GOOD (not premium) flavors of that size. They are a smaller company - 1 customer service rep, although they talked about hiring a second - but they advertised on some BIG publicity pages, so they do a LOT of business. I anticipate them growing quickly. I really think I'm going to have to make room in my budget for the Kick Ash Tobacco on a monthly basis. Which means I have to figure out something else I have to give up. :unsure: Unless I can drop down one of my other flavors to maybe every other month - which is a possibility.

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I would suggest using them for other vapers around you. I like to break down flavors into smaller sizes and then hand them out to people that need em. Say I have 50mls of extra juice. I break that down into say 5 10ml bottles and release them to the world. Gotta be a friend or someone around you that would appreciate it.

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I would suggest using them for other vapers around you. I like to break down flavors into smaller sizes and then hand them out to people that need em. Say I have 50mls of extra juice. I break that down into say 5 10ml bottles and release them to the world. Gotta be a friend or someone around you that would appreciate it.

People doing that is how I'm getting by until I can find income. Once I'm employed, I'll pay it forward.

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