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Hey guys i am new to vaping and the vap world. I Was smoking a pack a day untill my bother introduced me to the vap life. I was looking into buying a mod and just realy wanted to know more about it first so if anyone could break it down for me or guide me somewhere that could i would be greatfull. Also if u guys could give me some good advise or tips and trick I would really apreiciate it. And if u would be able to help me understand it all. My brother is going to a big vapor convention in febuary and i might be going with him so im just trying to get a little more info on vaping so i know what im talking about when i go.


Welcome. The first piece of advice I'd give you is to read the different threads on this forum, especially the pinned threads. All the information you asked for is in there.

If you're just starting out I wouldn't recommend a mod for you. Start simple, learn how things work, what works for you, what doesn't, take baby steps. We've had a couple of new vapers lately who bought mods to start and regretted the purchase. I would recommend going with something like an eGo Twist or Vision Spinner, they're both variable voltage batteries. Pick up a Kangor Pro Tank 2 or Pro Tank mini or an Anyvape Davide or Davide mini to start. These all use the same Pro Tank coils. Figure out what ohm coil works best with what voltage, what ratio of PG/VG works best for you as well as the optimum nicotine level. There's a lot to learn on the basics, the terms, the equipment, etc.

Learn to walk before trying to fly the jet. :)


I had planned on learning a lot more before buying the mod and right Now I hace a e go twist with a pro tank 2 on it. thanks for ur advice I really apreciate it


Welcome !! sorry, not going to be much help in the mod question. finding your sweet spot is a journey. after 4 years and lots of hardware, I went back to simple. vision spinner or ego twist and kanger tanks. My real sweet spot is dripping.


I jusy recently jumped from stock to mod on a Nemesis clone. A Chimesis if you will with a Nimbus V4 RDA. I used to build tattoo guns out of junk so wrapping wire is second hand for me. It truly is a trial and error kind of thing. Id start with the lowest nic level possible and grab an ohmeter for sure as well as 30 amp protected batteries. Then its just about experimentation and detetmination. Dont give up and youll do fine. MAKE SURE YOUR BATTERIES ARE 30 AMP PROTECTED TYPES. THIS I CANNOT STRESS ENOUGH. nothing sux more than going for a vape and blowing your face off. An amatuer here in florida experianced this first hand. While he was stacking batteries! This is a cardinal no no. Safe vaping my friend.


  On 1/3/2014 at 4:08 PM, vaporraper said:

So i shouldent trust the one that came with my sigelei then??

Most of the ones that come in the kits are junk its always better to get a good charger that has a auto shutoff and other safety features


  On 12/31/2013 at 7:21 AM, Tameiki said:

Welcome. The first piece of advice I'd give you is to read the different threads on this forum, especially the pinned threads. All the information you asked for is in there.

If you're just starting out I wouldn't recommend a mod for you. Start simple, learn how things work, what works for you, what doesn't, take baby steps. We've had a couple of new vapers lately who bought mods to start and regretted the purchase. I would recommend going with something like an eGo Twist or Vision Spinner, they're both variable voltage batteries. Pick up a Kangor Pro Tank 2 or Pro Tank mini or an Anyvape Davide or Davide mini to start. These all use the same Pro Tank coils. Figure out what ohm coil works best with what voltage, what ratio of PG/VG works best for you as well as the optimum nicotine level. There's a lot to learn on the basics, the terms, the equipment, etc.

Learn to walk before trying to fly the jet. :)

You are absolutely right! I have the ego twist with the mini bcc tank from ISmoka and i love the set up! I do however disagree with the protank and protank II. My boyfriend has had the evod with the protank II for about a week now and he has had nothing but problems with it.. Idk what is wrong with his set up but it might just depend on user preference..

  On 1/11/2014 at 4:10 AM, Mpeak0128 said:

You are absolutely right! I have the ego twist with the mini bcc tank from ISmoka and i love the set up! I do however disagree with the protank and protank II. My boyfriend has had the evod with the protank II for about a week now and he has had nothing but problems with it.. Idk what is wrong with his set up but it might just depend on user preference..

It could be any number of things, anything from a bad coil (seems quite a few people have been having issues with the coils lately so it very well could've been a bad batch), to knock off coils and not the genuine Kanger brand, to clogged air holes, etc.

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