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ECBlend Dragons Blood / Dragons Tear

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I am a huge fan of both Dragons Blood and Dragons Tear from EC Blend and have made a few resupplies from them. Today I got in another resupply of both but noticed that the color for them both was clear. The only difference with todays resupply and previous resupplies is that I dropped my nic level from 12mg to 6mg. Is this enough to alter the color of the liquid's? I have not opened them up and tried to see if there was a taste difference. I also sent EC Blend a service request asking the same as above but wanted to know if any of you all have experienced the same?

Thanks in advance.


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Thanks for that Tameiki. I knew that there might be some visual changes but never expected it to be that drastic. I hope that I enjoy the taste at 6mg nic as much as I did at 12mg. First attempt at lowering my nic level for upcoming 2014.

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Thanks for that Tameiki. I knew that there might be some visual changes but never expected it to be that drastic. I hope that I enjoy the taste at 6mg nic as much as I did at 12mg. First attempt at lowering my nic level for upcoming 2014.

Yeah, the first few times I bought different nic levels, it took me by surprise. There's more flavor with less nic or so I've found. Good luck! :)

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I liked the dragons tear at first but it has lately lost its spot in my rotation.

That's how dragons delight was for me, it just started tasting horrible after awhile, I still have enough to drip though, so I may try that tomorrow. I still need to see about trying some other dragon juices from them.

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On a better note, I just received my first bottle of flan, tam.

Take the cap off, put it into a dark, cool place and shake daily. Wait at least a week or so before vaping. Best is about three weeks for me. I'll be waiting to hear what you think of my favorite. :)

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At the beginning of November, I ordered six sample sizes from EC Blends. ALL arrived perfectly clear. They all colored up, some more than others (I haven't tried the dragon series). I'm pretty sure I'm not going to order any of the samples that I tried....although one or two I may give a second chance, give them about six weeks or so to sit (probably won't order these until mid to late January - that's when they both had sat, forgotten, and I had just a little bitty bit, maybe 1 ml left of them, and they shined, or seemed to. Well, one, if I'm not confusing myself, I had put it into one of my mini protanks, and didn't mark the change down on my sheet. And a few days ago I took a hit off that, and thought, "That was yummy!" I thought it was my papa smurf. Added in more Papa Smurf to fill it up. Nope, what was in there wasn't Papa Smurf, but I think it was "That Juice!" from EC Blends.

And the Tobacco Blend really changed a bit on me as well. Went from an almost dark or smoky flavor when I tanked it up two weeks ago to a bit sweeter when I dug out the evod and finished it the other day.

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