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Do you all suggest a flavor wick for a cotton build? I can't get mine to stop leaking ever. The flavor and vapor production is good though, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong...


Yea the protank almost requires a flavor wick in order to hold back the juice in the tank. You will have to experiment with the size tho.


It's prob wicking TOO well. I'm assuming the leaking is out the bottom?

If you can tighten up the cotton (more cotton within the coil) you can prob slow down wicking action. But the trade off is less juice which means less flavor and vapor.

Posted (edited)

Sometimes no sometimes yes for me the one I have in now which is a nano micro coil I have no flavor wick but have had to put it in some of my rebuilds. An also my mix is 50/50. Figured I'm doing something right and wrong at times just can't figure what I'm doing that affects it.

Edited by mikelove

Do you all suggest a flavor wick for a cotton build? I can't get mine to stop leaking ever. The flavor and vapor production is good though, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

Did u try puting a piece of cotton on top of the coil also??

A piece of cotton on top of the coil is known as a flavor wick


I had someone help me and it seems to have stopped leaking, he added a pretty big flavor wick. I now have another question though. I built a dual coil in my igo w3 and it was producing huge clouds with a silica wick. Now I rebuilt it with the same ohm coil (micro this time) and used cotton and the clouds seems thinner, just like with the protank. Is there a break in time so to speak for cotton? I've seen a lot of videos talking about better clouds with cotton, but I'm just not experiencing it. I pulled a fairly wispy strand of cotton through the coil but thick enough to get some good resistance when I pull it back and forth. Like, I can feel it making good contact. I'm also used 30/70 pg/vg juice.

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