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I wanna buy another e cig for a back up .. Is the c ego twist ok? Isn't it like the vision spinner? Also what would be a good tank to put on either one being I use to be a heavy smoker? I catch myself trying to vap a lot ..any help would be very appreciated.


The eGo Twist and the Vision Spinner are essentially the same, just made by different companies. I prefer the Vision Spinner because the numbers are much easier to see so I know what voltage I'm using with just a glance. The Twist's numbers are etched into the metal and are very hard to see for me. :)

I'd add either a Kangor Pro Tank 2 or an Anyvape Davide mini with 1.8 ohm or 2.2 ohm coils. The Davide mini is my preferred tank when I'm not direct dripping, it gives great performance, imo.

Add some e-liquid at 18 or 24 mg of nicotine and start with a 50 PG/50 VG ratio would be my recommendation. I was a pack a day Marlboro Light smoker when I went to vaping. The 24 mg of nic helped get me over the rough spots and it didn't take very long at all before I went down to 12 mg of nicotine. YMMV. :)


I second what Tam said about the Spinner probably being the best of the lot. I got a Smoketech Winder for Christmas for use when my MVP is charging, and everything is just to glossy to easily tell what the numbers are, where the indicator is, etc. Well, no, wait, I can see the numbers fine, it's just the indicator that I can't see that well in the glare back from the glossy finish of the bottom dial.

And I would recommend either the KPT 2 or the Davide as well. They both hold a good amount of juice, so you won't be refilling every few hours unless you are hitting it really hard.

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