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So here is the story, I have used my friends vap before and it gave me a migraine after 8 hours of use. I smoke a pack of No.27s daily for 7 years now. I know he had 12mg nicotine and the migraine would not give up. He juice he was using was 50/50 from a local store called spring vapor here in the woodlands Texas. I have used the Blu E-Cigs before and never had a problem. I went and spent $180 on two starter kits for me and my fiance. I then got migranes again. I want to use the Vap i have but i cant stand the migranes. I think its either im allergic to PG or its too high of a nicotine level which i doubt.

any ideas?

I think if its PG then i can go to 100% VG


My first guess - other than analog withdrawal, which could cause migraines, would be too much nicotine. Either you are using too high a nic level (although that might show itself after a shorter time of vaping) or you are hitting the vaporizer too much in that time period, receiving a higher dose of nicotine than you are used to over time.

Blu uses both pg and vg, so that wouldn't be it.

Were the analogs you were smoking full flavored, and how long were you using the Blu's, and what strength? And about how many ml of juice did you go through, and what strength nic? Just throwing ideas out there.


I agree with Spyder, withdrawal and possible nic overload. I had a tendency to vape like a freight train to make up for lack of analogs.

One more point, though - hydration! You must up your water intake. And that means water, not sodas, coffee, beer whatever. You could be suffering dehydration which is more likely to cause your symptoms. I would start there since it doesn't appear to be a pg/vg issue.


I agree with Spyder, withdrawal and possible nic overload. I had a tendency to vape like a freight train to make up for lack of analogs.

One more point, though - hydration! You must up your water intake. And that means water, not sodas, coffee, beer whatever. You could be suffering dehydration which is more likely to cause your symptoms. I would start there since it doesn't appear to be a pg/vg issue.

I also had the headache/migraine issue, coupled with reflux, if I smoked too many analogs in a time period.

But yeah, when I started vaping, well, at first, I was fairly good at just occasional hits but pretty quickly, since I wasn't having, say, like a set have a cigarette smoke for 10 minutes thing, I was hitting it VERY frequently, which I still sometimes do. I'm thinking that's what you are doing.

And def keep hydrated. Dehydration actually causes more headaches than anything else in the US, believe it or not.


Thanks for all the quick responses. After reading, I have determined that its because my frequent hits coupled with my constant smoking of analogs that is causing my migraines. Once I slowed down on hits and stopped smoking analogs, things got a little better. I have headaches that are less severe. Im thinking the guy at the shop might have mixed it with a high mg level of nicotine then he or i intended. Therefor giving me a "overdose" of Nicotine. With that and the frequent hits caused this whole issue. Im going to buy more with the lower level and see if anything gets better.

BTW: No.27 is like a medium strength cigarette, most comparable to a Camel red then a Marlboro red


Aren't Camels stronger than Marlboros?

Anyway, glad you seem to be on the road to figuring it out.

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