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Possible Mod Build ideas

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I am fairly new to vaping, and bought a standard cheap-o from a store near me after realizing that Blu was not for me. So, now I have this e-hookah and I love it, though I am not 100% satisfied. I want the option of billowing clouds of vapor, and I also am a tinkerer so I want to build mods. Once I have the money, I will start modding, but I had a few ideas I wanted to put to the masses.

First off, I was curious if anyone out there has built or heard of someone building a multi tank build. kinda like having 6 chambers in a revolver, and if you want to change flavor, you just rotate. Or maybe where you can get a better flavor mixture by vaping from different tanks simultaneously instead of mixing liquids in one tank.

Secondly, I was wondering if it is possible to do over-sized coils. I am thinking like building a tank that holds probably 1 liter of juice, and having it powered by a small 12 volt battery or something. Mainly because I am involved in costuming, and want to know if this is feasible as a vapor pack to wear as part of a neat steampunk thing.

Well, those are my big ideas, so let me know what you think, and if you have specific ideas on how these would or would not work, I would love the feedback.

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The owner of my local B&M has 2 or 3 that use 6 15ml or 30ml glass bottles. Looks like a hooka. The "Revolver" is single person use (one flavor at a time). The atomizers are modified IGO-W.Two hole drilled through the base for SS wick then mount on a custom built SS cap for the bottles. VW or by pass the circuit to mechanical with 4800 mAh battery pack built into the base. The other one is not a revolver, but 6 people can vape at the same time. It plug into the wall and only mechanical.

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