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This is my first post here. My name is Joey and I live in Durham NC., have been smoking for most of my entire life of 66 + years. 55+ yrs. of smoking

I am trying to stop smoking again.....I stopped for 3 yrs. after I had my heart attack (2004). I was lucky only got stints in my heart. The issue that is killing me now is PAD....I have very little pulse in my left leg

Doc. says that I will be lucky to have that leg in 3 yrs. if I do not stop now.....The other news is even if I stop now...The leg might last 5 yrs. at best

I have been vaping for about 3 weeks......I bought a eGo kit off of ebay.....I am guessing it is a fake kit.

My tongue feels like it has been scalded ....the protank 3 I got in the kit....Floods an gives me a mouth full of juice about 2 x a day and when I say flooding one toke and it will drop 1/3 of a tank into my mouth........Oh well......live and learn

Just received a Vamo vision and a iClear 30 and some samples of Vermillion River juice yesterday.....Much better than I could have ever thought.....I just wish my tongue was not burnt from the other stuff so I really could enjoy the new juice.

I smoked one real Cig yesterday and one this morning......the Cig this morning was not good....I think that is a good sign I maybe able to dump the dang things

Any advise on how to deal with a burnt tongue would help


Welcome Aboard! :cheers:

Good luck with the quitting... I started vaping 8/17 with a half pack of analogs left... have not smoked any of them, vaping absolutely works. You will find you sense of taste and smell will improve rather quickly and analogs completely lose their appeal.

There are plenty of friendly, knowledgeable, helpful people on here that will be more than happen to answer questions and give guidance if needed!


Welcome to Vapor Talk and congratulations on quitting the analogs. I don't know about the sore mouth thing, I never had it happen to me but I have read a lot of posts where people who did have that problem were discussing it. Sorry your fit experience was so bad. It sounds like you have got some good equipment now. I personally use a Vision Spinner 1300 battery and a Kanger Protank 2 tank and I have no problems except a little tightness in my draw now and then. But Vapor Talk is loaded with experts on any subject about e-cigs and vaping. Just ask your questions and they will answer.


Welcome aboard. Your story sounds much like mine. 50+ years of the nasty ones, tried quitting a few times without success till I got my e-cig. Tried the cig look-a-likes, but turned out to be a waste of money. Bought my eGo and EVOD tank in April and haven't had a nasty since..... don't miss them, either. Still working the same tanks with newer batteries and coils. Your e-cig will work for you if you want it to.


Welcome !!! very glad you are giving vaping a try. it will take a bit for your mouth and body to settle down.

with your protank....did you ever check to see if the coil was too loose. it usually comes out of the package a bit loose and can loosen each time the bottom piece is removed to add liquid.


Welcome to the forum. This is a good place and I like you transistioned from analogs to vaping. Sorry about the bad experience with your tongue burning. I currently use a Tesla and Kanger Pro Tank and the vape is very good and smooth. I also had a burning in the upper part of my mouth because of a bad setup I was using at the time.


I am having a hard time with the protank 3

I can not to save my self keep it from flooding......I am wasting more juice than I vap

What am I doing wrong???


I am having a hard time with the protank 3


I can not to save my self keep it from flooding......I am wasting more juice than I vap


What am I doing wrong???

Kanger has had issues getting the coils for these correct, the latest batch seems to be better. Also I have one KPT3 that I dropped and had flooding issues with and it turned out the base was damaged just enough to cause it to flood, so that's something to think about also.

Thanks for the reply...

I have not dropped it yet.....LOL..........Might throw it

I did get a few spare coils for it.....Maybe I need to try a new one in the tank



This is my first post here. My name is Joey and I live in Durham NC., have been smoking for most of my entire life of 66 + years. 55+ yrs. of smoking

I am trying to stop smoking again.....I stopped for 3 yrs. after I had my heart attack (2004). I was lucky only got stints in my heart. The issue that is killing me now is PAD....I have very little pulse in my left leg

Doc. says that I will be lucky to have that leg in 3 yrs. if I do not stop now.....The other news is even if I stop now...The leg might last 5 yrs. at best

I have been vaping for about 3 weeks......I bought a eGo kit off of ebay.....I am guessing it is a fake kit.

My tongue feels like it has been scalded ....the protank 3 I got in the kit....Floods an gives me a mouth full of juice about 2 x a day and when I say flooding one toke and it will drop 1/3 of a tank into my mouth........Oh well......live and learn

Just received a Vamo vision and a iClear 30 and some samples of Vermillion River juice yesterday.....Much better than I could have ever thought.....I just wish my tongue was not burnt from the other stuff so I really could enjoy the new juice.

I smoked one real Cig yesterday and one this morning......the Cig this morning was not good....I think that is a good sign I maybe able to dump the dang things

Any advise on how to deal with a burnt tongue would help


First off, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but you remind me somewhat of my mother. My dad had CV issues (angioplasties and stents) dating back to about 1994, I think, but when mom's trouble hit, it hit big. Within a year, she had to have, I can't remember the NAME of the surgery, but they basically had to go in and roto-rooter out her carotid arteries, and they discovered her PAD and her artery problems around her heart at the same time. She had to have triple bypass surgery, and then shortly afterward, she had to have femoral bypasses on both legs - in two spots on her left leg. She was initially told that if she didn't stop smoking, she wouldn't be walking in 10 years time. Well, she quit smoking almost immediately, but she had difficulties taking blood thinners, so she wasn't on blood thinners, and a couple years ago got another couple clots in her left leg. One was able to be cleaned out, but the other she had to have another bypass. She was told then, in 2010, I think, that if she had blockage again, she'd probably lose her leg. But she was put on permanent blood thinners, at that time, and if she got another ulcer, they'd work around that. It happened again this summer. (About three years later). She went into the hospital, they weren't sure what they were going to be able to do. The first time, I THINK he managed to clean the blockage out, I really can't remember, the summer is so mixed up in mind, because they never really got her blood thinner levels right in the hospital, and when she went home, the blood levels dropped again, and she got another blockage. Back into the hospital she goes. Luckily, just like the other two times, despite her leg being quite cold, and quite pale, and no femoral pulse, she had enough peripheral blood flow in the small blood vessels to buy some time, and after almost a week, they were able to find a vein to harvest. She was admitted to Barnes on her 69th birthday....,.Happy Birthday to her, right? That was the second admission. The next day, the 14th, was my last slip up with an analog.

When she started trying to quit, she forbade my dad from smoking in the house, and thirteen years later, he's still smoking outside. Although I think when it's very very cold she'll let him smoke in the basement.

Like the others have said, you can try a new coil in the Protank 3, but you may be better off just putting a single head in there for now.

Good luck, and welcome aboard!


I am sorry to hear about your Mom.....She has been through a lot...My prayers are with you and yours

I am still trying a real cigarette .......once a day. .....The taste is terrible

I am hoping to stop wanting to try a real cig. soon........I have about 12 different types of e juice trying to find something I can stick with.....I did order a big bottle of Vermillion River....Kentucky Premium blend....That is the one I like the best so far. The smoke shop here only has 1 or 2 brands.....DeKang and some other....The guys that work there knows almost nothing about e-cigs.

Other than you guys here...I am on my own as to vaping

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