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Surgery tomorrow

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Okay, so bright and freaking early (before 6 am) I have to leave to go to St. Louis County to get a trigger finger release on my thumb. None too soon, too, because in the mornings, the stiffness and locking has spread to my other fingers upon waking until they loosen up. Maybe that's an early sign that I'll soon be needing trearkment for those, I dunno, but the last few days have been painful, and I'll be glad to get it behind mme. Who wants to take bets on how long it takes me to hit the MVP fire button with the wrong hand?

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Went well. They started the med to make me drowsy way early, so I was practically asleep by the time they wheeled me back there. Slept through most of it, but they had to wake me up to make me move my thumb. So then I just started talking, I have NO CLUE what I said, but it must have been slightly amusing, because my doc told his resident they should start charting what patients say when they have that kind of sedation.

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As if is, waiting for the newest painkillers to take effect on the area NOT impacted by the nerve block. But they also gave me a steroid injection on my other thumb, and I think that hurts worse. Hubby has to, at the very least, open and hold my tanks while I refill them, or he'll have to do it, at least until the nerve block wears off.

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Just started typing again about 2 hours ago, and it feels a heck of a lot better than poking at letters on my phone, and less stressful, too.

The only issue is this: he did an injection for my left thumb, which we talked about and agreed upon before hand, because my left thumb has the same issues, only not as advanced. And frankly, I don't know if its from the injection or from using my MVP trigger in my left hand (either triggering it with my left thumb, or turning it around and triggering it with my finger), my left thumb now hurts like an SOB, is locking up (it wasn't as bad as the right side about that).

Oh, but this just in (it's now an hour later) and my nerve block is starting to wear off, and I'm getting SOME pain, but not as much as I expected, but it itches. And typing definitely hurts less than typing it out on my phone or my Nook.

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