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Hey everyone its me again.

I have a problem with my lavatube again I got a lot of play in my center post and it makes my tank wiggle which messes up the connection and changes the voltage constantly. If I hold it perfectly while I take a hit its fine but if I don't it will jump from 1.3 to 2.2 depending on its position. After some searching I see its a common problem and I've even found a fix for it on a different forum that doesn't seem to hard.

I'm going to attempt a fix but before I do I wanted to buy a new pen (cheap I just bought all my books for college). I know cheap wont get me the best quality but it would be nice just to have a backup in case I finish off the lavatube trying to repair it.

The only requirements I want out of it is vv and that it uses the same type of batteries so my replacements don't go to waste. I do not want to buy another lavatube.

After I order a replacement I'll attempt the fix and if it works I'll keep it as a backup.

Any suggestions?


I am also going to suggest a Vision Spinner like Troy did. Even though it doesn't use separate batteries it's a very solid device, variable voltage, and the 1300 is going to last you quite a few hours before needing to recharge. That said, if the Lavatube was your only battery and whatever you're going to buy is the replacement, you will want to get two Vision Spinners so you'll have one to vape on while the other is charging. A 1300 takes 3 - 5 hours to fully recharge.

Once you can get more back ups. And back ups of back ups. That way you won't be in this situation again. Good luck! :)

Posted (edited)

I bought a vision spinner for my mom a few months ago and she still loves it. I also bought an ego twist for my lady and she also loves it, maybe I'll go ahead and get myself a spinner. I'll try and fix the lavatube if I break it I'll just goto the store and grab a spinner, if I don't break it I'll order my spinner online and save a few dollars.

But I must admit I do like having the physically bigger battery just in case I need a weapon or something to throw during road rage jk sorta kinda, but mainly because I feel like I would break the thinner batteries.

Lavatube 2.5 its a lot cheaper through that website than it is in person here, its almost half the price. My lavatube did last me a long time with a few small problems I may get another one some day just not today.

EDIT: I just fixed my lavatube it wasn't difficult at all. I'm going to go ahead and get myself a spinner passthru for when I'm at home and order a new lavatube battery housing. Now I'm off to do some online searching and see where I can get both of those preferably in the U.S. so I don't have to wait a month for shipping.

Edited by Drewet88

If you need a great device and a bruise wielding weapon try a VTR! I'm scared if I drop it I'm gonna break a foot! Heavy and durable....


Thanks for the suggestions I like the vamo v5 I've looked at them a couple of times. My friend has one but he uses it with a direct drip atty I'm sure it will still be good with my protanks. I seen a cheap body for one on zainy, I've never ordered from them before but I'll give it a shot after reading a few postings from people saying everything went fine. I'll also be paying a little extra to skip china post and have them deliver it DHL. (I'm still waiting on my fasttech order through china post) My LT is working alright after my "fix" but I rather just replace it and save it as an emergency backup.

I'm still looking for another place to order from thats in the U.S. so I don't have to wait a ridiculous time for shipping and have a real backup in case something like this happens again. In the meantime I'll just use my LT, wait on my Vamo, search the internet, and maybe buy an ego twist. The real backup and the ego twist will have to wait until after Xmas. I never realize how much family and friends I have until its time to buy everyone presents.


I tried editing my post but it didn't go through...

For anyone that may read this having the same problem it was my rubber grommet under the center post. It had worn down over the year(s) of use and heavy use over the last few months since i joined this forum. I think it was juice leaking down there and possibly eating away at it. Luckily I had an old atmos laying around that was broken when someone gave it to me. I took the center post out of it and luckily there was a basically brand new grommet laying there. After a little poking around I was able to swap out the grommet and now the post doesn't wiggle at all, its like brand new.

I also didn't order the vamo v5 because DHL shipping cost more than the Vamo and I still didn't know if it would actually make it here in a week since it still had to make it thru customs. Instead I ordered a Vamo v2 off of eBay brand new for $30 and the shipper is 6 hrs away so it shouldn't take long for it to get to me assuming it gets mailed tomorrow. I'm sure the Vamo will become my everyday vape since the LT doesn't have the same kick it used too even with fully charged batteries and a new coil but its probably just wear and tear. Plus my chrome finish came off a while ago so it will be nice to have a nice shiny finish again.

Hopefully I'm not disappointed in the Vamo because I wouldn't have minded saving $30 but I needed a backup in case anything like this happened again and I like how it can take smaller batteries. In the end its still cheaper than buying packs of analogs every 2 days so I'm happy.

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