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I am just wanna know

That quiting smoking is really a tough task, but how much is it safe to choose e cig. Most of people say that , it is safe and i think the same.

That's why i want to go for e cig. Need suggestions about which one i should go for ....or how many days or amount it should be.


I'd suggest a simple ego. They're cheap, a great place to start. Although, if you want to start really small, try a disposable. I started with a Chocolate Chill "ehookah" as my first. Of course, is the look and feel of an actual cigarette important, or is it the nicotine and "smoke"? If you need it to look like a cigarette, wait for somebody else to recommend one. I had poor luck with a V2 Cigs e-cig and dont know any others in that style.


My first starter kit was from Bull Smoke. You get 2 cigarette looking batteries, 1 manual(push a button to vapor) and 1 longer automatic(no button, just take puffs) and 10 flavor cartridges that screw into either battery(a USB charger too) for about $30 online. I was really curious about flavors other then tobacco. Most of the flavored cartridges weren't that good(compared to most e-liquids, they all sucked, but I didn't know that at the time), and the refills are a rip-off of $12.95+ shipping for 5 fo a pack. The only good thing was it got me off of cigarettes from day one.

After my 1st week I bought an eGo-T kit on eBay. In hindsight I would have looked harder online for an Ego starter kit with 2 batteries and bought e-liquid a few at a time.

The only part of the Bull Smoke kit that I'm using now is the box it came in to hold loose vaporware.

I know, I was blown away by all the choices there are online and in local stores. I have 2 eGo's now and a 3rd on the way. Lots of people make fun of eGo's, but they are a great way to start vaping.

Then there is the level of nicotine to get. I was smoking "lights" when I quit, but I buy 18mg the most and like to have a couple of 24mg e-liquids on hand for quickies. The first time I vaped hard with a 24mg flavor I got a bit dizzy and didn't feel very good. That's why I only use that high level for a few quick hits. If I find a flavor I really like and plan on vaping allot at one time, 12mg works well for me.

As for how long? That's up to you. I'm so glad I finally don't feel I need or want to smoke anymore after 40 some years. I don't plan on quitting vaping anytime soon. I would like to drop my nicotine level down, but I'm in no rush to do so. It will come when the time is right.

I feel better now with vaping then when I had quit smoking for about 1 year. I was always wanting a smoke and cranky too. The vaping world is very exciting to me, but then I'm still kind of a newbie.

I'm glad you're thinking of making the switch. I think you will be glad too.

Posted (edited)


Congrats on your decision to quit tobacco. You're gonna be amazed at how much better you feel, and all the other benefits, taste, smell, money etc. After slowly poisoning yourself with tobacco smoke, you are now going to enjoy smoking vapor with virtually no health consequences. shortly, you'll never even consider going back to tobacco.

There are lots of people here with lots of experience who have all experienced everything you are going through and I can assure you were are thrilled for you and willing to help in any way possible.

Read everything you can about equipment and I am sure you'll find just the right PV (personal vaporizer) for your needs. Best of luck to you, and again, congratulations on a wise decision.

Edited by donmac

hello mia ..Thanks for the reply.. i had checked about ego..


Is there any more options, that i can help me..

I started with an ego and a buddie of mine came over with a pro varri.i gave my ego to a nother buddie of mine and after about a week he started giving a chance and hes now anolog free for about a week now.so its deff not a bad starter but after using that lro varri i knew i wanted something like that so i did some reserch and made an order for the sigelei z max v5.. pi ked it up online for $62 bucks..i guess it all depends on how much u think ure gana b into vaping..whatever u end up with though remeber its all about the juice!!! To me anyway... good luck on your new healthier adventure!


I started with an ego and a buddie of mine came over with a pro varri.i gave my ego to a nother buddie of mine and after about a week he started giving a chance and hes now anolog free for about a week now.so its deff not a bad starter but after using that lro varri i knew i wanted something like that so i did some reserch and made an order for the sigelei z max v5.. pi ked it up online for $62 bucks..i guess it all depends on how much u think ure gana b into vaping..whatever u end up with though remeber its all about the juice!!! To me anyway... good luck on your new healthier adventure!

Pro Vari, Pro Vari.... bah, over rated. If I drop an ego somewhere, I'm out $30 plus whatever is screwed on to it. Sill variable.


Usually the Provari haters have never owned one so they are talking out of there bung holes.

Posted (edited)

Wow,deff some pro vari haters out there!! Tell u what,if i did buy one i sure as hell wouldent plan on (droping it) ;-)

I didnt plan on dropping my phone either, but it happens.

Until Assurion starts covering PVs, my little ego is plenty for me.

I also don't see what all the hoopla is about. My ego makes more than enough vapor, with just turning a little knob, and I have money left over to put juice in it. Both devices do the same thing, and although the Pro Vari may do it better, I just don't see enough difference to justify THAT much of a price difference.

It's also huge and bulky. I'm not hating on it, just not my thing. Obviously, somebody likes it, and that's fine. Enjoy.

Edited by HelloMiakoda

I just can't see how someone would reccommend a Provari to someone who is inexperienced with vaping and looking for a starter kit.

Provari and other APV are usually an upgrade down the road for most people once they've become more familiar with vaping and are ready to move on to the next level. eGo batteries are very cheap, yesterday I purchased a 650mAh eGo-k with CE4 and usb charger for $11 and free shipping for my father who has shown interest in vaping, it's small, cheap, and he can learn the basics of vaping without investing much, in this case absolutely nothing because it will be one of his Christmas presents :santa:


1st of all i wasent recomending a pro vari,i siply said i tried my buddies and it made me want something better than an ego!! Thats why i picked up the sigelei z max and got it for only $62 bucks..This **** is all on what u prefer,u want something cheap get an ego!! There not a bad starter but i wanted more than that (after trying a pro vari) so i sold my ego.all i was saying is u want to try vaping and unsure about it get an ego,but if u think ure gana b into it u might want something else.. so smoke a fatty and relax mo fo's!!!


Verry true my freind!! I can understand that times are tuff thats why i bought a $60 dollar one instead of a more expensive one.. wether you have a ego,pro vari,or anything inbetween,at the end of the day as long as your happy with it and not smoking as much or any analog's thats all that matters!!!!!!!


Is it just me or is everyone taking things so personally? When I reccommend a cheap starter kit, it's for one reason and one reason only.. to make sure they are going to enjoy vaping and figure out if they're gonna stick with it. No sense wasting any extra money if they're not gonna stick with it, and if they decide they like it, they can always get an advanced pv later on, plus they'll already have a backup battery.

vaporraper is right, the main point is that you're happy, and you're vaping and staying off the analogs.. everything else is a matter of preference.


I agree Twisted I would never buy an expensive PV for someone to start out with. Nobody here was recommending the Provari to the OP. As with many topics the discussion wanders from place to place :D


I only take it personal when someone calls me a >#%]£

I hate that.

I'd much prefer if someone would just call me $#@!$ , I can at least admit to being one of those.


I must have got a dud EGO 900 mah because it doesnt work that good. I charge the batteries correctly but it hardly produces any vapor. If I leave it for a while it'll work ok once but after that it hardly produces any vapor.

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