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So im now analog free for just over two weeks..found myself going full throtel for vape and trying to com it down a litle..

Luckily i have a good buddy that helped me along the way..did some reseach and bought the sigelei v5..its great!! I have two davide tanks for it cause i wasent verry happy about kangor pro tank 2 because i had to ba k them off to get airflow and thats not the case for the davide..

Anyway i was deff thinking about a rebuildable! I vaped off 1 yesterday and couldent beleave the deference.. so only being two weeks in i dont know two much about them at all and was wondering if u could help point me in the right derection.. i dont want to spend to much at this point because ive ben going overbord already..what do laidies and gents think is the best bang for the buck as far as a rebuildable tank???? Also was wondering were i should look to help me with diy juice.. thanks for the help,u guys rock!!!!!


I would read up in the "hardware specific" forum under "rebuildable atomizers" first. Lot of great info there.


Welcome to Vapor Talk. I think what Bebop said was good advice. I am not a pro yet like most here are but I read the new and old posts everyday and I am learning a lot. After 8 months what I have found that works for me is Vision Spinner 1300 and KPT 2.


I would read up in the "hardware specific" forum under "rebuildable atomizers" first. Lot of great info there.

Welcome to Vapor Talk. I think what Bebop said was good advice. I am not a pro yet like most here are but I read the new and old posts everyday and I am learning a lot. After 8 months what I have found that works for me is Vision Spinner 1300 and KPT 2.

thanks for the warm welcome and info!!!!


Okay, um, I'm just going to come out and say this. I would wait until you have more experience vaping before heading into rebuilding, or mods, or anything like that. There could be a number of reasons why there was such a difference. A big one is he could be building a sub ohm coil, and using a mech mod. It could be the device he's using, the tank he's using, the power, voltage, the resistance, a VERY LARGE NUMBER of factors, so I wouldn't go jumping in with both feet yet. Play with resistances. I can't remember if you have a variable voltage battery stick or not, but if not, get one, they are under $30 if you stick with the Twist or the Spinner.

And I DEFINITELY wouldn't jump into DIY just yet. Don't remember if you just quit analogs or have been off them for a while, but first and foremost, your tastebuds are still changing/recovering from coming off the analogs. What tastes good today may taste foul in a month. Give yourself time to sample from different places, see what you like, see what you don't like, and let your tastes evolve.

That's just IMO.


Okay, um, I'm just going to come out and say this.  I would wait until you have more experience vaping before heading into rebuilding, or mods, or anything like that.  There could be a number of reasons why there was such a difference.  A big one is he could be building a sub ohm coil, and using a mech mod.  It could be the device he's using, the tank he's using, the power, voltage, the resistance, a VERY LARGE NUMBER of factors, so I wouldn't go jumping in with both feet yet.  Play with resistances.  I can't remember if you have a variable voltage battery stick or not, but if not, get one, they are under $30 if you stick with the Twist or the Spinner. 


And I DEFINITELY wouldn't jump into DIY just yet.  Don't remember if you just quit analogs or have been off them for a while, but first and foremost, your tastebuds are still changing/recovering from coming off the analogs.  What tastes good today may taste foul in a month.  Give yourself time to sample from different places, see what you like, see what you don't like, and let your tastes evolve.


That's just IMO.

ive ben off analog's 2 weeks now and have deff tasting deferent juices..my sigelei is variable voltage and i do go up and down with it.still getting used to it...my buddies tank and setup was a pro vari with i beleave a nock of geneisis..deff got me interested but ure saying to hold off?? I kinda tend to go full throtel when i do something so its tough to hold back..i hqv e another buddie that has ben doing diy for a litle while thats why i figured to try it with him.. thanks for the input!! :-)


Depending on your juice, I would try anywhere between seven and eight and a half watts. Just start at seven, vape it a while, then bump it up, see if it's better, and so on, making sure you back it down if it tastes burned. Hubby got his Provari a couple of weeks before I got my Sigelei (had to return it because of a malfunction). I kept trying to reproduce the taste he got out of his 618 flavor on the Sigelei, and finally he told me, "Try bumping it up to seven watts." I was vaping too cool before that. That did the trick, although bumping it up to higher was even better for me.


Depending on your juice, I would try anywhere between seven and eight and a half watts.  Just start at seven, vape it a while, then bump it up, see if it's better, and so on, making sure you back it down if it tastes burned.  Hubby got his Provari a couple of weeks before I got my Sigelei (had to return it because of a malfunction).  I kept trying to reproduce the taste he got out of his 618 flavor on the Sigelei, and finally he told me, "Try bumping it up to seven watts."  I was vaping too cool before that.  That did the trick, although bumping it up to higher was even better for me.

Deff happy with sigelei to..i have ben going up and down with the power and trying to find the sweet spot..was wondering if you tried lower ohm like 1.5 or so and if and what is the deference? Also wondering if i still need a volt meter or not if i get ino rebuildables sence i can read resestance with my sigelei??

Thanks for the help! ;-)


Lower resistance means you can get the same power using less voltage, and thus, more vapor using less voltage usually.

If you DO get into RBAs, you definitely need an ohmmeter or a multimeter. From what I've been told, the ohms readings on APVs aren't always entirely accurate.

PLUS, if you decide to build sub-ohm coils (coils of less than 1 ohm resistance) your Sigelei won't fire it. I don't think Zmax will fire anything under 1.2 ohms as a matter of fact. You would have to go with a mech mod, I believe. I don't know if the regular eGo type stick batteries will fire on anything that low resistance either.


Lower resistance means you can get the same power using less voltage, and thus, more vapor using less voltage usually. 


If you DO get into RBAs, you definitely need an ohmmeter or a multimeter.  From what I've been told, the ohms readings on APVs aren't always entirely accurate. 


PLUS, if you decide to build sub-ohm coils (coils of less than 1 ohm resistance) your Sigelei won't fire it.  I don't think Zmax will fire anything under 1.2 ohms as a matter of fact.  You would have to go with a mech mod, I believe.  I don't know if the regular eGo type stick batteries will fire on anything that low resistance either.

Thanks for the help,its always apreciated!!


Thanks for the help,its always apreciated!!

No problem. We had a mutlimeter already, 'cause my husband's a handy fix it around the house guy, but he uses it to check the voltage coming OUT of a device if needed (like when my MVP was messing up because, I have come to believe it was freaking haunted, since it tested out normally).

That's it! My house is only SLIGHTLY haunted (and what 100 year old house in THIS town isn't - a town almost universally agreed on is the most haunted small town in America).....all the ghosts have taken up residence in my equipment!

*starts plotting to find out if I can set up "ghost traps" around my equipment when it's sitting unused, and where I would find how to make said "ghost trap"*


Has anyone tried the ceramic wick atty's?

I've never heard of ceramic wicks. Link please, this sounds interesting. :)

Posted (edited)

That's it! My house is only SLIGHTLY haunted (and what 100 year old house in THIS town isn't - a town almost universally agreed on is the most haunted small town in America).....all the ghosts have taken up residence in my equipment!

Practice doing the vape trick known as a "ghost inhale". I bet you'll be amazing at it!

Edited by HelloMiakoda
  • 2 weeks later...

Depending on your juice, I would try anywhere between seven and eight and a half watts. Just start at seven, vape it a while, then bump it up, see if it's better, and so on, making sure you back it down if it tastes burned. Hubby got his Provari a couple of weeks before I got my Sigelei (had to return it because of a malfunction). I kept trying to reproduce the taste he got out of his 618 flavor on the Sigelei, and finally he told me, "Try bumping it up to seven watts." I was vaping too cool before that. That did the trick, although bumping it up to higher was even better for me.

This would be a great idea if the Kanger Protank coils didn't burn out after just one day and that's with setting the Sigelei at a max of 4.0!! I want a deeper hit but there is no way my Protank coils will allow me to go any higher than 4.0 without burning up immediately, it's ridiculous and frankly I'm really getting tired of it; any suggestions? What are the dual coils all about? Do they hit stronger and HOPEFULLY last longer? Thanks for your replies:-)


This would be a great idea if the Kanger Protank coils didn't burn out after just one day and that's with setting the Sigelei at a max of 4.0!! I want a deeper hit but there is no way my Protank coils will allow me to go any higher than 4.0 without burning up immediately, it's ridiculous and frankly I'm really getting tired of it; any suggestions? What are the dual coils all about? Do they hit stronger and HOPEFULLY last longer? Thanks for your replies:-)

Ive ben makeing some coils of my own for the protank and getting some good results..made one useing 28g wire,12 wraps on a paper clip(tight) with cotton threw and ontop(flaver whick) and it came out to b a 1.2 litle monster..made a few useing 32 g wire and that brings the resistance up. These rebuilt coils seem to give u a blast!! Imo more vape that the kpt 3!!

This would be a great idea if the Kanger Protank coils didn't burn out after just one day and that's with setting the Sigelei at a max of 4.0!! I want a deeper hit but there is no way my Protank coils will allow me to go any higher than 4.0 without burning up immediately, it's ridiculous and frankly I'm really getting tired of it; any suggestions? What are the dual coils all about? Do they hit stronger and HOPEFULLY last longer? Thanks for your replies:-)

Are you using genuine Kanger coils ? I get at least a week then another week or two after a clean and dry burn.

What Ohm ? Coils are you using ? You say 4V isn't a lot but on a 1.8 coil it is !

I run mine between 3.4 and 3.7 depending on juice.

Are you holding the fire button down too long and frying the element ?

Do you get any burnt taste or dry hits ?

If you are burning out coils try lowering the voltage or getting higher resistance coils maybe a 2.2 or 2.5 ohm.

Even when dry burning I haven't popped a coil yet so where your going wrong I'm not really sure.


I dry burn my coils, I'm not sure what done folks are saying about the coils burning out. I don't think I've had a single pro tank coil completely burn or yet after vaping for 11 months. I have discarded some after I've messed them up.

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