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New liquids giving harsh throat hit


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I never smoked cigs. I have a few Hookahs that I smoked every week or so, but not that much.

Smoking a hookah every week or so is TOTALLY different than vaping nicotine, flavored or not. Start out with 0 nic. And that throat burn? Smoking's given it us, for most of us, decades. Hence smokers' voives, why I can no longer sing after 25 years of smoking. I don't even notice throat hit with vaping. Never did, never understood what it is, frankly.

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Well the first three bottles I bought when I originally got my vape had no problems at all and I barely noticed anything, and they had 18mg nic, which is why I was curious if there was anything else I was doing wrong since all the new ones I bought have had crazy throat burn and the levels have ranged from 80/20 to 20/80.

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Well, talk to the shop. You know what flavors you bought. As for pg/vg ratio, talk to the owner, he would know, but I would guess 50/50 or 60/40. But why would you get a nic level more equivalent to pack and a half a day? I'm admittedly not knowledgeable about hookah, but did you really get the equivalent of a pack and a half per day of analogs by hitting a hookah once a week? And why did you decide you need nicotine every day?

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I lied, I found one of the bottles and they are 12mg nicotine, anyways, I was with a friend who suggested the Nicotine amount. I called the store and apparently there's someone who comes in early in the morning to mix all the levels, I just need to actually wake up early enough to call them and find out what they do differently.

I think it might be the vendor, because I have two flavors that are 50/50 with 12mg and they are pretty harsh.

Also, a bit more on Hookah Tobacco. It comes in 100g and 250g tins typically. They are between .05-.5% Nicotine depending on the brand. Which in a 100g tin is about .05g-.5g which is 50-500mg of Nicotine per tin. Each bowl you pack will have about 15-25g of Tobacco depending on the size of the bowl, so even dealing with the smallest portion of Nicotine on a 15g bowl, that's about 7.5mg of Nicotine per bowl, and if you're dealing with the larger of the nicotine content, that can be closer to 75mg of nicotine per bowl.

And I should have been more clear on my Hookah usage. Up until the end of last year, I would set up my Hookah several times per week, and earlier that year when I lived in an apartment I set it up most days.

At the beginning of this year I moved and where I am living now I can't use the Hookah inside because I don't own the place and I'd rather not risk carpet and just in general not upset the owner, so a vape would be an easy solution.

Especially now that it's getting cold outside, it's easier to just vape in my home office without any worries.

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I lied, I found one of the bottles and they are 12mg nicotine, anyways, I was with a friend who suggested the Nicotine amount. I called the store and apparently there's someone who comes in early in the morning to mix all the levels, I just need to actually wake up early enough to call them and find out what they do differently.

I think it might be the vendor, because I have two flavors that are 50/50 with 12mg and they are pretty harsh.

Also, a bit more on Hookah Tobacco. It comes in 100g and 250g tins typically. They are between .05-.5% Nicotine depending on the brand. Which in a 100g tin is about .05g-.5g which is 50-500mg of Nicotine per tin. Each bowl you pack will have about 15-25g of Tobacco depending on the size of the bowl, so even dealing with the smallest portion of Nicotine on a 15g bowl, that's about 7.5mg of Nicotine per bowl, and if you're dealing with the larger of the nicotine content, that can be closer to 75mg of nicotine per bowl.

And I should have been more clear on my Hookah usage. Up until the end of last year, I would set up my Hookah several times per week, and earlier that year when I lived in an apartment I set it up most days.

At the beginning of this year I moved and where I am living now I can't use the Hookah inside because I don't own the place and I'd rather not risk carpet and just in general not upset the owner, so a vape would be an easy solution.

Especially now that it's getting cold outside, it's easier to just vape in my home office without any worries.

It's not "what they do differently". It could be ratio, which the OWNER would have to know as well as this mixmaster guy, or it could be particular ingredients they use to make up those flavors, or it could be that your body just happens to agree with those particular flavors made in that way with their ingredients. If they "do anything differently", they aren't going to tell you, they'll consider it a trade secret. Just like my go to B&M shop isn't going to tell me what all flavors go into the 618 blend (their own homebrew "local" blend, hence the name, which is our area code). If I were you, I would stick to those original ones, but also try samples of their other flavors, or get sample packs of other vendors (after you find out what pg/vg ratio they use, and the OWNER has to know that because it can impact diabetics - more vg, the higher the the blood sugar impact). It could be they were using 60/40.

Okay, you're talking about "bowls" - how long does it take for you to go through one of those bowls? Because a) on AVERAGE, one consumes 1 mg of nicotine from a regular analog cigarette; B) the nic mg rating is the nicotine per milligram of juice - so if you go through 1 mg of juice in a day, you've absorbed, to use your example, 12 mg of nicotine (BTW, were all your other orders that were so harsh, were they 18 mg instead of the 12 you got at the original vape shop? That could be the difference right there); and c) there is a LETHAL amount of nicotine one can absorb into one's body, but it's pretty difficult to get to. You have to absorb 60 - 90 mg of nicotine into your body within about an hour for it to be fatal. Nicotine is processed in two hours, although the metabolites stay in your system for a few weeks, but as far as I know, there is no lethal level of the metabolites. And nicotine can be absorbed in many ways, and isn't just found in tobacco.

And I'm rambling, but it's good information to store in your brain.

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618? Oh hey! You live in Alton! I lived in Columbia, IL until January of this year when I loved to Louisiana. You were under an hour away from me!

Anyways, it could be the Nicotine. When I bought from the shop in St. Louis it I got a couple 10mg flavors. The bottles I have now are 12mg and I got one of 18mg. Do you think that extra 2mg between 10-12 is going to make a lot of difference?

I've got them all steeping right now to see if that helps at all.

It's sad because all the flavors smell and taste delicious but I just can't enjoy them as much as I'd like :(

Edited by TheCas3y
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Yeah, Cas3y, I live in Alton. Grew up in Godfrey, moved to Alton when I got married (just a few months shy of 20 years), and we've lived in about three different places in Alton since then. In May, when we hit our 20th anniversary, I will officially have lived in Alton as many years as I lived in Godfrey. I'm familiar with Columb

Since June 1, we've had FIVE vape shops open up in the area (the area being the Alton area). Two in Alton (just found out about the 2nd one in Alton, which makes it the 5th one, don't know how long they've been there), 1 in Jerseyville, and two on different sides of East Alton. Anyway, check online for the store in St. Louis you went to. They may have an online presence, and you may be able to order from them, if you liked the flavors.

Do I think an extra 2 mg of nic is going to make the difference between a harsh throat hit? Not myself, not personally, but I'm working my way DOWN in nic level. The majority of my "every day even for a little bit of time today" flavors are either 8 or 12 nic, but I also have an old bottle of 16 nic I'm working down, and at least several of 18 nic. Now, the 18 nic could be giving you problems if you are used to 10 - 12. But I would also think you might be getting a head rush if that was the case.

Do you mind posting where you ordered from? And do you remember the name of the shop in St. Louis? Was it in St. Peters?

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