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Do you all feel that it's rude to go into a shop, try out the feel of a mod or APV, maybe taste some flavors you've not tasted before, and not buy anything? I did this before I bought my MPV, and I tasted a couple of new flavors while I was there, but my main goal was to check out the MVP, see how it felt in my hand, and how difficult it was for my thumb to push the button, and see if the clerks had any idea on how durable it was (which one clerk said he "accidentally" threw it across the room and it was fine). The new flavors I tasted weren't to my liking, so I didn't buy them.

I have been told my *ahem* someone, that it's not only rude, but embarrassing.

So I'm asking you all's opinion on it. I'm sort of of the opinion that what we purchase (the APVs) requires some "window shopping", if you will, but this person doesn't agree with me.


I go to my local b&m and window shop all the time dont feel that its rude I go to walmart and sears and other stores and do the same thing

Posted (edited)

We had people come in our B&M look around test flavors or e-cig and not buy. I was happy to serve them.Most times they came back and bought a e-cig and 2 or 3 flavors. I see no problem with it at all. That is what having test units and flavors is all about. ;)

Edited by Compenstine

We had people come in our B&M look around test flavors or e-cig and not buy. I was happy to serve them.Most times they came back and bought a e-cig and 2 or 3 flavors. I see no problem with it at all. That is what having test units and flavors is all about. ;)

See, and the place I want to go is the place that I would PREFER to buy my coils from anyway, I just can't buy coils this week. They are the only place around here that sells genuine Kanger coils for less than $10 ($8.50). They have everything that I'm thinking about, I think, except the Vamo.


So, this person also goes into a car dealership and buys one without test driving it first because it would be rude?

I don't think so.

An APV is a personal thing that you need to make sure it will work for you and that it's at a price you want. Just my opinion.


I feel that it is a little rude to go into a B&M shop and try out their gear, with no intention to buy from them, but rather buy the same item online. They have a lot of costs to keep the lights on and to stock their shelves for a person to just want to "test" stuff but never intend on buying. I know that this practice has been going on since online shopping started. But, most will do this at a big box corporate store, not a mom and pop B&M local shop. Everyone knows that prices online will be cheaper than at a B&M, but are willing to pay a little extra to tryout and feel an item. If you just go in to "window" shop and purchase online, you are slowly putting the B&M out of business. I don't think that most B&M's can stay in business selling a random pack of coils to someone every couple of weeks. But that is just my opinion.


I agree that if a B&M store has trial units and offers samples then it's not necessarily rude to go there and proceed to not buy anything. I don't think that it should happen all the time though, maybe some weeks you're only going in to try new flavors or check out a new apv, but at some point you should also try to make some significant purchases from them. Online sites will almost always have better prices, and it's great to save money on certain purchases, but we also need to support our local economy and buying local at B&M stores is one way we can do that


Trying new things is what the whole system is all about!

I've gone into places and have just asked questions about things, and have received a lot of good information from them -- enough so that I refer others to the shop as well as go in there myself when I'm in the mood to try something different. I'm pretty honest about prices and whatnot and the place that I go to is also a coffee shop so I tend to just get a cup of coffee while I'm there since it's cheap and gives them something.

Plus, free refills are common for those who linger. :) I don't think it's a horrible situation.


I often do this at my store. I have my eye on something, if he has it I go test it out. If I like it I will most likely but from them at a later date but if the price is ridiculously more then I'll buy online. I have made several significant purchases and often rebuild coils for them but other then that I window shop a lot especially if it's a more expensive item (vtr, genuine chi you, rainbow heave elite, steam turbine,etc). There is absolutely nothing more disappointing then buying a large ticket item and then absolutely detest the item.


My local vape bar really likes having people come in and just chill out, talk about vaping, test flavors, or just shoot the breeze. They have a couch, a few plush seats to kick back in with side tables, and three bars with three barstools each. It's a very relaxed environment.


Its not rude. I have stopped at shops when I drive buy, but dont need anything. I loom around, try samples, and decide if I will go there when it's time to buy. One shop I visited, I decided has "good enough" flavors for when I cant get my preferred stuff.


It isnt rude to go in, look, try and not buy. IF you find something you do want, and fully intend on purchasing, and you go home and buy online instead of the store, then shame on you.

One thing I have noticed here where I live is the better stores are barely visible or have poor signage. This is generally due to 2 factors; they are too busy to worry about a sign and/or they appear busy, have good product, but their margins dont allow for a better location and/or sign. I found a new "home" shop for me that happens to be 5 minutes down the road from me, AND they carry 0 nic juices of nearly every single juice they stock. They also have parts and accessories to rival some online stores. That, and the guys who work there are not just "blowing smoke". they know how the different parts, mods and accessories work. My first time in the salesman was working with a couple people on how to tie a wick and build a coil.

Another note, and this comes from being a vendor at a couple rennissance fairs. We sell hand-forged stage combat weapons (sword, daggers, axes, shields, armor). All are high-dollar items where the least expensive item starts at $60. Not exactally the easiest things to push on people in this economy. However, we sell a lot, and not just to people who need them for stage and shows. Interacting with people is key. People who see a crowd will come over and see what the action is about. Curiosity will draw people in who had no idea they were even interested in what you are selling.

Go to the store, spend time inside. Meet and get to know the salespeople and owners. But do not waste their time testing their gear and then buying the stuff online. If you want something, but it is cheaper online, ask if the store will match. If the store doesnt have a certain juice or flavor, ask them if they can get it in. If you have taken the time to get to know them, they will be more likely to go out of their way to help get you what you want, just to keep you from going online.


I check out every new store that opens near me. And always buy something, even if I can get it for less elsewhere, coils or another KPT....just something so they don't feel they wasted time on me....


If it's a shop I like, I sometimes find myself upselling despite not working there.

I know one time when I went into 3D vapor, the shop I posted the article about, a woman was just starting out, and she was worried about how long her ego battery would last her, and she was about a pack a day smoker, and the sales clerk was so grateful that I assured her that it could probably last about 18 hours if she continues at that rate, and doesn't start vaping more, like I did.



I know one time when I went into 3D vapor, the shop I posted the article about, a woman was just starting out, and she was worried about how long her ego battery would last her, and she was about a pack a day smoker, and the sales clerk was so grateful that I assured her that it could probably last about 18 hours if she continues at that rate, and doesn't start vaping more, like I did.

I think I breathe more vape than air! LoL, Im like damn fiend with it! I swap batteries mid day when I'm stressing. It's a pair of 1000mah egos

Posted (edited)
So can you tell me what ego batt lasts 18 hours??
When I'm not stressing, my ego twist lasts JUST A HAIR shy of 18. I'm a very heavy vaper. I mean I vape a lot, I'm not fat, lol. Edited by HelloMiakoda

So can you tell me what ego batt lasts 18 hours??

When I was vaping less than I am vaping now, the 900 mah lasted me 18 hours. Now, not a chance. I'll switch batteries around mid-morning when I get up to get the kiddo off to school, and then switch up again some time after dinner (and that's having reduced my vaping!). But that first month, I think, yeah, it lasted me about 18 hours. I started freaking around my son's graduation party when they started lasting shorter, and it took me about a week or so of logging charge times (I thought one of my batteries might have gone bad) to realize, no, the batteries are lasting equally, I'm just vaping more. By the time I got my first AVP, I would go through two and a half 900 mah batteries per day.....but like I said, I've cut back (for one, med changes, I sleep more).


But not 18 hours of true vaping time, just 18hours till you have to recharge it?

Yeah, 18 total hours of you know, general time. From when I would hit it first, to when I would hit it last. Not true vaping time.

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