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I recently joined the forum and am pleased to be a member. My story is similar to most with a few exceptions.

I smoked cigarettes and cigars for 60 years. Hard to believe that in that amount of time (inhaling the cigars also), I am still alive and in excellent health. Oddly enough, in a recent complete medical, my doctor advised I have a complete pulmonary workup because of my many years of smoking. It showed I had relatively little lung damage in spite of those years of smoking. I am very lucky.

Over the years, I literally tried every conceivable method of quitting tobacco; lozenges, patches, nicotine inhalers (which interestingly enough, my Nicotrol Inhaler contained PG) support groups, and you name it. I was never able to successfully stop smoking.

A few months ago, I purchased an e-cigarette while I was enjoying one of my favorite cigars. After trying the e-cig, I sat down my half finished cigar and have not touched tobacco since. Literally quit analogs in 3 minutes. After that I upgraded to better equipment including mods, and in addition to the enjoyment of vaping, now consider it a hobby.

Within a week of switching to vaping, my smokers cough of many years disappeared, my sense of taste and smell returned, and I enjoyed a heightened sense of physical well-being. I love being a non-smoker and promote vaping to everyone who will listen.

Pleased to be a member, and hope to be an asset to the group.


Isn't it amazing? It's just... CRAZY to be a smoker that long and quit in such a simple swoop. Even those who don't intend to quit, end up quitting.

Welcome to VT! :)

What's your favorite device that you're using? I'm always curious as to what people choose as their weapon. Haha.


Welcome to Vapor Talk. You are right, it seems most of our stories are the same. What a blessing we have found.


Thank you for the warm welcome. I have a number of setups. Actually what I use the most is a regular EGO setup 650 to 1100 battery with a CE4 clearomizer, inexpensive and works well. If I am out in public or with friends, I use an Enjoye 510 T e-cig or an Eversmoke e-cig, so I don't look like I am smoking an opium pipe. At home, I love the Kamry K100 with a Kanger mini pro tank II, inexpensive and fills the room with thick vapor. Another good basic setup I enjoy is an Ego 650 Battery with a Vision Nano clearomizer, small, inexpensive and fun with amazing vapor production.

I make a lot of my e-liquids in addition to buying online. I have some zero nic stuff I made, and alternate it with the nic liquids.

The problem is, with all this stuff, is that it has become a hobby and I spend a lot of time messing with it. I have a number of other tanks, attty's and other stuff to play with and make all kinds of fun configurations.

One of the things I enjoy, is seeing how long I can keep an atty, clearomizer or cartomizer working well by cleaning them. So far I have had excellent results and am using ones that work perfect again after multiple cleanings, that most people would have thrown out. I have some cartomizers that have been refilled over 50 times and are still working well.


Congratulations!!! I was a long time smoker also. Started vaping in August, of course I had to finish 3 packs of analogs that I had left in the carton!!! Since then no smoking just vaping. I could not agree with you more with the coil situtation. I clean and dry burn!!! Absolutely great advise! I also use only white embroidery floss for new wicks, works really fabulous.. Take about 8" of floss fold in half and than again, lay it across the coil replace the stem and cut excess off with small scissors, replace little plastic cap, fill tank, screw it in and I am happily vaping again. I have about 10 coils I am rotating.


The technician, who did all my pulmonary tests, was fascinated with my vaping info. He smoked for fifteen years, recently quit, is having a tough time. He believes he will probably go back to smoking at the first stressful situation he encounters. He said he has more lung damage than me after his 15 years. My doctor said it is basically your DNA that makes the difference. Some people are more prone to lung damage than others. Some people develop lung cancer after 10 years of smoking, some smoke all their lives with little consequence.

I can assure you I am thrilled at the extent of my lung condition, as I was sure I must have extensive damage from all those years. Now, thanks to vaping I can continue having fun with vaping and not sustain additional damage to my body.

There is an excellent peer reviewed report on e-cig's from Drexel University, Department of Public Health.

Just Google: Drexel University e-cigarette Report and you can read the entire report in PDF. It's great to download and print to show the anti-vaping people.

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