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So i finaly got my juices in today..it took about a week but well worth the wait.i think it took a litle longer than normal because of the black Friday sale..anyway i figered i would try and share the experience because after all its all about the juices! 1st ill tell u about the well known boba's bounty.if u dont know about it i would say get some! I wont go to much into flavors because u can look them up to find out.but boba's to me is kinda like a nutty caramel tobacco with a nice throat hit,probably more than all the others i got.2nd is flue cured,its verry tough for me to discibe all i can really say is that its good and the closest way i can discribe it is like a light caramel tobaco..deff impressed with it!!3rd is pg hype..i didnt vape to much of it so all i can say is that it was slighty peachy and deff good..4th is hazzlenut cappuccino..i didnt expect much of a good result but it fooled me.deff not a bad vape! It wasent to overpowering of a flavor and it blended together pritty good.i also orderd dakota and it wasent to bad.didnt vape much but it kinda reminded me of the cappiccino one.my buddy also had gorila juice wich had a light banana tobaco tast and sweet tart that was just like sweet tarts..all and all im deff inpressed with the Aliens,they can abduct me anytime!!ill b ordering from them again for sure! Whats ure favorit juices and places??? Lets spread the love..vape on people! ;)


thanks for sharing. I am curious about the taste of the hazelnut cappuccino though :D

It was not to expensive at all if u wanted to try it..not to bad of a vape kind of taste a litle chocalete in there also..i havent tryed vaping it all day yet,cant seem to put the boba's down!!

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