cpeters1965 Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 Good afternoon/eving/day everyone! Sorry I have not been around but is busy season here at work so I will be mostly vacant till after January. I have a problem as of late that is driving me bots! I use all Kanger T3s tanks and rebuild the coild on them. Lately though my tanks start gurguling and seem to have a lot of moisture/juice in the center tubes and I am at a loss to explain why! Does anyone else have this issue and what would be the best way to resolve it? As always thanks in advance to a great group of educators/vapers!
Tam Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 Not positive but could it be that your wick isn't thick enough? Not enough wick could cause your problem.
cpeters1965 Posted December 8, 2013 Author Posted December 8, 2013 Tameiki, That is possible. I use 3mm for the wire wrap and a 2 mm for the wick, maybe go to 3mm on both?
Tam Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 Rixter first recommended to me a 3 mm wick so that's what I use and it works great. Might be worth a try?
wizard46304 Posted December 8, 2013 Posted December 8, 2013 Haven't had a t3s for a bit, but when I did I would have that problem often, I turned them upside down and blew them out, t then took off the base and coil and fluffed p the gasket a bit and reassembled, could also replace the coil at that point and clean the old one. I saw recently someone used 2 gaskets, one upside down ontop of the other to help seal the connection of the clearo and the base/coil.
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 I just rebuilt one right now, 32 guage kanthal 6 wraps. 3mm wrap and 3mm wick, letting it soak with juice now and will let everyone know. came to a 2.1 ohm (yes I tested it lol)
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 ok right now vaping some MBV mango and so far so good! It's popping a bit but thats fine. will keep you all posted as the tank dwindles. Tam and spydre 2
1cheater Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 There are 2 threads with this issue, but with the KPT2, I have found a 2.2 wick and 100% Vg juice fixed my problem I was having for a very long frustrating period... May I ask what ratio your juices are? Also, keep in mind that a high to modsrate acidic juice will compromise your seals/gaskets.. I think the Kpt2/3 are having the same related symptoms.
1cheater Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 (edited) I recntly asked my local vape shop if they had the T3 in stock and he told me they were having problems with them and he wouldn't order them till he was sure the probldms were resolved; he did not mention what the problems were... If I were you I would contact the vendor and Kanger, get a refund and wait till they iron out the issues. I should add that just recently I have been using 100% Kosher VG+ 50/50 extra strong on the juice (Cotton Candy)..What I do is apox 80% of the Kosher and 20% of of the 50/50 with heavy flavor.. the reason I do this is becaue I found that the 100% vg don"t give me the flavor i"m looking for and it has, lets say, an aquired taste. This ratio along with a Voltage between 3.9-4.4 and 2.2 wick gets me the flavor punch, at the same time not the sharp back of the throat harshness if I chain Vape. I also haven"t even experienced the slightest gurgl I have been experiencing the same issues you spoke of, but like I said mime was with the kpt2 with the MVP. I took my tank completely apart, checked all seals/gaskets, I have also messed around with adding more flavor wicks a little at a time to no avail. It wasn't until I switched juices that my problem was corrected. If you think about it; it all makes perfect sense. If you pour a thick liquid into a cup it"s going to be alot harder to suck up vs a thinner liquid. Also a thicker juice is less likely to evaporate vs a thinner; this should also hold true as far as wicks burning out quiker... Edited December 9, 2013 by 1cheater
bcartervol98 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 Ok this may sound harsh BUT As someone who has 6 KPT2s and 6 T3Ss in the rotation for months (going on a year!), I feel comfortable in saying that a very high percentage of the time problems with leaking and gurgling are user error and-or improper maintenance. I use anywhere from 100% PG to "No PG added" and never ever have a problem with them anymore. I do not remove wicks, rebuild, add wicks, or any of the other high maintenance things people here do. I expect things to work out of the box and in my experience most do once you get in a rhythm of how to properly use and maintain them. I think people expect it to be as easy as lighting up an analog and the only worry was your lighter running out of fluid. There are going to be times things do not work properly and need maintenance due to the a number of factors. If you follow these steps I assure you your gurgling issues will be gone. 1. Use only genuine coils for your particular unit, throw away any coils that came "free" with your unit 2. At each fill thoroughly swab and dry the center shaft after blowing any residual condensation from the coil 3. After filling ensure there is no residual condensation or liquid in the center post 4 If when you reattach the base there is still gurgling, try blowing out and clean one more time 5 If after all this it still leaks or gurgles, replace the coil Believe me when I started vaping I had the same issues a lot of you have now, but people are too quick to say there is something wrong with a particular unit or tank-clearo whatever. In most cases its not the equipment as much as the manner in which it is used and maintained. Aquatroy 1
spydre Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 I'm sure you already know this OP, but I have to add, just as a tack on, double check your drip well at every fill.
Havamal Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 What bcarter said... I use the T3S and occasionally have this issue. I do exactly what bcarter described above and the only time I seem to have issues is when the tank gets below 3/4 full but only with certain juices. Also if your tanks are being exposed to cold temps now that winter is here that can cause leaking issues!
bcartervol98 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 What bcarter said... I use the T3S and occasionally have this issue. I do exactly what bcarter described above and the only time I seem to have issues is when the tank gets below 3/4 full but only with certain juices. Also if your tanks are being exposed to cold temps now that winter is here that can cause leaking issues! A change in altitude will do the same thing. I cross the Appalachians on a lot of trips East and I have learned to just get ready to do the process when I arrive at my destination. Even the slightest altitude change will create pressure and force liquid into the post.
Patricia Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 I have never used a T3s but with all of my other tanks I have noticed if the gurgling starts it never fails that when I take the tank off of the battery there will be juice in the top of the battery where the tank was screwed into. I always know then that the coil has gone bad so I throw it away and put a new one on and the problem is always fixed.
dannyk Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 Keep it filled over half way, had this issue with KT2 and KT3 simple solution buy a Mini Davide. Tam 1
bcartervol98 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 I have never used a T3s but with all of my other tanks I have noticed if the gurgling starts it never fails that when I take the tank off of the battery there will be juice in the top of the battery where the tank was screwed into. I always know then that the coil has gone bad so I throw it away and put a new one on and the problem is always fixed. The above bolded always happens, at least to me. Whenever I unscrew a tank there is always a droplet of liquid on the battery whether from condensation or not. It is no indication of a good or bad coil imo.
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 Bcarter and everyone else thank you for the replies! Currently I am vaping 70/30 PG/VG ratio, nothing truly acidic. I threw out the stock coils when I got them from reading posts here . Currently I rebuild my coils while sitting at work using rixter's post and some you tube videos. I am using 3mm silica and 32G Kanthal A-1 wire. my normal is about 6 wraps, clip test on ohmmeter, if good dryburn and load wick and cap. No offense is taken from anyone as I am trying to figure this out.
bcartervol98 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 Bcarter and everyone else thank you for the replies! Currently I am vaping 70/30 PG/VG ratio, nothing truly acidic. I threw out the stock coils when I got them from reading posts here . Currently I rebuild my coils while sitting at work using rixter's post and some you tube videos. I am using 3mm silica and 32G Kanthal A-1 wire. my normal is about 6 wraps, clip test on ohmmeter, if good dryburn and load wick and cap. No offense is taken from anyone as I am trying to figure this out. Yea I am no help with rebuilding. In my mind the time to rebuild coils is worth more than the cost of a new coil lol. Either way I hope you get it settled. After almost 8 months of vaping if I were to abandon glass and go back to plastic, I would use the T3S and it wouldnt even be close. They are still all my wife uses, and I fill and maintain her tanks for her and she has 0 problems with factory coils.
spydre Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 What is the drip well? Pat, the drip well is basically, well, you know how the coil of a device sticks up and then sort of around it, you have the circle of metal that has the eGo threading on it (while the 510 connection is inside). Well, I'm assuming non-eGo threaded devices have this, too, but basically, is inside that area. Essentially, if the bottom of your tank leaks, it's going to collect there rather than running down your hand. I don't know if that's the express purpose of it, or if it's to keep it from getting to the battery, or what, but that's what I've always heard referred to as a drip well.
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 I admit I am looking hard at a protank and maybe a davide. Then again I am also looking very hard at a vamo5 as I want to up the game a little. I love my spinner but it dies after 8 hrs and I am back to the original that brought me here the ecto 1100 garage e stick that brought me here to you all. I am a tank user as I cant drip at my job ( both hands in use) spydre 1
bcartervol98 Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 From a Vamo owners perspective, it is the only APV I actually can say I "like". I am sure the others function the same way but I either do not like the way they look, feel, or the cost. For $40ish the Vamo is the best value out there imo. You can get a Vamo, 2 AW IMR 18650s, a 2bay Nitecore all for around $100. My Spinners and stock Egos are now backups that I only use when a lanyard is necessary. Otherwise my Vamo goes everywhere I go lol.
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 So far everything I have seen/read about the vamo I like. I may get a rebuildable as well just to see what the hype is..
Bebop Posted December 9, 2013 Posted December 9, 2013 (edited) Sort of, Spyder but not really. A Drip well is more commonly referred to as a collection area at the base of a coil in a dripping atomizer. It collects juice to feed the coil. Technically, in a bottom coil device where the coil screws in to the base there is a little collection area right at the short ends of the wick. This could be considered a "drip well" but it is constantly submerged in a tank device like a T3 or a pro tank. Bottom line if you're getting gurgling then : 1) juice is getting past your coil in to the airway (bad coil or wick) 2) condensation is filling the airway 3) coil is loose letting juice thru to top of battery and then up airway 4) sloppy filling techniques allowing juice in to airway Hope that helps Edited December 9, 2013 by Bebop12 Patricia and Tam 2
cpeters1965 Posted December 9, 2013 Author Posted December 9, 2013 bcarter, my understanding of the vamo2 is that it wont fit a t3s? did I read wrong on that?
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