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Posted (edited)

I just got in some more kickass VT juice and I gotta tell you waiting for this stuff brings back memories of way back in the day when I use to wait for the Ice Cream man to arrive except now it's either USPS or UPS/Fedex.

Anyway I just got in the 24 mg Mentha from USPS and am still waiting on my Dulcis and Grape Soda reorder to arrive from UPS( along with a couple other flavors I ordered from Diet Smokes). The VT Mentha is another winner for sure. I have been vaping frequently TW 36 MG menthol and to tell you the truth it is a good flavor menthol but compared to the VT there is no comparison as the VT just has so much more flavor and the throat hit IMO is the same as the 36mg from TW also the VT is alot more cloudy as well. It's really a delicious flavor if your into minty fresh flavors and I would recommend it highly. GrimmGreen mentioned it reminded him of Vicks menthol but to me it's much more like a peppermint lifesaver I also think TGWTF was way exaggerated in his thoughts of the pungency of the smell and how strong it is cause to me it's beautifully well balanced all around and just plain delicious.

The other shipmednt just arrived!!!!YAHOO!!!

24 mg Dulcis is freaking awesome and IMO exactly as Grimm Green described. If I remember right he said it was like PS Riskee but smoother

and thats exactly what I think as well with alot more flavor. I gotta say so far the VT flavors seem to have the most flavor of all the juices IO have tried yet complimented with perfect throat hits and awesome vapor clouds. I'll be a customer for a long long time. Thanks again Chris and Sean and FWIW Grape Soda still RULEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!

Derek ;)

Edited by VapnRealtor

Awesome! I'm glad you like the VT Juice! So long as I can get some of the minor bugs fixed in the store we should be ready to go next week. We will have 2 new flavors Colada and Midnight. Hmmm. They're good too.

I'm also working on another juice line which...dang I better not say anything else just yet. To many suppliers on the board ;)


Awesome! I'm glad you like the VT Juice! So long as I can get some of the minor bugs fixed in the store we should be ready to go next week. We will have 2 new flavors Colada and Midnight. Hmmm. They're good too.

I'm also working on another juice line which...dang I better not say anything else just yet. To many suppliers on the board ;)

Like them? I freaking love them and can't wait to try the Midnight. The Colada sounds great too.

Der :icecream: ek


Im waiting on more VT Grape Soda to arrive :dribble:

Ya man it's my favorite flavor right now. IMO it's like vaping delicious candy that believe it or not..........................LOL! tastes like grape soda. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


:wave: I'll have to go check out this VTJ site, looking for a great flavor in juice.

Im waiting on more VT Grape Soda to arrive :dribble:

Thanks for the reminder!!! I need to order more :) I am almost out of Grape Soda and that would not be a pretty sight!! :angry:


I have GOT to try some grape soda. I keep FORGETTING about it every time I order. Thats ALL everybody raves about, grape soda, grape soda, grape soda :dribble:


:wave: I'll have to go check out this VTJ site, looking for a great flavor in juice.

Our store is not open yet, but for now you can check out our Juice Line @ : http://www.dietsmokes.com/products/Vapor-Talk-Juice.html

Posted (edited)

i really wanted to wait for the store to be open to order another round of VT juice but i could not wait :( so i have grape an dulcis coming from dietsmokes!! Grape Soda can never go away!! don't you dare ever stop making it!! Hehehe!! just kidding, but it is super tasty!! i would be heartbroken to see it go :(

Edited by Ofortuna

This is the last week we will have Grape Soda. ;)

Actually the store is very close to opening I'd say it's about 95% complete. We just need to test a few more things out and smooth out some minor bugs in the software. We did 4 test purchases on the store today and finally everything went through with no problem. All the packing items and juice are starting to arrive like it's Christmas. Only a few more days!


This is the last week we will have Grape Soda. ;)

Actually the store is very close to opening I'd say it's about 95% complete. We just need to test a few more things out and smooth out some minor bugs in the software. We did 4 test purchases on the store today and finally everything went through with no problem. All the packing items and juice are starting to arrive like it's Christmas. Only a few more days!

Hold on a sec!

Are you telling me that there won't be grape soda in the new store?? I haven't even got around to trying it yet!



Oh really?!? no giving me a hard time!! that's not fair!! it's because i am a girl, isn't it? i see how it is!! :angry: hehehehe!!


This is the last week we will have Grape Soda. ;)

If that EVER happens all it takes is 1 phone call and I'll get the secret recipe. Remember 1 phone call :o;) Well actually in this day and age 1 email :D



BTW Chris - I'm vapn your flavors at 6 volts and good lord its incredible - Have you ever tried 6 volts? I also got some of the Diet Smoke/Liq Express Caramel Mach from hearing you talk about it and thats also amazing at 6 volts.



That wasnt funny either I was waiting on the Midnight to come out and then I was going to order all the other flavors I wanted to try!!!! Yes Grape Soda was on my list!!!


BTW Chris - I'm vapn your flavors at 6 volts and good lord its incredible - Have you ever tried 6 volts? I also got some of the Diet Smoke/Liq Express Caramel Mach from hearing you talk about it and thats also amazing at 6 volts.


I don't like 6volt to be honest it's just a little to strong for me. But I am currently using a VP passthrough running at 5 volts through the wall socket which seems to be the sweet spot. I'm using a 510 atomizer and the dulcis really comes out. The grape doesn't taste quite as good at 5 volts, I think it's better at 3.7 volts. Grape seems to be better at a cooler temperature. VT Tobacco also tastes great both at high and low volts and menthol will kick you're you know what. :D

Posted (edited)

I don't like 6volt to be honest it's just a little to strong for me. But I am currently using a VP passthrough running at 5 volts through the wall socket which seems to be the sweet spot. I'm using a 510 atomizer and the dulcis really comes out. The grape doesn't taste quite as good at 5 volts, I think it's better at 3.7 volts. Grape seems to be better at a cooler temperature. VT Tobacco also tastes great both at high and low volts and menthol will kick you're you know what. :D

I hear this from alot of people and it really shocks me to hear because my experience has been great with 6 volts using my SB. So far every juice I use gets WAYYYYYYYY more flavor, Wayyyyyyyyyy more vapor and ya a definite increase in the throat hit. The Grape Soda at 3.7 with my SB is great but at 6 their is no comparison and the taste is so much more intense. I don't know but maybe the TW 510 attys I use have some sort of magic combo with the SB.

I have a VP PT on order and cant wait to get it.


Edited by VapnRealtor
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