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So freaking behind

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In between "emergencies", pain issues, and other stuff, by the gods I don't believe in (although I've become rather fond of saying "by Thor" because of my norwegian friend), I'm so freaking far behind it isn't funny, so I'm apologizing. I'm not normally this bad. Because, well, you all know, I like to talk a lot.

But I called Better Vapes today, to see if either Travis or Steve was there to talk about the newest incarnation of my 555 clone......I had given them some tips last time I was in there. Well, nope, they weren't there. Girl answering the phone had NOOOO CLUE what was going on.....all she knows is the sample from last time I was there is sitting out there.....she didn't know they were working on another version..... :wallbash:

So, Saturday, if they don't have the second version thought out, because I didn't call earlier this week, I'll have to take 50 mls of the not quite there yet stuff, because I can't keep buying stuff all month, lol.

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