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When I get a glob of juice in my mouth, even though I've never swallowed it, I get aweful burning in my throat and I feel sick for a bit.

Is this risky? I can't seem to completely avoid it. Is the sick feeling just from getting too big a dose of nicotine?

Posted (edited)

I would not drink the stuff but the nicotine level in a splatter (few drops) I would think would be very minimal. I do know that 100% nicotine is extremely toxic and could lead to death if ingested and if you DIY you should probably take every precaution when handling it, but like I said the breakdown of nic levels in ejuice are pretty much minimal specially when it comes to just a few drops now and again while vaping. Here are a couple of interesting articles on the topic of nicotine in ejuice.



As far as feeling sick or the burning in your throat, I would guess it's just your bodies reaction to the ejuice in general. The stuff does taste nasty, but it has never affected me like your describing.

Now if this were to constantly happen to me I would do some investigating as to the cause and try to fix it, What are you using when this happens the most? With this information folks will be able to help diagnose the problem.

Anyways I hope this may have helped a bit, but I'm sure more experienced vapors will set me straight if I'm wrong.

Edited by dragongunner

Now if this were to constantly happen to me I would do some investigating as to the cause and try to fix it, What are you using when this happens the most? With this information folks will be able to help diagnose the problem.

I seems to happen the MOST if I've been chain vaping, put it down for a bit, and come back to it. It's usually within the first few drags after picking it back up. It happens least when I'm up and about.

I had one clearo that did it constantly. When ran empty, I took the drip tip out, and the little cap, and used a pen tip to straighten the tube down the center. I had noticed it was way off. That reduced how often it happened for that clearomizer.

The others, though, aren't crooked and all 3 still do it a few times a day.


You could have some juice in the center post. If that's the case take your clearomizer off the battery, place tissue under the clearo at the battery connection end (loosely) and blow gently through the mouthpiece to remove the juice. Dab the bottom of the clearo and also dab the inside of the battery connection to clean out any remaining juice. That should help. :)


This used to happen to me when I started out and were using cartomizers and smaller CE4 style tanks. With KPT2 and Davide Minis I have never had it happen once. I wouldnt worry about it and just be careful going forward.


I seems to happen the MOST if I've been chain vaping, put it down for a bit, and come back to it. It's usually within the first few drags after picking it back up. It happens least when I'm up and about.

I had one clearo that did it constantly. When ran empty, I took the drip tip out, and the little cap, and used a pen tip to straighten the tube down the center. I had noticed it was way off. That reduced how often it happened for that clearomizer.

The others, though, aren't crooked and all 3 still do it a few times a day.

Does it happen while you are chain vaping? Or, chain vaping then waiting a bit then going back to the PV? I used to dip, and I would get a nicotine overload sometimes that would make me feel a bit sick and woozy.

If it happens after chain vaping and you get some juice in your mouth, maybe its just too much Nicotine at once. Just a thought. Either way I hope you figure it out and stop getting a mouth full of juice.

I agree with BCarter, a better tank should make the splattering stop too.


The woozy only happens when chain vape AND a mouth of juice. Chain vape alone rarely does since cutting back my juices nicotine levels. (I think the hand-to-mouth thing is strong in me.)

We call it juice.... it dont taste like juice. Burns.

I might take a journal, write down exactly what I was doing when mouth of juice. There has to be a pattern.


I've found that if it's going to happen to me, it will either happen when I'm direct dripping if I overfill (I think I'm right, Tam, I think the coil may be gone on the one), or my Davide if it's for a reason other than juice in the center post. Not sure why it's happening occassionally on the Davide.

You could have some juice in the center post. If that's the case take your clearomizer off the battery, place tissue under the clearo at the battery connection end (loosely) and blow gently through the mouthpiece to remove the juice. Dab the bottom of the clearo and also dab the inside of the battery connection to clean out any remaining juice. That should help. :)

I don't know about CE4 type tanks, but with my evods, KPTs, and Davide, I do the above procedure from both ends - making sure to wipe the end off first. Actually, I do it from the drip tip end every time I fill the tank, just in case.


That solves it for the immediate time, but it just does it again later for no apparent reason.

Is it possible the wicks are too thin, letting juice leak in to the middle? Or maybe too wicky, wicking in too much? That cant be, cause I always get a dry hit when chain vaping. That's usually when I put it down for a minute or two to let it cool down and soak up more juice.

I have a stressful life, I vape like a damn fiend. I swear, if I had gone back to smokes instead of vapes, I'd be going through a pack in an hour. (oh, but those horrid e-cigs need to be banned! Clearly I'd be better off smoking. Grrrr)


That's just the nature of CE4 devices from my personal experience, which is why I switched to all kinds of different clearomizers until I finally hit on the Anyvape Davide mini. I've not had the same problem with these at all. The Kangor Pro Tank 2 is also trouble free from my experiences.


The Davide looks to be the same diameter as my CE4! (I dont like ones that would turn my "wand" in tk a top heavy looking "ceptor". lol)

It's a bottom coil... is the vape still warm with a bottom coil?

I wish it came in pink.


If you use a 1.8 ohm coil it can be a warm vape. Even though colors haven't come out yet for the replacement tanks (as far as I know), you can change the drip tip to whatever color you want. I have a pretty pink drip tip on the one that I have Strawberry Fields flavor in it to keep track of what is in which tank. :)


What drip tips does it take?

I use my label maker for flavors.

Any 510 drip tip. I have all sorts of colors and styles. I mainly use KPT2 but the Davide Mini is a great tank as well. If you want cheaper the Kanger T3S is a great option. Has the same capacity as the KPT2 and is under $5 with coils being about $1.

I assure you, once you switch to bottom feeder whether glass or plastic, you will wonder why you waited so long lol.

KTP 2 and davide minis are also my daily go to tanks, the mini has the best flavor. The both use std 501 tips..

They are all I have left except the T3S stockpile the wife uses. All the others I gave away to new vapers.


KTP 2 and davide minis are also my daily go to tanks, the mini has the best flavor. The both use std 501 tips..

Pssst! That's 510 drip tips. :)


Your correct my bad...sitting at home with a head cold, and house cold, and car cold, and outside cold...it's just freaking cold!


Your correct my bad...sitting at home with a head cold, and house cold, and car cold, and outside cold...it's just freaking cold!

Aw, poor Troy! I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I hope you get over this soon! And yes, it's really freaking cold!!! Where's the 60-70 degree weather we're used to this time of year? I didn't order this single digit high we're getting today. :(


When I get a glob of juice in my mouth, even though I've never swallowed it, I get aweful burning in my throat and I feel sick for a bit.

Is this risky? I can't seem to completely avoid it. Is the sick feeling just from getting too big a dose of nicotine?

Hi Miakoda, Im fairly new to vaping, been doing it For about 5 months... I have a itaste mvp with a kanger pro 2 (love it).. I was experiencing the same problems as you for the past 3 weeks ever since I bought the pro tank2. I racked my brain trying to figure out the problem, i tried everything.. I finally figured out the problem; my juices that I get were to thin. I went to a different Vape store that sells 100% Kosher Vegetable Glycerin because i needed new wicks.. They gave me a free 5mm bottle because i was new to the store and after telling them of my gurgling/leaking issue they recomended a 2.2 ohm (A 2.2 has more coil wrapped around the wicking material making it less likely to burnout to quik if u don't vape at to high a voltage) wick because i vape at 3.8-4.2 and problem solved for the past 10 days. If my wick does start getting burnt I usaully rinse it with warm water, let it dry and i get about 4-5 more days out of it before the coil gets to burnt out... Also, when you take a hit try not sucking in to fast. I try and hit long and slow. my Mvp has a 10 second cut off on hits so i can usaully get 2 medium to long hits in 1 shot.. Hopes this helps with your problem


This used to happen to me when I started out and were using cartomizers and smaller CE4 style tanks. With KPT2 and Davide Minis I have never had it happen once. I wouldnt worry about it and just be careful going forward.

Are your juices very thick aka mostly VG?


With mostly VG juices - the higher the VG content, the more stuff builds up on the coil, which possibly shortens coil life. Her issue isn't a PG/VG issue, as far as I can tell. Like I said before, I use anywhere from 50/50 70/30 PG/VG, and don't have the problem except occasionally in my Davide, or when I've flooded it and gotten juice in the center tube.


The Davide looks to be the same diameter as my CE4! (I dont like ones that would turn my "wand" in tk a top heavy looking "ceptor". lol)

It's a bottom coil... is the vape still warm with a bottom coil?

I wish it came in pink.

It sounds to me like the KPT minni would be a great fit for your situation. If it fits on your setup. Did you know they sell a minni? Its a slimmer form factor then the regualar KPT and they sell diffrent colored glass tanks; not sure if they sell pink, you would have to Google it or look at http://www.fasttech.com/ they may have it.


With mostly VG juices - the higher the VG content, the more stuff builds up on the coil, which possibly shortens coil life. Her issue isn't a PG/VG issue, as far as I can tell. Like I said before, I use anywhere from 50/50 70/30 PG/VG, and don't have the problem except occasionally in my Davide, or when I've flooded it and gotten juice in the center tube.

Yes, i understand what your saying, but in her case I believe her juice is to thin as was my case, also in my case im using a 2.2 ohm which increases tge life span of the coil depending on voltage


Yes, i understand what your saying, but in her case I believe her juice is to thin as was my case, also in my case im using a 2.2 ohm which increases tge life span of the coil depending on voltage

Nothing she's said on the forums thus far has indicated that she's using anything other than standard mixes, and she would have spoken up about it by now. And even with the clearos she uses, even 70/30 shouldn't be too thin.

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