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Posted (edited)

Exactly! Which is why big Pharma and big tobacco is the last ones we want to see in control of these. They must stay a free market, with minimal regulating.

ECF has organized Twitter Boms, I hope everyone who can join in, has done so. Be sure to read the entire thread for tutorials and updates. http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/forum/eu-legislation/498245-help-twitterbomb-nightly-1st-december-9pm-utc.html

Edited by Uma

I've been kind of upset about the latest news coverage on e-cigarettes. They've been getting a lot of spotlight in the news, and even if in a positive light on most of the news rooms, there is a lot of misguided information and uncertainty. CNN did a cover story, advertising it ALL day long on the radio and on the commercials, asking the question "Are E-cigarettes really safer than a real cigarette?" kind of misleading questions. I know it's how they get views, but even during the segment they're like, "Well, we don't really know the harmful effects of the e-cigarettes, but it's been improving some people's lives... so... yea!" >.<

I just wish the news actually covered them correctly instead of developing this sense of... mystery about them and this skeptical approach to the users.

Posted (edited)

I hear ya. The various media are funded by various political parties. Even CNN. Tv news is expensive, hence their loyalty to their funders. Some stations, like Fox, have reporters who counter balance, but they are not given as much air time. It's a shame, & I agree, very frustrating & corrupt. With all news releases, we have to be in the know of who is releasing the news. New York is really awful, bloomberg owns the news. Even so, they will allow an opposing reporter have their say just so the cronies can bash & bully in the comments section... check out the bullying in the comments sections. Just dreadful. But, being bloomberg, it's expected. The only thing we can do is keep plugging away with posting facts, data, and hoping for the best. Smokers need the truth.

So far, the ones who seem most open minded and fair have been reason.com & Forbes.com. Naturally, that can change in a moments notice too.

Speaking of news. This is in today.

No Clear Link Between SHS & Lung Cancer


They knew this years ago, but buried it. Now that they want the Vapers to go back to smokes (taxes), it's suddenly brought to the front. Good luck dudes. But hopefully the powers that be will take notice & stop tormenting, stop persecuting those who can't quit smoking. It's a sad sad world when people abuse their power & literally deny people employment, shelter and insurance just because .. Yep, just because..

A few of the many fact filled sites about the ANTZ ...

An essay by Joe Jackson. http://www.joejackson.com/pdf/5smokingpdf_jj_smoke_lies.pdf

Facts about Glantz who is leading the same crusade against vaping. http://www.velvetgloveironfist.com/index.php?page_id=64

A blog about ANTZ lies about THR products. http://antithrlies.com

A blog by a smoking ANTZ turned Vaping advocate. http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/2013/09/fda-doesnt-want-public-to-think-that.html

A site that details the ANTZ agenda from the earliest days... http://www.rampant-antismoking.com

Be sure to follow up with all the links they provide. Very telling!

Edited by Uma

Wow Uma! Thanks for all the work it took to compile and post all these links.

My pleasure! There's still tons more to go, the list is endless. Yet the ANTZ can't find any proof they are safer than smoking? :barf:

Speaking of more, here are the studies the FDA SHOULD have listened to & put on their website.






This whole e-cig thing nust cements in my mind that my government does not care about me, or if I live or die. They only care about how much of my paycheck they get.

They sorta care. If you die they lose all future paychecks from you.


They sorta care. If you die they lose all future paychecks from you.

Then explain why they would prefer I smoke instead of vape. Or why they let health care remain just outside my reach. Or any of the other stupid **** they do


Then explain why they would prefer I smoke instead of vape. Or why they let health care remain just outside my reach. Or any of the other stupid **** they do

Smoking won't kill you instantly. If you grow sick with cancer or whatever the various entities that own the politicians will then get a growing piece of your paycheck. As long as you have insurance you are a revenue generator until you're finally in the ground or reduced to ashes.


That one about addiction....

My cigarette based "nic fits" were atrocious.

My vaping "nic fits".... Unpleasant, but not the sheer torture of my cigarette withdrawls. Its obvious to me there is something ELSE in cigarette that is either also addictive and to a much higher degree, or something that enhances the addictive properties of nicotine.

I don't know if they add these intentionally, or if it forms because of the various chemicals they do add combine and form them, but they add MAOIs, which is where the REAL addictive properties lie. If you aren't familiar with them, look them up. They are OLD SCHOOL anti-depressant, I don't know what else they were used for. They are like, the last option for anti-depressants now, as in most docs won't prescribe them, because they interact with so many medications, but the amount in cigarettes isn't enough to interact with meds, but just enough to enhance the addiction.

And, at least for me, the REAL addiction, other than that, was not only the nicotine, but the hand to mouth movement. We continued to smoke analogs for about 10 days after picking up vaping - finishing what we had, and then because of a VERY stressful situation that we just didn't know how to cope with without the crutch of analogs (until we found ourselves hitting the e-cig WHILE we were smoking analogs, because the e-cig tasted better). I had two slip up days, one was a family reunion that everyone was smoking at practically, so I had pretty much planned on smoking two. The other was an even MORE stressful situation, on August 14, and I was with my sister so there were analogs available, and I just.....well, I was weak, and I was worried, and it happened - three analogs that day. Other than those five analogs, I've been analog free since July 27th at 2 am.

I've been kind of upset about the latest news coverage on e-cigarettes. They've been getting a lot of spotlight in the news, and even if in a positive light on most of the news rooms, there is a lot of misguided information and uncertainty. CNN did a cover story, advertising it ALL day long on the radio and on the commercials, asking the question "Are E-cigarettes really safer than a real cigarette?" kind of misleading questions. I know it's how they get views, but even during the segment they're like, "Well, we don't really know the harmful effects of the e-cigarettes, but it's been improving some people's lives... so... yea!" >.<

I just wish the news actually covered them correctly instead of developing this sense of... mystery about them and this skeptical approach to the users.

Most of the PRESS coverage I've seen has been negative - usually focusing on the risk of exploding batteries, unless you a celebrity doing it on a talk show (Katherine Heigl comes to mind), or a commercial, again a celebrity. But the talk show instance very much makes me thing "commercial" (and all of these things - Blu, and another brand - are cigalikes) and wonder if they contacted the e-cig company and asked if they could do that on the talk show, and would they get any consideration (ie compensation, free product - not that they have any shortage of money - etc.) for doing it.

They sorta care. If you die they lose all future paychecks from you.

They care about the tax dollars, but at the same time, they care about the MILLIONS in Medicare payments they have to pay out when you get cancer, become disabled, and if you don't have "creditable coverage" from a spouse working, or if you reach your maximum lifetime benefit limit (before the Affordable Care Act) - which was the entire reason behind the tobacco settlement. To reimburse the state expenses for Medicaid, and reimburse the federal expenses for disability and Medicare payments caused by people disabled by cancer or a smoking related illness on disability and Medicare.

I don't know about other states, but I know Missouri didn't even use the tobacco settlement for Medicaid.

Posted (edited)

Big Pharma makes a killing. Big Pharma is one of the corps that will lead the Trans Pacific pact thingie. Here is a small blurb about the TPP you'll have to google to super research it. http://reason.com/archives/2013/11/16/the-tpp-obamas-dangerous-international-d.

There are many "theorists" out there like Alex Jones, etc who have compiled tons of info over the years and are now screaming at the top of their lungs to wake up America. Take it or leave it, there it be.

Research "Agenda 21" & "Common Good" and all that jazz. There's a good video named Agenda 21 for dummies, with speeches from those who were in on it all in the beginning planning stages, that might help to understand the paranoia our country is under.

I'm new to all this stuff, new to politics, new to activism, new new new, but all these things are connected with WHO as the base advisory, planning, promoting, whatever board.

The FDA, big Pharma, CDC, WHO, are all connected in theories that aren't even vaping related. I stumbled upon these other theories while researching for why CDC, FDA, Who, and others are lying about vaping.

It's not paranoia when they're really after ya.

Take my words with a grain of salt. Like I said, I'm just stumbling around accidentally uncovering stuff. True or false? I haven't a clue, but when they fight safer alternatives while shoveling MonSantos, chemo, arsenic rice, arsenic chicken, mercury vaccines, ... Plumb island experimental lab, new prisons called "residential centers" next to railroad tracks, .... And so much more, ... it's enough to make one raise an eyebrow. Both eyebrows raise when they start confiscating self ptotection weapons, practice civil unrest, towns arming themselves with tanks fit for battle...

Got charmin?

Edited by Uma

Don't worry about sounding like a conspiracy theorist. I think in one way or another, all of us vapers are since the FDA has ALWAYS been threatening to get involved, since way back in 2008, and even took to court - but since it was classified as tobacco and under THAT regulation and not a drug delivery device via the federal court decision in 2011, they are running out of time to take action on it.

The thing is - I think it was one of the links you posted, or maybe it was something I read on my own. Big pharma only manages to help 15% of smokers quit. Why? IMO, it's not addressing the behavioral (therefore psychological) addiction. Yeah, suckers work for some, but not for all. Plus, the patches, the lozenges, etc., don't replace the same amount of nicotine you were taking in, and letting you step down as slowly as you want. The lozenges and the gum only address cravings as they come, and again, that's the nic craving, not the behavioral stuff.

Golly, I was going to type more, but now I've forgotten because I started this so many hours ago.....

Posted (edited)

Thanks Spyder. It's gotten so crazy out there, very frustrating. But like Wells says, we can fight them, & we must.

Mia, that was true for many of us, until our bodies flushed the entire cocktail of toxins we were addicted to. Once the body no longer craves that old stuff, our "habit" slows down too, believe it or not. Give it time to run its course.

Some news that confirms the masses are indeed AGAINST bans. The ANTZ like to twist that picture, make it sound like we are all alone in each battle, & make it sound like the public is for banning. WE know the ANTZ lie, but seeing it confirmed warms my heart. I love Reason, an independent paper. One of these pay days I'll subscribe, just to help keep them afloat. Here's a poll covering many of the NWO proposed bans, including vaping.


Big Pharma GSK makes the news. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/17/business/glaxo-says-it-will-stop-paying-doctors-to-promote-drugs.html?_r=1&

(For some reason, I don't believe they'll stop. Well, they might, but not their "fronts" & branches). I'm cynical perhaps.

Edited by Uma

Im sure there are many people who don't smoke that appreciate vaping over smoking, be it loved ones, coworkers etc..


Im sure there are many people who don't smoke that appreciate vaping over smoking, be it loved ones, coworkers etc..

Amen!! My family will testify to that!


FLAVORS by Dr. Farsalinos.

Remember that flavor survey not too long ago? Here are the PUBLISHED results!


"flavors are an important part of e-cigarettes’ success and pleasure perceived by vapers...."



ECigs, unlike tobacco cigarettes, do NOT stiffen the heart.

Posted (edited)

Aren't they! God bless Farsalinos!

One more conspiracy note. (Haha, well I'll try to refrain from now on).

Nicotine helps people with certain disorders, (nicotine imbalances no doubt), such as ADHD, Alzheimer's, Parkisons, Schizophrenia, cognitive skills, and so on. Neurological disorders. Studies also show it helps restore brain damage & helps avoid or heal or whatever colitis cancer, and so forth.

CDC, big Pharma, FDA, WHO, etc, have been trying to make this a nicotine free world. Say what? Nicotine is even in our vegetables, for our balanced diets!

Those same groups, the FDA, etc, are protecting MonSantos. MonSantos has been known to CAUSE all the symptoms that nicotine helps to avoid. Coincidence? I think not. http://globalresearchreport.com/2013/10/08/gmos-neurological-disease-adhd-autism-alzheimers-schizophrenia-bipolar/#sthash.aHf4jo3D.ZuKePwX0.dpbs

And the FDA is trying to take away supplementary vitamins, simultaneously. People love their vitamins!


There's a petition to sign against that ban as well.

Edited by Uma
  • 2 weeks later...

Nicotine helps prevent Parkinson's and other neurological problems.


Note: most problems we succumb to were generously provided by our wonderful producers & leaders. Flouride, pesticides, mercury vaccines, monsanto, preservatives, environment, ... Big Pharma has a pill for every symptom, imagine that.

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