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Taste issues with dentures?


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Okay, I admit, I'm horrible about wearing my dentures, but I've vowed do better at wearing them more often. But I've noticed something, and I think it has to do with maybe my denture adhesive more than my dentures. For years now, I've noticed after I take the dentures out and clean the adhesive out of my mouth, I can't really taste much for a while - but now, yesterday, I was wearing my dentures all day, I couldn't taste much of my vape, either. I thought it was from my new nighttime med, until it didn't wear off like it normally does. And then I remembered Thursday, when I was also wearing my "teeth", I couldn't taste much vape, either. Now, I can taste food when I'm wearing them, but not much vape. And then I take the teeth out, and even though I clean the adhesive out of my mouth, I guess there's still a residue leftover? So I can't taste much, even in the way of food, for a bit after that. I was going to try an experiment today, and wear my dentures again, even though I'm not going anywhere, but my sinuses are going way nuts today I think, because we are going to have a cold weather front moving in (Troy, maybe the one you were having?). It's going to drop something like 30 degrees today (this changing weather the last two weeks is killing me anyway), and we are getting snow tomorrow.

So have any of you noticed this, or will no one admit to false teeth? Or maybe the problem is the brand of adhesive - Fixodent? Which doesn't really work all that well to begin with, at least not as advertised.

EDIT: Well, one good thing I discovered with both not being able to taste vape very well yesterday (until about 4 pm, I think the adhesive was wearing off), and not being able to taste vape very well, if at all after I take this new nighttime med, I can vape the rarely vape flavors that I keep around for only when I'm in the mood for it. So a good chunk of yesterday was split between two flavors.

The new nighttime med, well, it goes under the tongue, and depending on how much of the saliva is spread around my mouth, and how soon I take a drink afterward (too soon, equals more oral side effects), has the potential to make my entire mouth partially numb for hours, and render me unable to taste my vape for hours (unless I can confine it to a small area of my mouth, then I can taste in other areas, sometimes, or at least get a partial taste). But this does have it's benefits - as outlined in the previous paragraph above, lol.

Edited by spydre
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I lost my front teeth in a car crash, so only a partial. I did notice I taste it better with my partial out. I also noticed the menthol soothed my irritated gums with my teeth out.

Try different tongue positions when you vape. I noticed I move my tongue differently with different flavors without thinking about it. For example, if I just leave it flat in my mouth, I cant taste my honeysuckle. Also try different angles with your vape.

If my teeth are bothering me, I pop my upper partial down and inhale menthol between the partiail and the top of my mouth.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I actually think it may have something to do with the adhesive I use, or my method of hitting the vaporizor with my teeth in. I did find that by moving the drip tip to where the vape hits the side of my tongue I can taste it better when my teeth are in.

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