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And we thought my luck was good


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I have been waiting so patiently (not really) for SweetVapes to have a holiday sale or codes. Well, here it is, 20% off hardware and I think 30% on juice. The bummer is the sale is until Monday only. I get paid every other Friday and this Friday was not my payday Friday. Dang, I was going to get 4 of the 1300 rainbow spinners and 5 packs of KPT coils. At the sale price I could get all that for right at $100.00. It's times like this that I really miss getting paid weekly. :crybaby:

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Well, okay, look at it this way.....your luck with CONTESTS is good. But I think there's one contest you won't be winning, as I think that one contest may get cancelled from not enough participants. :(

Yeah, in December, any variations in price hurt like a mother, I totally understand you.

How many grandkids do you have? Only reason I ask is because, well, when MY parents' 5th and 6th grandkids were born (twins!), they announced then and there that Christmas present for THEIR children had ended, and they would only be buying presents for the grands. And I totally understand that - 3 kids, 2, sometimes 3 spouses/significant others, plus 6 grands? That's......an incredible amount of money. I frankly, don't know how my in-laws manage it, and they only have 2 kids and 4 grands.

And I also totally understand you wanting to get your kids a way to get off smoking. Okay, that sounded wrong. A way to quit smoking, and that's lovely, and I've thought that ever since you first mentioned it a couple months ago. My mom reimbursed us for our starter kits (which, since you can't use the batteries while they are charging, we each got double starter kits - 2 batteries - and they were $60 a piece), because she was so THRILLED that we were FINALLY going to quit smoking. Come to think of it, I think she paid for my brother's patches when he quit smoking shortly after she had her triple bypass in 2000.

Anyway, Patricia, good luck. Shop around, PLUS, it's now officially the Christmas Shopping Season, and Cyber Monday is two days away. Yes, the Black Friday sale may be ending Monday, but I would lay odds that they, or another supplier that carries it, will be having another sale soon. Keep an eye out. You may even want to contact SweetVapes directly and ask if there are going to be any other sales prior to December 17.

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