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To VV or VW...that is the question....


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Okay APV drivers...I get this question all the time, and I have my stupid answer...so I'm looking for a new one...

Do you use your APV in VV or VW...and why do you choose that mode?

Just tell me your reasons why..any and all .........also a technical answer if you know

Thanks and gobble gobble...

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I use VW since I use a variety of resistances. I am about "ease" and nothing is easier than having my APV read the resistance and pair the power output perfectly. When I was using VV I found myself fumbling around a lot and now with one exception I keep mine set on 7v and mostly use 1.8-2.2ohm resistances. I have one flavor I do bump it to 7.5w with a 2.2ohm coil.

I do not think you can have a more powerful hit with wattage Grant. Its all the same thing, it is still voltage going to your coil but in wattage mode it adjusts the voltage to keep the same power regardless of the resistance of your atty. 7 watts with a 1.8ohm coil produces less voltage than 7 watts with a 2.2 ohm coil yet the power output is the same.

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I use VW since I use a variety of resistances. I am about "ease" and nothing is easier than having my APV read the resistance and pair the power output perfectly. When I was using VV I found myself fumbling around a lot and now with one exception I keep mine set on 7v and mostly use 1.8-2.2ohm resistances. I have one flavor I do bump it to 7.5w with a 2.2ohm coil.

I do not think you can have a more powerful hit with wattage Grant. Its all the same thing, it is still voltage going to your coil but in wattage mode it adjusts the voltage to keep the same power regardless of the resistance of your atty. 7 watts with a 1.8ohm coil produces less voltage than 7 watts with a 2.2 ohm coil yet the power output is the same.

I am in total agreement. I always vape in the same power range. When I change delivery devices of different resistances or swap batteries my pv remembers the wattage, and therefore the voltage required, when set for vw and automatically adjusts to my preferred setting. When set for vv no device "remembers" and has to be adjusted from scratch every time. Can you get a just as good a vape with vv? Yes but you will find yourself having to make adjustments to your pv far more often than you would if using vw.

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I, too, volt at VW. I don't want to have to verify the resistance each time I change tanks, and THEN figure out what I should then set the voltage to. VW, I stick it on the power setting I like, and only have to adjust if it feels like its burning my juice. Yes, I have a calculator app on my phone for figuring out volts/ohms/watts, but it's much easier for the non-technophobe me to set to the power I want. When I first started talking to my hubby about the troubles I was having with my MVP, (he runs VV only, a Provari), he asked me what voltage I had it set to. I was like, "I don't know, it's set for 6 watts, if I go above 6 (the bottom) it tastes burned." When we started trouble shooting the MPV was the first time I messed with voltage since about 4 days after getting the Zmax originally, once I honed in on where he was dialing in his 618 at.

EDIT: Of course, now that I'll be getting an MVP as a replacement, I HAVE asked for a Spinner for Christmas so I have variable voltage to vape off of the couple hours a day that the MVP is charging.

Edited by spydre
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I'm slightly confused by all this ? Why would you want to adjust the wattage ? If you have a voltage of 3.6V and put it through a coil of 1.8 you are vaping at 7.2W. If you increase the voltage to 4.2V again through a 1.8 coil the wattage becomes 9.8W.

You can adjust the Wattage all you like in theory it will increase the voltage or decrease the voltage.

So why have the option to adjust wattage ? The wattage is dependent on voltage and resistance anyway.

It's impossible to have a higher or lower wattage without altering either the voltage or the coil.

That's how ohms law works.

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I'm slightly confused by all this ? Why would you want to adjust the wattage ? If you have a voltage of 3.6V and put it through a coil of 1.8 you are vaping at 7.2W. If you increase the voltage to 4.2V again through a 1.8 coil the wattage becomes 9.8W.

You can adjust the Wattage all you like in theory it will increase the voltage or decrease the voltage.

So why have the option to adjust wattage ? The wattage is dependent on voltage and resistance anyway.

It's impossible to have a higher or lower wattage without altering either the voltage or the coil.

That's how ohms law works.

you set the wattage you like to vape at and your device adjusts the voltage for you no matter the resistance of atty that your using.
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Another thing to remember is that coils dont maintain a consistent resistance throughout its life. I find that my coils resistance lessens over time. If you are using VW, the device will automatically adjust for the variations.

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Now its beginning to make sense. I just didn't see the point in being able to adjust the wattage.

Probably why spinner batteries only have a variable voltage. Absolutely no point in needing to know the wattage or change it as its dependant on the coil and voltage.

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Now its beginning to make sense. I just didn't see the point in being able to adjust the wattage.

Probably why spinner batteries only have a variable voltage. Absolutely no point in needing to know the wattage or change it as its dependant on the coil and voltage.

Also on a spinner you do not know the true resistance. I find most 1.8ohm Kanger coils read 2.0-2.1 and most 2.2s read 2.3-2.5. The inconsistency of the resistance on coils makes wattage even that much more appealing to me personally.

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Provari's are obviously VV only not a big deal to me, i fiddle with voltages throughout the day. MVP (V1) is also only VV. My evic is VW and stays in that mode as well. I generally keep the same device on the mod for a few days (3-4) tank fulls so it generally stays the same.

Stalking my parts for a DNA 20 build...stay tuned

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Actually after the bump, received three great answers, I understand it's all personal preference...but that's not the greatest selling point when trying to sell a 150.00 APV, and I aappreciate your input.....Now don't be snippy, just go back to your turkeys and family!!

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Actually after the bump, received three great answers, I understand it's all personal preference...but that's not the greatest selling point when trying to sell a 150.00 APV, and I aappreciate your input.....Now don't be snippy, just go back to your turkeys and family!!

What APV are you selling for $150?

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Okay, and here I thought the reason you were asking was to possibly jump to the VW side of the fence, not reasons to use to sell someone on the VW side of the fence.

So what selling points will you be using?

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Okay, and here I thought the reason you were asking was to possibly jump to the VW side of the fence, not reasons to use to sell someone on the VW side of the fence.

So what selling points will you be using?

From what I've read of his initial question it seemed to me that he was looking for points and correct information to give to a vaper new to mods. Troy's already well versed in the voltage side, has had a Tesla and Evic for some time so he's used vw, but was looking for more information so he could give a new buyer options of what wattage versus voltage offers.

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I knew he was well versed in vv side of it, and I knew he had both the evic and Tesla (and gave me a good recommendation for the Tesla), I was just thinking, well, okay, let me put this in terms that sort of show the differences between my husband and me.

He got his Provari, and even with ambiguity of the vague charts we have, was more than happy playing around, finding out how high he could push the voltage....while I still didn't REALLY understand what was going on......

it wasn't until I REALLY liked the way hubby's 618 tasted, and I asked what voltage he had it on, and what resistance, that I decided to duplicate the wattage, and I decided THAT was a setting I really liked, for all my juices.

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I knew he was well versed in vv side of it, and I knew he had both the evic and Tesla (and gave me a good recommendation for the Tesla), I was just thinking, well, okay, let me put this in terms that sort of show the differences between my husband and me.

He got his Provari, and even with ambiguity of the vague charts we have, was more than happy playing around, finding out how high he could push the voltage....while I still didn't REALLY understand what was going on......

it wasn't until I REALLY liked the way hubby's 618 tasted, and I asked what voltage he had it on, and what resistance, that I decided to duplicate the wattage, and I decided THAT was a setting I really liked, for all my juices.

Okay, sorry but I'm kinda dense tonight. What does the explanation above have to do with the question below?

Okay, and here I thought the reason you were asking was to possibly jump to the VW side of the fence, not reasons to use to sell someone on the VW side of the fence.

So what selling points will you be using?

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Sorry, I was rushed upstairs before I could completely finish my response, and I'd hoped to get back to it to edit it quickly, but that didn't happen. Basically, you have people like hubby, and Troy, who have knowledge oozing out of their pores, and then you have people like me, who VW is PERFECT for. If you give them help getting to a good wattage setting for ONE juice, they can go from there in their little VW world - so I guess it's another selling point.

But actually, the post was more related to your post about his knowledge.

BTW, wrong place to ask, but I can't find the thread talking about the EC dragon flavors? If I find it, you'll know.

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