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Vaping in the car


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I've been having trouble with this lately. It always seems like when the heat is on, I can't get a good cloud (makes sense since it seems like very dry heat in my car atleast) but it also seems to affect my throat hit. Has anyone else experienced this or am I crazy? It's driving me nuts.

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Keep it away from the blowing heat vent. It will stay too warm and what you are describing will happen. I learned this by frustration and experience. When the heat is on in my car, I set it down in the cup holder or on the dash. My steering wheel happens to be close to the heat vents.

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Warm air holds more moisture.

Cold air won't hold moisture. This is why you can see your breath on a cold winter day.

Therefore you will not get the vapor you expect with fan blowing hot air in your car.

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In NOLA I blow big clouds, in Colorado, not so much!!

Now that you mention it I do recall that while I was in California the vapor production easily doubled what I get here in Colorado. I'm just not used to humidity that's more than single digits I guess. :D

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I use my car as a camper (you should see my setup). I can still get decent clouds when not using the in-dash heater. In camper mode, there's 2 other heaters, one electric, one propane. The propane heater allows for real nice clouds. I found that out the other day when I ran out of gas and had to sit at the side of the road for over an hour.

Oh, and feel free to be jealous that when I break down (or drink too much at a party) I have a bed with heater right there. Nice and warm, comfy, complete with lighting that doesn't make the starter battery flat.

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