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How long to steep ECBlends?


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Okay, so my ECBlends order is aboutish ten days old. I think. So, I tried one of the flavors again last night, and still no flavor at all (that juice - the only one tanked). So I'm wondering how long I need to steep these flavors before I should start tasting something - anything.

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Hoping I hear you right....if its in a tank it can't breathe, therefore not steeping properly, I leave my bottles open, taking the droppers/ dripper tips off, and shaking at least once a day, the Flan is way better in 3 weeks, the rum soaked raisins were great in a month, the choc mint chip...still a little off but as I taste the ones weekly i don't have already steeped and ready to go

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The only steeping my juices get is when I'm not using them and using a different flavor. Personally I dont taste a difference between one that has been sitting vs. right out of the mailbox. The only difference taste wise for me is the difference a juice tastes when its in a plastic tank or a pryex tank (and for me that is quite considerable).

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