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If you're not experiencing these symptoms during the day when you're vaping, I'd hazard a guess that it's not connected to your juice. But I'm not a medical professional so this is just my opinion. :)

Have you increased your liquid/water intake since you started vaping? If I skimp on that it makes my throat dry so coughing results.

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I have had reactions as you describe but much milder. I have always attributed it to quitting smoking as opposed to reactions to juices. And those reactions have diminished in the last 6 months as well.

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I would hazard a guess that it's your body going through tobacco cigarette withdrawal - all the chemicals in there. It does take time to detox off the cigarettes, even if you are replacing the nicotine.

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I would hazard a guess that it's your body going through tobacco cigarette withdrawal - all the chemicals in there. It does take time to detox off the cigarettes, even if you are replacing the nicotine.

I would have to agree. I coughed and felt like crap for couple months when I first started vaping and was off cigarettes. I felt that it was just the toxins working out of my body. I had Flem in my throat constantly yet, over time, it went away. I even got sick with the flu shortly after I started vaping. I honestly thought I wouldn't get through it. Within 3 months I was glad I stuck with it because all the symptoms went away and I felt great.

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