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Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this. After trying literally hundreds of flavors their Endless Summer is my favorite by a wide margin. Been through 7-8 30ml bottles since trying it. The liquid has always had a slightly yellow hue when it came in that quickly darkened to a deep yellow over a few days. I have never steeped or felt I needed to with their flavors.

Fast forward to my last order of it I received. It arrived very clear with no color to it at all and tastes different. I emailed Jared and he said it was normal and should darken with steeping but after 2 weeks of steeping the only thing that has happened is that instead of clear it is cloudy and still tastes off.

Anyone else that are Fuzion regulars notice a difference lately? I would probably have just written it off to a bad batch except for an email a while back that said they were lowering their prices. It made me wonder if they changed their base in some way. I ordered another bottle and sent another email letting them know something is definitely amiss with this particular batch.


The first bottle of OrangeZilla that I bought from them was smooth and very tasty. That's why I ordered the second bigger bottle. I thought it was just me because the second one is harsh and doesn't taste right. Even after steeping several weeks the taste is still not what I experienced with the first bottle. In any event I won't be reordering any more. :(


The sampler pack bottle of unicorn blood that I got first was markedly better than the 30 ml I later ordered. Fruit Blend too was different in a 30 ml Nice Melons has been consistent.

Unfortunate, still good, but consistency is key.


I mean I have had 7-8 bottles spanning several months that were all 100% the same.

I hope it is just an anomaly I do not want to have to search for a new favorite supplier.


Unfortunate, still good, but consistency is key.

And lack of makes me not want to order from them anymore. Playing, "will this batch be good?" type of Russian Roulette does not appeal to me. I think I'm going to see what I can mix over at EC Blends to try to come up with an OrangeZilla clone...


And lack of makes me not want to order from them anymore. Playing, "will this batch be good?" type of Russian Roulette does not appeal to me. I think I'm going to see what I can mix over at EC Blends to try to come up with an OrangeZilla clone...

EC Blends has a flavor called Orange Cream. I was out at the local B&M tonight and that was one of the flavors my friend purchased. It was very yummy.

While I was there, I was testing out some of the Fuzion flavors they had in stock. I liked them, but not enough to purchase.


EC Blends has a flavor called Orange Cream. I was out at the local B&M tonight and that was one of the flavors my friend purchased. It was very yummy.

While I was there, I was testing out some of the Fuzion flavors they had in stock. I liked them, but not enough to purchase.

EC Blends' Orange Cream is good, and I've ordered it before but lacks the spice part that is in OrangeZilla. I'll play around to see if I can't make something similar. Fuzion's prices are too high not to be consistent, IMO.


I have had similar experiences with other vendors. I halfway wonder if it isn't a problem with growth. A lot of these places are fairly new and I'm sure they are experiencing growing pains. I don't think Fuzion is that old of a company and it wouldn't surprise me if they have 10X their juice output in the last couple of months. You know, it probably used to be one guy making juice and now they are trying to figure out how to mass produce juice. I the best of all possible worlds it shouldn't matter but you never know, Their quality could be suffering from shear volume.

I got a "bad batch" from one of my favorite vendors. I emailed them and they didn't even respond! Crazy, right? I'm going to try contacting them one more time and then, that's it, I'll be done with them.

I do have sympathy for them, though. If growth in this industry is as predicted there must be some serious growing pains going on out there. Ask imedic, I'll bet he's experiencing some pretty good growth along these lines.

Anyway, that's just my take on it. I think juice is the most inconsistent element of all in vaping. It can be very frustrating.


I get that there can be some variance especially when the liquids are not necessarily "made to order". I literally like this flavor twice as much as any other, that is what has me pissed off lol. I ordered a 120ml just last week (While thinking this was just a new batch that needed to be steeped) that should arrive today or tomorrow and I am interested to see if it is the same as the other 8-9 bottles that were perfect or the same as the most recent one I got. I mean, its still good it doesn't taste like a turd now or anything haha. Its just missing something.

Its just almost too coincidental that the first order I receive after getting a "We have found a way to lower our prices" e-mail is this way. Not sure, but still not very happy about it. Again hopefully it was just a bad batch not the new norm. I can accept that. Still waiting on a response to my second e-mail about how steeping it has done no good and it has not darkened at all only gotten cloudy. If the 120ml bottle is the same way and I do not get some sort of compensation I will be very pissed.


Not but 3 years ago juice prices were much higher, almost double. I was selling 5ml for $5.99, 10ml $8.99 30ml $25.99. Prices for base ingredients have not changed much, some have gone up. I'm not justifying what Fuzion is doing but, I can say profits from juice are much less than they used to be. It doesn't surprise me that quality has gone down in lieu of profit. A company can not survive long when selling product near or at cost. Having said that, a company needs to find ways to produce more at a lower cost or raise it's prices. I would rather pay a $1.00 more for a product and have it continue to be consistent, than pay the same or more for less quality. Lets face it no matter what device you use, it boils down to flavor, juice quality, and fair pricing that brings costumers back and keeps them vaping. It is a fine line for juice companies to walk, and if they go drastically one way or the other, it can be disastrous for the company.


Lets face it no matter what device you use, it boils down to flavor, juice quality, and fair pricing that brings costumers back and keeps them vaping. It is a fine line for juice companies to walk, and if they go drastically one way or the other, it can be disastrous for the company.

Don't forget to add: good or better than good customer service. I do wonder why it's taking them so long to respond to Bcarter's email.


Good point, that to is vary important. :yes

One vendor who is very popular with quite a few forum members lost my business because of poor customer service. I used to spend at least a hundred to two hundred dollars at their store per month. Now, it goes to other vendors who appreciate my business and show it by way of good customer service practices. You won't ever find me recommending them to anyone either. :evil:


Company's Business Owners all to often forget that customers are their boss. Without them they have no company. Seems like the bigger a company gets the first thing that suffers is customer service.


Well still no response to my second email to Jared but the bottle that just came in is good just like all before with the exception of the last one.

Just to be clear the one bottle that is off is still better than anything I have tried anywhere else just different and not as much to my liking as the others before it. I'm not bashing Fuzion just wondering if anyone else had noticed a change.

I agree about customer service. Not to brag but that's the only reason my dealership is top in our zone in both sales and CSI (customer satisfaction index from surveys) and the one across town is not in the top 20 in either.


I sent another email this morning. I am still pretty upset at this. After trying the new bottle it is about the same as the old bottle. I guess maybe I am whining but something drastic has changed with their liquid. This is the e-mail I sent this morning and he reply I got. I will keep everyone advised on the situation:

Brian Carter <bcartervol98@gmail.com>
8:04 AM (2 hours ago)
to Jared
Jared I am not a happy customer. I am not looking for anything but as a business owner myself I thought it best to let you know my problem and why I most likely will not order from Fuzion again.

I have literally tried hundreds of flavors and haven't found one I like as much as your Endless Summer, or even half as much. It WAS awesome. I say was because the last 30ml I received smelled different, was completely clear, and nowhere near the same. I emailed you about it and you said it would darken and get better with steeping. I have been steeping it for almost a month, lid off, shaking it every day etc... The only thing that has happened is the liquid has gotten cloudy and tastes the same. I made the mistake of ordering a $55 bottle thinking it was just a bad batch since I literally have had several very consistent bottles in a row. It is no different.

Something has changed since I got the "We have lowered our prices" e-mail. The recent inconsistency at Fuzion has been a fairly hot topic in the forums I am on and I think most would rather pay the old price to get the old quality.


Brian Carter
Jared Davis
8:45 AM (1 hour ago)
to me


After reading this email, I’m very upset that you didn’t receive the product you are use to. I spoke with the Lab Manager and I asked him before the rest of the Lab Crew comes in to mix your order for you. He is currently doing that now. After looking at your order history, I see that you have been ordering almost religiously for the past three months, and we do value our customers. I refunded you for that order, you have every right to be frustrated and upset, I’m personally pretty upset that you haven’t gotten the product you’re used to. As someone who really is a FuZionhead and supports us, my job is to help resolve these issues. So if this doesn’t resolve the flavor issue, please email me back right away and I will definitely speak with the Lab Director personally. If there is anything else I can do for you please don’t hesitate to email me back Brian.

So basically they refunded the $57 inc shipping for the 120ml that I just got and are mixing me another 120ml to send.

I am happy they stepped up, now lets see if the next one is better.


That's great that Jared finally answered your email and Fuzion is working to resolve the problem. If the new juice is the same as the old juice does that mean you'll need to have your order filled by the Lab Manager every time in order to get the quality you're used to? They might want to take a look at the others who make the juice to ensure quality control.

As for me I'm torn between contacting Jared to see what they'll do or just moving on... It's too bad because I really enjoyed OrangeZilla. Well, the first bottle anyway.


Glad Jared is stepping up... I hope this was just an anomaly because I had been considering making an order, but I will wait and see how this plays out before I do!


I wonder how much they pay a QC vaper. You know, a juice tester who makes sure it's all good before it goes out the door? Some guy to stand there at the door and say "how come this juice, which has always been amber is suddenly clear?" I don't know. It seems like an obvious function at a company to me. Jared doesn't appear to address any possible changes or malfunctions at all. That's not right, right?


Lab manager & crew... hmmm is that what he calls the people working in his kitchen mixing the juice in the kitchen sink? :D


Lab manager & crew... hmmm is that what he calls the people working in his kitchen mixing the juice in the kitchen sink? :D

Hey, they clean their ketchup bottles lol.

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