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I finally got to move on to my new juice yesterday so I broke out my new KPT 2s and wanted to say thank you all who suggested for me to try it because they are the BOMB! I don't know why but much better then their predecessor the ProTank. The new juice is really good too. The only one I tried so far is VapeDudes Black Honey and it is delicious. I counted them up and I must have got juice crazy because I have 33 bottles steeping at this moment. 1 50ml, 10 30ml and the rest 10ml. That's a lot of shaking everyday. : )


I feel the same way! I am up to 6 now and they are all in rotation. Most dependable of all those I have used as far as total lack of problems.

Posted (edited)

Ok... now you have done it. I have been tossing around switching up to a PT2... I guess I am going to have to go spend some more money and get a PT2...

Patricia, have you been taking "how to get people to spend their $$" lessons from Tam? :question:

Edited by Havamal

I only have 2 in my rotation but I will buy at least another 2. I love them now that I have gotten into building my own micro coils with cotton wicks for them. They work and taste flawless and provide huge clouds for me.


While I mostly use drippers... I have to say these and the divides are AWESOME for work. Little to no fuss and easy to fill and use. The drip tips on the kpt2 are awesome and I wish I could find more of those in different colors. ;) rock on Patricia!!! Are my liquids part of the ones steeping? Bc they don't need to steep. :) I pre steep them before I send them. (Ultrasonic steeping not sitting around).


I completely and totally agree! I'm loving mine.....and maybe if I can ever get my flavors sorted out, I'll be able to buy more.


Ok... now you have done it. I have been tossing around switching up to a PT2... I guess I am going to have to go spend some more money and get a PT2...

Patricia, have you been taking "how to get people to spend their $$" lessons from Tam? :question:

Blame Carter it's his fault. He made me do it.


I traded 5 used Davide Minis for 2 new KPT 2s. Still have 5 Davide minis, not knocking them but vastly prefer the KPT 2 lol. I will use the Davides to try new flavors and whenever I want to use my small batteries like at parties, eating out, caves (lol) etc....


While I mostly use drippers... I have to say these and the divides are AWESOME for work. Little to no fuss and easy to fill and use. The drip tips on the kpt2 are awesome and I wish I could find more of those in different colors. ;) rock on Patricia!!! Are my liquids part of the ones steeping? Bc they don't need to steep. :) I pre steep them before I send them. (Ultrasonic steeping not sitting around).

I did not know that Medic. I've never heard of that before. Yes, I have not enjoyed your juice yet because I was letting them steep. I will put them into my next rotation so I can tell everybody how awesome they are. So is that what most places, except EC Blends, does? Is EC Blends the only place that I need to worry about steeping? That would be good news because I am getting a little tired of having to shake 33 bottles of liquid every morning before I go to work. Since I see you have paid attention and are aware of my appreciation for drip tips with pretty colors if you happen to see any while you are surfing around send me a link please. With these Rainbow colored batteries bright colored drip tips really sets the whole unit off and almost every color goes with them.


Steeping is not a "have to" with any flavors. Some are fine out of the box. I steep all VapeDudes and ECBlends flavors now that I have seen the difference.

I never before steeped Fuzion flavors. I am pretty sure they make them in batches and have never seen a steeping recommendation nor the claim they are made to order in any of their info. My absolute favorite flavor, one I vape as much of as every other flavor combined, is their Endless Summer. It always comes in with a slight yellow color and it darkens over time. The last bottle I got was clear as water. I e-mailed them and they said thats the fresh batch and it needs to steep at least a couple weeks. I am using it as it is not bad, but not as good as usual. I ordered 120ml that shipped yesterday and am hoping it is from an older batch lol. If not to the steeping shelf it goes.


I actually agree, I love my kpt2. surprisingly I use it more on my k100+ then my genesis. I bought my mech mod just for my rebuildables but end up using them on my SVD instead... lol

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