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$160 bucks?!? Really?!? Come on :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:



Really now. What gives with this? Whats up with the lynard? Who would wear that around thier neck?

I think you are paying alot for this and, ooo, such a pretty box. If you put water on the box will it turn to juice to vape? They should give a 10ml or even a 30ml of juice with it for $160.

Batteries do not look like they are protected.


dont know what he's going to be pissed about, selling something for $160 when the parts are only worth $20. i think the consumer has a little more to be pissed about.


I haven't been impressed with TW's prices or practices lately.

there juice doesnt taste that great. they do have great service, selection, and a cool looking website.


They have a good price on 801 atomizers and they have the cool devil logo. However, I bought a 5 pack and the first one I tried died in less than a week. Saving the others for emergencies. :thumbsdown:


People in the UK who have bought SD Mk 2s seem really pleased with them. (I have no axe to grind here, because I have "old" SDs which work fine - I've had them for a long time and bought them before most of the alternatives became available - I don't see the need to buy a new one). Reports indicate a high quality product, and sales in the UK and pre-orders on TW's US site look very good. I agree they ARE expensive, but we all used to spend 1000's of quid/bucks a year on cigs...

The only report I seen from anyone who has tried a DSE905 thought it was not very good quality and wouldn't last too long.

I really fancy a Super-T - looks like really high quality build and great design - BUT buying one at the moment isn't possible. The point about the SD Mk2s is that they are and will be readily available.

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