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never smokers who vape

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I was surfing around the web (hey, that's what it's there for, right?) and read a few threads at different forums about people mentioning they never smoked regular cigarettes but picked up vaping. Most of those threads had people going on about how "lame" or "stupid" it would be for somebody to pick up a vape if they never had a nicotine habit.

It bothered me enough to put this out there...
A long time ago, I was a teenager who had never smoked a cigarette a day in my life. I picked up a cigarette having never had one before, and having 0 nicotine addiction at the time, no "need" for a nicotine fix. As far as I'm aware, all smokers and former smokers were at one point never smokers. It seems hypocritical to rag on somebody for picking up a nic habit.
Were you addicted after your first cigarette? I wasn't. I went days without after my first cigarette. I went back for my 2nd and 3rd cigarettes for the same reason I vape now.... nicotine is enjoyable.

Do I think kids should be vaping? Hell no. I don't think they should smoke or drink either. In fact, I'm not a big fan of kids using caffeine. They don't understand the risks of using caffeine. (I used to flat out abuse caffeine. I have kidney issues to show for it. It's a drug, and it can hurt you).
Do I think a 20 year old never smoker should pick up a vape with nicotine in it? I think that's his or her choice to make and being somebody who picked up nicotine when I was a never-smoker, and AGAIN 12 years after I broke that addiction, I'm in no place to judge.

...and of course, there's the fact that somebody who's first "smoke" is water vapor with some flavor and nicotine in it is still another person who won't be coughing up a cancerous lung later on.

Maybe being so harsh on vapers who are never smokers isn't such a fantastic idea. I wonder how many who got flak for considering it went and bought a pack of Marbs instead.

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I agree with some of your sentiments. Another way to look at it though would be if you don't have the addiction why deliberately get it? My concern would be a person who is not addicted gets that way ,then vaping supplies get regulated and the only way to satisfy the addiction is to buy overpriced and overtaxed prefilled cartomisers from "big tobacco". I am of the opinion that it would be a good idea for of us addicts to use this valuable tool to get ourselves rid of this addiction while we still have control over what we can buy and how we use it. Hope things stay the way they are but I am afraid things seldom work out for folks like us in the long run. Too many miserable people out there who cannot stand to see a happy person enjoying themselves.

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I would never advise someone without a nicotine addiction to form one. With that said, I think it is up to each individual over the age of 18 to make their own decision. Being 43 and smoking a pack and a half a day for over 27 years I see vaping as a way to save my life. I enjoy not smoking, but not so much vaping. I wish I had the willpower to overcome my nicotine addiction as my preference would be to do neither.

Nicotine in low doses like we get is much less harmful than smoking but in no way is "without harm" as for me, personally, it is the only thing I have ever done that has this kind of grip on me. In college and for a few years after I did at least 1/4 oz of cocaine every day. I could afford it, I didn't see the harm. I decided I wanted to quit and did with very little withdrawal. I couldn't do that with nicotine. Outside Heroin and Meth there are few drugs I havent done, but none were as physically and psychologically addictive as nicotine.

If I am ever harsh on a non smoker that wants to pick up vaping, and I do not think I ever have been, it is because of how utterly and completely addictive nicotine is even for those that do not have addictive personalities. In the end, however, it is up to each individual to choose their path and can only give advice. Everyone's choice is their own to live with.

in the narrow scope of vaping vs. smoking, obviously I would rather see someone start vaping as opposed to smoking but in either case, they are building an addiction that will be very hard to overcome and I would advise against it personally.

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its like why do people do hookah? some do it for the action of some do it for the flavor

why not substitute vape for hookah.

I am a non smoker that wants favored vape. Tried hookah but vape is so much more accessible. I vape 0 nic. I enjoy building. I enjoy vaping. I think of it more of a hobby.

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I still wonder about my addiction. As I've mentioned, I quit for 12 years. You would think that was long enough to never want one, but not one day went by that I didn't still want a cigarette. I pacified that "need" by gnawing on EVERYTHING - pens, bottle caps, straws, even one of my USB drives was destroyed in a moment of stressed induced mindless gnawing. I smoked herbal cigarettes that had 0 tobacco in them, but I'd end up chain smoking the pack and still wanted a Camel. Friends smoked and I felt like a kid helplessly pawing at the window of a candy store.

I guess 12 years didn't fully kill it.

Oddly enough, none of my headmates ever smoked, it was just me when I was front.

I guess I have an addictive personality because I'm also helplessly addicted to caffeine. I had to give up caffeine for a week for testing on our inner ears, and I was actually in tears wishing for death by day 3. Friends had to keep tabs on me to make sure I didn't have a cup of coffee. Wow, that's actually kind of sad. What is wrong with me?!

Edited by HelloMiakoda
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